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Online profile pic, one of my Oblivion characters
ESO main

Sometimes here to edit, mostly here to read.

Despite reading here for many years, I only made my account when I found a small mistake on the wiki and like a good person, decided to fix it instead of complaining.

My first experience with TES was when I started playing Oblivion as a kid who couldn't speak English. It went like this:

  • Had no clue what to do exactly after existing the sewers as I didn't know the language.
  • Stole a sword in the imperial city because I didn't have the money for it every previous games I played I was allowed to take any loot I could take. Owner started yelling but otherwise nothing happened.
  • Still didn't know what to do.
  • Figured guards generally know what's going on in their area, started conversation with one in hopes he'd tell me where to go.
  • Got the famous "You violated the law" dialogue.
  • Realising I made a mistake quickly tried to cancel the conversation, which counted as resiting arrest.
  • Died.
  • Shut down the game until I knew enough English to play.

That was many years ago. When I learned more English I came back, and was soon sold to my ever since favorite franchise. By now I played (but not finished) en modded all major TES games and some spin-offs, as well as having spent some time making my own mods for Oblivion and Skyrim.

I used to be very busy and passionate about modding games, mainly but not limited to TES. I originally learned to mod manually, and still hold the unpopular believe that manually installing mods is preferable over using mod managers despite the higher learning curve. It gives some insight in how everything is build up, making you understand why some things don't work or do and at times even make it easy to make incompatible mods work together by altering or moving some files. It gives freedom to mix and match more, and makes you know more what's going on as you did it yourself so it becomes easier to debug issues. And not unimportant, encourages one to read descriptions properly. The experience in modding manually also made the step to edit and later make my own mods a rather small one that just happened naturally. Also, I somehow always break my games with mod managers. So maybe it's just a me-issue. Load order sorters on the other hand are heaven's send.

While I was quite passionate about them in the past, I'm no longer very busy with mods. Nowadays I prefer the ease of being able to play in the train and continue home on my TV. I guess I got old.



Most played games
User-userbox-Morrowind.gif This user is knowledgeable about Morrowind.
User-userbox-Oblivion.png This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
SR-icon-logo.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim.
ON-icon-logo.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Elder Scrolls Online.
MWMOD-logo-OpenMW.png This user prefers OpenMW.
User-userbox-Oblivion Mod.gif This user is knowledgeable about the Oblivion Construction Set.
User-userbox-Skyrim Mod.gif This user is knowledgeable about the Skyrim Creation Kit.
Favourite higher beings
SR-npc-Hermaeus Mora.jpg This user worships Hermaeus Mora.
SI-npc-Sheogorath.jpg This user worships Sheogorath.
OB-place-Sanctuary Door.jpg This user worships Sithis.
LO-race-Dunmer.png This user especially likes Dunmer
LO-race-Nord.png This user especially likes Nords
ON-icon-logo.jpg ESO username (EU): @CAMBI0NN
ON-icon-logo.jpg This user is a Scholar of the UESP ESO guild on the Europe PC server.
ON-icon-logo.jpg This user focuses on PvE content.
UESP activity
Wiki.png This user has been on UESPWiki for 4 years and 10 months.
Wiki.png This user has made a grand total of   110 edits in 1765 days.
User-userbox-UESPholic 5.png This user scored 5925 points on the UESPholic Test.
User-userbox-Patreon.jpg This user is an Orcish level supporter of the UESP Patreon.
UESP-social-Discord.png This user wishes there was a Matrix bridge so this user could visits the official UESP Discord Server.
User-userbox-Linux Logo.png This user plays on Linux.
Nintendo Switch Logo.svg This user plays on the Nintendo Switch.
Flag Netherlands.png This user is from the Netherlands.
OB-icon-Value.png This user values privacy, security, and open-source.
OB-npc-Glarthir.jpg This user hates tracking and privacy intrusion.