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Military Fort:
(view on map)
# of Zones 2
Clearable No
Respawn Time 10 days
Level Min: 6
Elemental Mages
Important Treasure
Catalogue of Armor Enchantments
Console Location Code(s)
FortAmol01, FortAmol02, FortAmol03, FortAmol04, FortAmol05, FortAmol06, FortAmolEntrance, FortAmolEdge, FortAmolExterior, FortAmolExterior03
Southeast of the Abandoned Prison
Northwest of Darkwater Crossing
Special Features
# of Alchemy Labs 1
# of Arcane Enchanters 1
# of Cooking Pots/Spits 1
Fort Amol

10 is a Stormcloak fort located to the northwest of Darkwater Crossing along the White River. It is initially occupied by hostile elemental mages, who have captured the fort from the Stormcloak force occupying it. The fort has a courtyard and two interior zones: Fort Amol and Fort Amol Prison.

Related Quests[edit]


Exterior: Courtyard[edit]

As you travel down the White River, a small stone cairn will mark the path to Fort Amol. Its walls are easily visible from the river banks. There is an elemental mages patrolling outside the fort's outer wall near the arch that forms the main entrance to the courtyard. There is a second mage patrolling the outer wall and a third often found working at an alchemy lab found at the rear of the courtyard. There are numerous corpses of Stormcloaks and a burnt corpse found in and around the exterior of the fort. A final mage can be located on top of the barracks, to the north, performing some type of ritual. There is a chest next to the alchemy lab and a shrine of Julianos, with a red mountain flower beside it, on the other side of the lab. In the tower to the east are a couple of empty small tables, a dresser and wardrobe containing a random selection of clothes, an empty set of shelves and an unlocked chest. At the top of the tower is another table with a barrel and two food sacks at either end. There is an entrance to Fort Amol Prison on the ground level, with a small cage hanging to the right. There re two entrances to Fort Amol interior; one on the ground level and the other on the level above.

Sometimes, when you clear out the mages, Fort Amol will not be listed as "Cleared". However, after a couple of days, Stormcloaks will retake the fort. If you follow the Imperial Civil War questline, a battle will be fought here, after which the garrison will change to the Imperial Legion. If you are not aligned with the Stormcloaks, while they control the fort, they will consider you to be trespassing if you enter either of the two interior zones. If however you are allied with the Stormcloaks, you can get rest, food and utilize a horse from the stables in the courtyard.

Fort Amol[edit]

Entering from the ground level in the courtyard a mage will be standing in the next room. Any sound of battle with him will likely cause the other two mages from upstairs to join the fray. This can make for a very warm welcome. Be very wary of the fire mages as they can do large amounts of damage very quickly, especially if carrying items such as a staff of firebolts. The downstairs entrance room contains a fireplace on the right, with a cooking pot in front and a copy of The Amulet of King on the floor beside it. There is a doorway to the left and a long wooden table to the left of that. On the table is a set of blue mages robes, an iron dagger and a random potion of magicka.

To the northwest is an area where an arcane enchanter is located, with a piece of canis root, two rock warbler eggs and a bowl of bone meal on top. To the right is a stack of crates and food sacks. To the left is a cupboard holding an apothecary's satchel, two potions of regeneration, a copy of the Enchanting skill book Catalogue of Armor Enchantments, two bottles of alto wine, a bottle of Black-Briar mead, a thistle and a piece of cheese. There are two small wooden platforms in the southwest and northwest corner, both hold small tables. On the tale to the southwest is a random poison and the table to the northwest holds three potions of healing and several pieces of cheese, with an adept locked chest beside it. Under the platform to the northwest are three food barrels.

Through the doorway is a passage with a patch of bleeding crown and a patch of Namira's rot fungi in the corner. Stairs lead up to a room in two halves. In the first half are two sets of shelves holding clutter, an end table and a long wooden table holding a bottle of wine, a copy of The Firmament, a leek, three loose septims and a loaf of bread. There is also the upper door leading outside. The rear half of the room contains six unowned single beds, two end tables; one of which has a bowl of frost salts on top and an unlocked chest. Against the north wall is a dresser containing clothes and a small round table holding a sample of white cap fungus, a pair of iron gauntlets and a copy of Gods and Worship. On the floor beside the table is pair of iron boots. Against the west wall is a cupboard holding three common books, a bottle of alto wine, a bowl of fire salts, two medium coin purses, an iron dagger and a pair of fine boots, with a table beside it holding a bottle of alto wine and another common book. Finally against the south wall is another small table holding two deathbell flowers and a bowl of ectoplasm.

Fort Amol Prison[edit]

Through the door is a large guard room contains two leveled mages that will attack as soon as they spot you. There is a small table on the left holding a portion of grilled leeks and a wedge of cheese. In the northwest corner are two sets of shelves; one holds twelves common books and the other only clutter. To the right is a bucket that holds a lantern and under that is a copy of the Spell Tome: Bound Bow. There is a long wooden table opposite the entrance, where one of the mages was sitting, it holds a random potion of extra magicka, a scroll of blizzard, two common books, and an eidar cheese wheel. To the left when sitting at the table is a soul gem stand holding a random empty soul gem. In the southeast corner is a set of shelves holding more clutter, with another set to the left holding two random filled soul gems. There is a doorway in the middle of the east wall that leads to stairs that descend to the cell area. Dowmstairs there is nothing of interest, only seven cells containing unowned single beds,laid out in a circle with several empty small cages around a central stone pillar. All of the cells are unlocked, so you can't even get some lockpicking practice.



  • When the Imperials occupy the fort, the alchemy bench will become embedded in a workbench. Similarly, there will be one chest embedded within another right next to it.
  • The Stormcloak corpses and the ritual circle atop one the northern tower will remain once the hostile mages are expelled. ?
