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User:Alpha Panda/Sandbox
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Morrowind non-unique (but still special) dialogue[edit]
Any unique dialogue I decided to add is marked with [[Red]].
- Telvanni opinion: "These outlanders won't be happy until slavery is outlawed. It's our right to have slaves, by law and custom, and it's none of their damn business."
- Hlaalu opinion: "It's the law of Morrowind. Slavery is legal. The Empire doesn't like it, but the Emperor signed the Armistice, and that made it legal for the Dunmer to retain their ancient laws and customs. Now, there's some Abolitionists who say, "To hell with the law... slavery is wrong." I'm not saying I disagree, in theory. But it's the law."
- Imperial opinion (Trooper): "I've heard of a secret organization called the Twin Lamps. It helps runaway slaves escape. It's against the law to aid runaway slaves. But I think slavery is wrong, and I can understand why these Abolitionists would be willing to break the law."
- Imperial opinion (Knight Errant): "The Twin Lamps is a secret, illegal organization dedicated to the abolition of slavery, and in particular to aiding runaway slaves escape to freedom." (Knight Errant)
- Thirsk people: "I know of no such person. Why do you ask me such ridiculous things?"
- Skaal: "Who?"
- Fort Frostmoth people: "The Dunmer "goddess"? Can't say I know much about her. There's some talk sometimes, but it takes a while for news to travel here."
- Fort Frostmoth Dunmer: "I have heard strange tidings about the goddess, but I learn no details in this place."
- Raven Rock People: "I don't know much about her. The Dark Elves seem to love her, though. And the rest of that bunch."
- Raven Rock Dunmer: "There have been ill tidings on the wind about the goddess, but none in this place know details."
- Solstheim people (Wilderness): "Never heard of her."
- Solstheim Dunmer (Wilderness: "I have been hearing rumors about the goddess, but nothing concrete."
- Any Dark Elf: "Almalexia is Healing Mother, the source of compassion and sympathy, and protector of the poor and weak."
- Any other Race: "Almalexia is one of the gods worshipped by the Dunmer in the Tribunal Temple."
- Temple Priests/Monks/Healers/etc.: "Almalexia was the virtuous wife of Lord Nerevar, and later the Consort of Lord Vivec." Or "Blessed Almalexia the Warden is one of the three Immortals God-Kings of Morrowind, a Pillar of the Tribunal, and the patron of Healers and Teachers."
News of Almalexia's Death[edit]
- Vivec: "That is very sad. I presume she killed Sotha Sil. I thought she might harm me. And I presume she tried to kill you, Nerevarine. It is all very sad. But death comes to all mortals -- and we are all mortal now. In time, death will come to me, Nerevarine -- perhaps even at your hands. It is futile to deny one's fate. But, nonetheless, I'm afraid I find it all very, very sad that it should end this way, something that began in such glory and noble promise."]
- Galsa Andrano: "Your story is unbelievable. But... rumors here say Almalexia is no longer in Mournhold, and she plans to be gone indefinitely. They say she exhausted her body and spirit in the war against Dagoth Ur, but now she plans to travel in disguise among the people, living the life of a mortal, and recovering her love for the world. The Temple plans to keep this a secret, for fear of starting a panic among the Faithful. Now... I don't know what to think."
- Gavas Drin: "[Anxious, but prepared and controlled.] I'm not sure you understand. The Tribunal are Living Gods -- but that doesn't mean you can come see them any time you want. In happier times, the Tribunal appeared before the people, just like us priests. But times have changed, and no one sees the Tribunal any more. So... of course... you could not have 'killed' Almalexia. That's simply... impossible."
- Helseth: "[Stares at you doubtfully.] From anyone else, such a statement would be nonsense. And you have no way to prove this statement? I scarcely know what to think. If true, I can't begin to imagine what the social and political consequences would be. But I doubt you'd be very popular among the Dunmer if this were known. My advice is to keep quiet about this. I certainly shall. I have heard nothing whatsoever from you about this. And we have not spoken. Understand?"
- Fedris Hler: "[Puzzled.] You are a foreigner. Many foreigners cannot understand our Living Gods. Are you speaking figuratively? In metaphors? In some... poetic way? Are you a follower of some peculiar Western cult? Please excuse me... but what you say makes no sense at all."
- Barenziah: "[Stares at you thoughtfully.] I believe you are serious. I'm not sure I believe you have killed a living god... though I do think YOU think you have. I doubt you could prove it. And I doubt the priests would believe it... or would admit it, even if it were true. Say nothing about this to anyone. Or... I suppose you can tell who you like. Who would believe you? Fascinating. Simply fascinating. So many possibilities...."
- People inside Mournhold Temple: "[Smoothly.] You're not well, my child. You don't know what you're saying. You must be mistaken. If you have killed someone, I'm afraid it's a matter for the Ordinators. But of course, no one can kill a Living God. Perhaps if you pray at a shrine, your mind will be cleared."
- Temple Members: "[Forcefully, threateningly.] You are wrong. You are foolish to say such things. Go away."
- Mournhold Citizens: "[Stares at you with distaste.] Excuse me."
- Mournhold Dunmer (Godsreach): "You are a foreigner, and one must make allowances. But even a foreigner must know that such jokes are not in good taste."
- Mournhold Dunmer (Temple Courtyard): "[Stares at you in disbelief.] Gods... I think you're serious. Or, at least, you believe what you're saying. You should go to the Temple and tell them this. Surely you don't believe you can kill a Living God? And even if you SAW such a thing, do you believe you can kill a god PERMANENTLY? Good grief. Have you never read 'The 36 Lessons of Vivec'? These are immortal gods you're talking about."
- Vvardenfell people: "Nonsense. You don't know what you're talking about."
- Altmer Opinion: "We Altmer are proud, wise, and beautiful. The Empire is built on the arts, crafts, and sciences of the High Elves. Our pure blood protects us from disease, and makes us superior spellcrafters."
- Savant Opinion (Objective): "Altmer are the light-skinned, tall Elven peoples of the Summerset Isles. 'High' is taken to mean variously 'tall,' 'proud,' and 'culturally snobbish.' In the Empire, 'High Elves' is the common usage. They consider themselves the most civilized culture of Tamriel, and, in truth, the common tongue of the Empire, Tamrielic, is based on their speech and writing, and most of the Empire's arts, crafts, and sciences are derived from High Elven traditions."
- Dark Elf Nobility Opinion: "The Altmer are proud, conceited, and decadent. Their clothes, manners, arts, and crafts are highly refined, but they are godless and spiritually empty. They content themselves with reliving the aged glories of their martial traditions and their mastery of sorcery and enchantment. Their achievements are admirable, but their culture no longer serves any vital purpose."
- Ashlander Opinion: "Altmer are the tall, light-skinned Elves of the West. They were once like us, but they became soft and foolish. They abandoned their ancestors and put their faith in big buildings and sorcery. The greatfathers of our greatfathers were kin of the Altmer, but the Prophet Veloth led us out of the West and brought us here so our rites and customs could remain pure."
- Artisa Arelas: "Altmer -- literally, 'the High, or Cultured People,' or 'High Elves' -- are the light-skinned, tall Elven peoples of the Summerset Isles. 'High' is taken to mean variously 'tall,' 'proud,' and 'culturally snobbish.' In the Empire, 'High Elves' is the common usage."
- Argonian Opinion: "We are the People of the Root, called 'Argonians' by the warmbloods. We go where we will, wet or dry, and the currents of blood magic run swift in our veins. In our native land, we hunt to live, masters of the marshes. Hunted and enslaved by softskinned enemies, we snare and slay them by stealth, spell, and steel."
- Savant Opinion (Objective): "The Argonians of Black Marsh call themselves the 'People of the Root'. They are equally at home on land or in water, and are magically gifted. Persecuted and enslaved by other races, they are cautious and secretive. Little is known of their homeland or native culture, and their alien physiology and customs are not well understood by scholars."
- Dark Elf Nobility Opinion: "Argonians are cunning, savage beasts incapable of enlightenment. They are blasphemous travesties of nature, with unspeakable foulness in their private and family urges. When guided by a stern hand, they can be trained as passable servants and slaves. By Imperial law, free Argonians have the rights of citizens, but no law can ever make an Argonian human."
- Ashlander Opinion: "Argonians are the savage half-men of the southern marshes. Our peoples used to keep them as slaves, but they are useless. The settled people still keep them as slaves to grub in the soil. They are dirty and wicked, and we should drive them all back into the swamps they came from."
- Temple Opinion: "Argonians are cunning, savage beasts incapable of enlightenment. They are blasphemous travesties of nature, with unspeakable foulness in their private and family urges. They are fit only for service, and only when guided by a stern hand can they avoid abomination."
- Bosmer Opinion: "We're small, sharp, and smart. We love wild creatures, wild beauty, and wild life, unlike our dull cousins. We are not very polite, but don't have to be, since we shoot straight and run like the wind."
- Savant Opinion (Objective): "The Bosmer are the clanfolk of the Western Valenwood forests. In the Empire, they are called "Wood Elves," but they call themselves the Bosmer, or the 'Tree-Sap' people. They scorn pretense and formality, preferring a romantic, simple existence in harmony with the wild beauty of nature. They are nimble and quick in body and wit, and there are no finer archers in all of Tamriel."
- Dark Elf Nobility Opinion: "The Bosmer are a light, careless, insubstantial people. They are barely civilized barbarians, living in unheated communal huts in the middle of empty forest wastelands. They are marvelous archers and cunning hunters, but they are worthless as hirelings, having no concept of contract, obligation, or loyalty. They are passionate and spiritually alive, but befuddled by primitive superstitions and shamanistic spirit worship."
- Ashlander Opinion: "The Bosmer are foreigners, outlanders. They live in trees and eat nothing but meat. We have no forests here. Why don't they go back where they came from?"
Caius Cosades[edit]
- Tappius Esdrecus: "Interesting old fellow. Been in Balmora a long time, since before the District reorganization. Been in some trouble, but he apparently knows some people. Goes off for a while, then comes back. He's a veteran, I think -- has friends over at Fort Moonmoth. Don't know where he gets his money, but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't legal."
- Chirranirr: "The old greyhair gobbles sugar like scuttle. Chirranirr is surprised he still walks. But it doesn't affect him. That is the mark of a long-time user."
- Onlyhestandshere: "I don't know what your business with him is, but be careful. Caius Cosades may appear to be a pathetic old man, but don't judge by appearances. Some people made that mistake a while ago, and now they're not with us anymore."
- Mehra Milo: "Caius is a dear friend. Like me, he admires the best traditions of the Temple, charity for the poor, education for the ignorant, protection for the weak. He is a Westerner, but he has come to love our land and our people. But like me, he distrusts the arbitrary power of the Ordinators, and like the Dissident priests, he suspects the Temple is hiding something. He serves the Emperor, but he also loves Morrowind, and he sees the failing virtues of the Temple as a threat to Morrowind's political stability."
- Blades: "He's okay. Sour. A worrier. But he knows his job, and leaves us alone to do ours."
- Balmora people: "That old sugar tooth? I'm not sure where he's living now. But ask Bacola Closcius, the owner... he'll know."
- Balmora Rogues: "The old fellow in trouble again, eh? He has a number of bad habits -- like forgetting to pay the Man in a timely manner. I don't know where he is. But he hangs out at the South Wall Cornerclub. Ask for him there."
- Balmora Thieves: "No idea where he is. In trouble. Or in the skooma, most likely."
- Elone: "Caldera is a recently chartered Imperial town and mining corporation north of Balmora on the road to Ald'ruhn. The Caldera Mining Company has been granted an Imperial monopoly to remove raw ebony from the rich deposits here. Caldera is a new town, recently built in the Western Imperial style, and most of the citizens are outlanders and new colonists."
- Caldera slaves: "Caldera is a town, and a mine. Slaves work in the mine. We know nothing about the town."
- Caldera people: "Caldera is an Imperial charter town, part of the Caldera Mining Company charter, which grants the company rights to mine ebony from the right deposits here. The Caldera ebony mines themselves lie to the southwest. The town has a real Western flavor -- makes outlanders feel right at home. Caldera is rich, and bound to get richer, since the profits from the ebony exports continue to grow as the mine operations grow."
- Savants, scouts, etc.: "Caldera is a recently chartered Imperial town and mining corporation. The Caldera Mining Company has been granted an Imperial monopoly to remove raw ebony from the rich deposits here. Caldera has the appearance and flavor of a Western Imperial town."
Camonna Tong[edit]
- Vedam Dren: "The Camonna Tong is the traditional Thieves Guild of Morrowind. It predates the Empire's Thieves Guild, but it is more brutal and takes every chance to interfere with the Empire. If you are to be the Grandmaster of House Hlaalu in anything but name, you must reach an accommodation with my brother, Orvas Dren, who leads the Camonna Tong. Spare his life if you can."
- Caius Cosades: "The Camonna Tong is Morrowind's native criminal syndicate. They're tough and ruthless, and have connections in the higher ranks of House Hlaalu. The Camonna Tong compete directly with the Thieves Guild for control of illegal trade, and Camonna Tong will not tolerate competition. Compared with the Camonna Tong, the Thieves Guild is relatively decent and honorable -- certainly less brutal. They don't accept outlanders as members. Forget about it."
- Balmora people: "The Camonna Tong is the old criminal syndicate here in Morrowind. And, as everyone around here knows, there's a gang war between the Thieves Guild and the Camonna Tong. In Balmora, the Camonna Tong hangs out over at the cornerclub called the Council Club. Watch yourself if you go in there. They're not very nice people."
- Balmora Thieves guild: "As you probably know, the Camonna Tong is the old criminal syndicate here in Morrowind. And, as EVERYONE around here knows, the Thieves Guild is at war with the Camonna Tong. We're the new gang in town, and the Camonna Tong want us to be the dead-and-gone gang. If you are looking for the Camonna Tong, their Balmora hangout is the cornerclub called the Council Club."
- Balmora Thieves guild: "The Camonna Tong is the old criminal syndicate here in Morrowind. And, as everyone around here knows, the Thieves Guild is at war with the Camonna Tong. We're the new gang in town, and the Camonna Tong want us to be the dead-and-gone gang. If you are looking for the Camonna Tong, their Balmora hangout is the cornerclub called the Council Club."
- Camonna Tong: "We're just a society of businessmen. We're Dunmer, and we're proud. We're tired of seeing Morrowind run by outsiders who understand nothing about Morrowind. And we're tired of trying to explain this, over and over again, to ignorant outlanders."
- Camonna Tong: "We're just natives, trying to get along. It isn't easy, with all the ignorant foreigners sticking their noses where they don't belong. Can I make it any clearer, outlander?"
- Camonna Tong: "We're Dunmer, and we're proud. We're tired of seeing Morrowind run by outsiders who understand nothing about Morrowind."
- Artisa Arelas, savants: "The Camonna Tong is Morrowind's native criminal syndicate. They're grown powerful and ruthless since the Imperial occupation, and have great influence in the higher ranks of House Hlaalu. The Camonna Tong are in direct competition with the Thieves Guild for control of illegal trade, and they have sworn to exterminate the upstart outlander newcomers. The Camonna Tong are known for their brutal disregard for human life."
- Scouts, rogues, acrobats, etc.: "The Camonna Tong has grown powerful and ruthless since the Imperial occupation, and have great influence in the higher ranks of House Hlaalu."
- Scouts, rogues, thiefs, etc.: "The Camonna Tong are in direct competition with the Thieves Guild for control of illegal trade, and they have sworn to exterminate the upstart outlander newcomers."
Hidden Items[edit]
Seyda Neen[edit]
- Iron Shardaxe in the tree stump in a pond southwest of the Lighthouse.
- Silverware Cup and 25 gold in a tree stump east of the Lighthouse.
- Handplaced Mudcrab close to the town.
- Newtscale Cuirass underneath the bed in Arrile's Tradehouse.
- Steel Dagger of Swiftblade underneath the pillow of the bed in Arrile's Tradehouse.
- Restoration Skillbook of bottom bunk in Eldafire's house.
- Key to her chest underneath the fireplace in Eldafire's house.
- Skillbook Mercantile on the floor in Foryn Gilnith's shack.
- Skillbook Unarmored on top floor of the Lighthouse.
- Silver Dagger between two crates in Terurise Girvayne's house.
Vivec, Library of Vivec[edit]
- Contains a total of 294 books, 50 different ones of which one is a Skill Book.
Vivec, Jobasha's Rare Books[edit]
- Contains a total of 183 books, 59 different ones of which eight are Skill Books.
Vivec, Hall of Justice Secret Library[edit]
- Contains a total of 209 books, 62 different ones of which ten are Skill Books.
Vivec, Telvanni Tower[edit]
- Contains a total of 104 books, 28 different ones of which three are Skill Books.
Holamayan Monastery[edit]
- Contains a total of 82 books, 34 different ones of which four are Skill Books.
Vivec, High Fane[edit]
- Contains a total of 47 books, 22 different ones of which five are Skill Books.
Tower of Tell Fyr, Hall of Fyr[edit]
- Contains a total of 43 books, 41 different ones of which one is a Skill Book.
Ald-ruhn, Codus Callonus (Bookseller)[edit]
- Contains a total of 35 books, 28 different ones of which two are Skill Books.