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UESPWiki:Survey Results/Use Comments

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These are the comments for the question:

   7. How often do you use the following sections of the UESP?

Some comments may have been removed or edited from containing personal information or questionable content.

  • #1 site for Elder Scrolls info, and that's my primary reason for being here. Sometimes I'll have something extra to look up or something to share on the chat that I otherwise don't know what to do with (untested stuff, for instance).
  • A blog? You have a blog? And a chatroom! Seriously?
  • A mod section would be very welcome. A page showing its bugs and link to download.
  • Admittedly I don't participate in the community (though I really should), but as a reference site there is no equal.
  • again, I do enjoy the inner community representing the Elder Scrolls fan base, but I usually just use the offical Beth forums, the up-to-date info is usually a good enough incentive.
  • All is usefull to me when trying to find items and new equipment
  • all of them are very well balanced
  • also check out news. is that blog? idk but update on main page are useful
  • Also didn't know there was a blog.
  • An improved map section would be very useful.
  • Answers are from the time I played Oblivion. Haven't checked this site in a long long time as I had forgotten this.
  • As can be seen it is almost exclusively a content thing, but I was previously aware of the other sections
  • As I said in the first question I love the TONS of lore.
  • As I said, the page is awesome for game info but lacks in the lore section although the forums do help.
  • As you can see, I come here often when I am looking for information. I'll have to find a certain Redoran Guar herder's hut that is impossible to find, so I will pull up their awesome map to pin point it. Or maybe I'll be curious as to why some Kwama are peaceful, while others are mean, so I'll look up Kwama and find out why! I don't use their chatroom or blog, but I put "Almost never" in regards to their forum because I went there once out of curiosity.
  • Based on my use of the site during early-2012.
  • Blog almost never updates.
  • Blog is rarely updated. Front page news is good.
  • Blog? Do you mean the news on the UESP splash page?
  • Browsing the lore and game info is a prerequisite of character creation for me.
  • But I should probably use those last three more.
  • By "blog" I mean the front page news. A reliable and concise source for all things Elder Scrolls. Thank you.
  • Check the site almost everyday.
  • Comments (optional)
  • Could use a skyrim interactive map
  • Despite coming here for a long time now, I didn't even know about some of these things...
  • Did not know about blog or chatroom. Will check out blog, but probably not chatroom.
  • Did not know about chat room or blog
  • did not know about the blog and the chat room
  • Did not know there was Blog or Chatroom
  • Didn't even know about the forum, chatroom, and blog.
  • didn't even know chatroom existed until now!
  • Didn't even know there was a chatroom
  • Didn't even know there was a chatroom or a blog.
  • Didn't even know there was a chatroom.
  • Didn't know forums/chatroom/blog exist, will probably never use it
  • Didn't know the last two existed but the chatroom seems like it could be useful.
  • Didn't know there was a blog.
  • Didn't know there was a Forum, Chatroom and Blog
  • didn't know there were chatrooms.
  • Didn't thought a blog existed o_O However, it means that you do not advertise for yourselves, which is good as far as I'm concerned.
  • Didnt even know about Chatroom/blog lol
  • didnt even know there was a forum, chatroom or a blog
  • Fairly new to the site, may use the sections I've not used in future.
  • First I want to apologize to eveybody on UESP as I feel my answers show my behavior: I regret to admit I am a kind of a leecher. When I discovered UESP during Oblivion I started using it more and more. It really came to my mind the possibility to enter the forum, the reason I singed in. However I have been each day more buzy with my studies and my TES, Skyrim playind time has disminuated a lot, as well as my UESP use. Even worst: when I have time to play, I always open UESP but not log in. I hope I'll be able to change this someday.
  • For a casual user like me, usually the wiki covers everything I need to know. I have stopped in on the chat and forum to ask a quick question/check if anyone else has asked before though.
  • for example before most quest save-quit-bugs page on UESP-reopen-load-play (avoiding bugs)
  • For me, UESP is an indispensible source of information, both in-game and lore-wise
  • forums are "ok", never needed to use them, chatrooms aren't really my thing, and the blog is good for news but i dont really spend much time on it, and all of the gameinfo/lore/maps are awesome and very useful and the main attraction and use of uesp
  • Forums are for trolls. You couldn't PAY me to look at them.
  • From what I've used on this wiki, the information that is given to me is very accurate.
  • game information is great, but could be better
  • Good
  • Gotta say I love the Lore! I catch myself getting caught up in the Lore for hours and following link after link. Good Stuff
  • Great content all around.
  • Great information on the game, i find the elder scrolls wiki tends to have better info on lore.
  • Had no idea the last three existed.
  • has all the info on the game i could ever need
  • Have not used the Chatroom, Blog and Forum so far.
  • Have toyed with idea of participating, but other forums etc deterred me
  • Haven't taken the time yet to visit the forum, chatroom or blog.
  • Havent really discovered the forum side of things, you should add links on pages to relevant forums
  • Heh, sorry didnt even know you had a chatroom and its too readily apparent how to access forums.
  • honestly did not know that there was a forum, chatroom or blog for uesp
  • Honestly didn't know there was a blog or a chatroom
  • Honestly didn't know you had a blog. I am usually so busy looking at the game information. But now I know I will bookmark and look at regularly.
  • Honestly, I didn't even know UESP had blog and chatroom sections.
  • Honestly, I wasn't aware of the blog and forum... Will be remedying this.
  • Huge on the game info and lore, always wanting to find out the most about the game for myself. Always been a lurker on the forums and never really wanted to post.
  • I absolutely love that you guys take the time to find the lore and put it on the site. I spend nearly all my time on this site just reading the lore.
  • I absolutely love this site!
  • I actually didn't even know the chatroom or blog existed unless the blog is the news feed in which case I read everything.
  • I actually was not aware of the chatroom or blog.
  • I also check in regularley for the news feed.
  • I am a huge TES lover and I use UESP mainly to unravel lor stories and stuff like that, so I am not really into chatrooms and forums here.
  • I am a shy lurker, so I don't anticipate in social hubs if I can avoid it.
  • I am adapting Skyrim campaign as a table-top rpg gm-ed for friends
  • I am new to the forum part of this site but I will be using it alot more from now on as I just signed up.
  • I am not a big chat room guy. I tend to stick to my brain/UESP to figure things out.
  • i am not good whit chatrooms and the like but perhaps i should take a look at the forum
  • I am not really into the forums, but I do come here for a LOT of my information, such as the release of Dawnguard, or hearthfire. The information and Lore sections are very impressive and important.
  • I am only 130 hours into the game so at this stage I have not used the forum section, but I may start using it as time progresses and will start using items like game information less.
  • I am signed up on the forums, though I use the chatroom the most. I am on this site everyday reading articles on game information and lore, whether out of interest or sheer need to do so. I sometimes require to use a map, though not too often. I have never really visited the blog much.
  • i am somesort of a lore scholar.
  • I came to the wiki for information about TES only.
  • I can't express strongly enough that I want the Lore tab to stay on the sidebar. ES fans love their immersion. As far as the Forums and Chatroom, I still have not figured out whether i can use my wiki login to access and why it isn't a little more easily navigable.
  • I can't play without this site! It was excellent.
  • I check the front page of the wiki almost every day for the latest news. I wish the UESP blog would see more regular updates.
  • I come back to Morrowind every once in a while, this site is necesary to get through some parts or quickly locate someone/something
  • I come here mostly for information.
  • I did not know UESP had a chatroom, I'd wouldv'e been in it more, had I known about it...Assuming people talk about TES
  • I didn't even know there is a chatroom and blog. Maybe you should make a bit of advertisement for all the different things you can visit on the UESP?
  • I didn't even know there was a Blog, Chatroom and Forum.
  • I didn't even know there WAS a blog.
  • I didn't even know there was a blog.
  • I didn't even know there was a chatroom.
  • I didn't even know there was a forum, chatroom and blog.
  • I didn't even know there were forums! OR A BLOG, for that matter! OOOR a chatroom! I haven't seen any clear sign pointing to these things. :(
  • I didn't even know this place had a forum or chatroom before taking this quiz! Making those easier to find or advertising them somehow would be nice.
  • I didn't even know you had a chatroom or blog. I'm going to check those out now
  • i didn't figure there was a forum, blog and chatroom... I'm not a fan of these things (facebook take already enough time in my life)
  • I didn't get to forums or chartooms, but I'm planning to.
  • I didn't know about the chatroom or forum.
  • I didn't know the last 3 existed
  • I didn't know there even was a forum, chatroom or blog.
  • I didn't know there was a blog!
  • I didn't know there was a blog. I'm embarrassed!
  • I didn't know there was a blog...
  • I didn't know there was a chatroom, forum, or blog. *.*
  • I didn't know there was a forum or a chatroom, I'll check them out.
  • I didn't know there was a forum... might go check this out once in a while now ("Almost never")
  • I didn't know UESP had Forum, Chatroom nor Blog. Should have promote those more.
  • I didn't realize there was a blog =O
  • I didnt even know those last 3 things were there, but it's not like i would use that stuff anyway
  • I didnt know there was a blog
  • I do not have a profile, so I suppose I am a "Lurker" or whatever they are called.
  • I do not have an account, although I visit the talk pages occasionally.
  • I do not interact as much with the UESP community as much as some do, but I utilize the bits I need to succeed.
  • I do not really use blogs/forums/chatrooms on any website.
  • I don't actually know how to use the last three so my opinions probably shouldn't be counted.
  • I don't blog or visit chat rooms for anything, anywhere, anytime and didn't notice there were any for this. I haven't visited the forums yet. I seldom visit forums.
  • I don't even know we have chatroom and blog
  • I don't really have time for the Forum, Chat or Blog.
  • I don't really interact with others but I should start.
  • I don't really involve with chatting with the other users, I do occasionally scan over the forum.
  • I don't think I've visited the blog. Should check up on that.
  • I don't use chatrooms/forums/blogs, but I think that's just me.
  • I don't visit many forums perosnally, so it is nothing against UESP's. As for the coatroom and blog, in all honesty I did not know they existed.
  • I don't visit the site very often. I only visit to keep up with the news and to find something I need. I never really thought about looking into the forums and blogs. I didn't even know there was a chatroom.
  • I dont really go on forums at all, so its not as if I don't like it.
  • I enjoy Fan Fiction
  • I enjoy the updates on the main page. They are always relevant.
  • I figured there was a forum around, but I hadn't even noticed the chat and blog existed until this question.
  • I find the Wiki to be extremely helpful with game information, and the Forums and Chat are great for fostering relationships with the users.
  • I generally come on for info about the game.
  • I generally seek information only.
  • I generally visit the site to find specific information on bugs, characters, quests etc. but occasionally I do visit the lore section as I've found it very satisfying in that it has extensive information on a variety of Elder Scrolls subjects.
  • I had completely missed the links to the chatroom and blog. I'll have to go check them out!
  • I had no clue that a chatroom even existed for uesp. perhaps you should try and place more emphasis on the fact that there is a chatroom.
  • I hadn't noticed that there were blogs, a public forum or a chatroom.
  • I have an old Dell which is very slow, so I can't stream much video, etc.
  • I have found more on here than in the official guide book
  • I have mainly used the wiki for game information
  • I have never really bothered with the chatroom or the blog, but thats just because I prefer spending a lot of time learning about the game straightforwardly.
  • i have never used the forums chatrooms or blog but now plan to
  • I have other sites for news and discussion of The Elder Scrolls, usually relevant subreddit pages on Reddit.
  • I have people I know in real life to discuss the topics I look at but I always have the site up when I'm playing and the occasional bit of lore makes for an interesting read.
  • I have to go to TIL for lore; you guys are often inaccurate or only accurate at a superficial level.
  • I have used this site for a while but only now have I created an account on it.
  • I haven't had the opportunity to use the social parts of the site... and, of course, no game editor for ps3, i wish i had Dawnguard though lol
  • i haven't really checked out the forum, chatroom and blog yet.
  • I haven't yet gotten to the Forum, Chatroom or Blog section simply because I haven't found a reason to come across it.
  • I honestly didn't know a lot of those choices existed.
  • I honestly didn't know there was a forum or chatroom and only recently noticed the blog
  • I intend to use the chatroom more as time goes by.
  • I just come for game help
  • I just don't do much social stuff.
  • i just dont use, not that i dislike
  • i just find it more helpful than the actual wiki
  • I just hate being lost. Hate it so, so much.
  • I just joined so I haven't been in the chat or forums yet.
  • i just use it for info, not so much anything else
  • I just want to squeeze the most out of the game.
  • I learned alot of elder scrolls lore and history from UESP.
  • I like lore, and sometimes use the maps, but I love the game info sections.
  • I like surprising friends with TES: V Lore, also gives me something to read as I'm trying to sleep.
  • I like the easy to read tables, especially how items are organized.
  • i like the video game and lore section of the websites but i never chat or blog as much as others would im not much of a "blogger"
  • I like to prove my mates wrong with a wide knowledge of the lore.
  • i like to read all the books that are in game. without havent to acctually be in game. simpler to read.
  • I love Game Information and Lore but have never thourougly searched the Forum, Chatroom and Blog sections.
  • I love it all
  • I love reading lore, plus the books in game are kinda hard to read sometimes.
  • i love the lore its crazy
  • I love the walkthroughs that can be extremely helpful during gameplay
  • I LOVE your info and lore; not a chatroom person.
  • I lurk a lot on the forums, but hardly ever post. I don't go to the blog all that often, but I definitely check it a lot more often than new posts are made there.
  • I mainly use the page as an information bank and because of that, I don't use forums or other applications.
  • I mainly use this site for information but I am perfectly willing on participating more.
  • I mainly use UESP for information on the game.
  • I mainly use UESP to help with quests and tips about the TES games
  • I mainly use UESP to read about the Lore, read the game information and see the maps, however, I am interested in the chatroom, forum and blog and would like to start using them more in the future.
  • I manily use UESP for the terific maps because i normally get lost in big caves or have trouble finding where a shack is or something.
  • I marked Maps as Almost Never. Sorry, but I do find the interactive map on site to be difficult to navigate, to see similarities with the in game map, and difficult to bring up nearby locations easily.
  • I may be a long-time user, but I've never used the site as a means to communicate. I use it for the information, rather.
  • I might visit the forum or chatroom now that I know they exist. :-)
  • I mostly come here for game information, maps and lore.
  • I mostly look for informations on in-game bugs, and hints to finish a quest or how using the console.
  • I mostly look up information about lore characters or console codes if the game gets bugged and I have to fix it myself. (Like respawning/resurrecting an npc that despawned for no apparent reason)
  • I mostly need to look up information pertaining to the game, and unless it`s not in the main pages, I never really look at anything else. Plus, some of those commonters looked at me funny.
  • I mostly use it to check game ids and item stats.
  • I mostly use the site for information on where to get certian items, complete quests and on occasion view the map when I get lost in the game world. Reading up on the lore is also fun, especially with unique items, quests and characters.
  • I never even knew that there were Forums, Chatrooms, and a blog
  • I never even knew there was a blog.
  • I never knew that some of this information was available to me! I will certainly use it now.
  • I never knew that the latter three existed.
  • I never knew there were forums!!! GOODBYE, 4CHAN!
  • I never knew you had a blog.
  • I only really come here to find out more about the game's stuff like info on NPC's. I also find the lore very interesting so i read about that a lot also.
  • I only realy use the Wiki
  • I only recently realized that there was a forum, and I was unaware of the chatroom and blog. I would be interested in these sections if I had known about them previously; maybe they should be more obvious in the layout?
  • I only use it for information
  • I only visit the dragon language page and from time to time visit the dragon shout page.
  • I own most TES maps, therefore I consult them more often than the maps here on UESP.
  • I personally come here for learning more about a carefully crafted universe that has been a part of my life since I was young. The social aspect of the site has very little appeal to me, I browse the forums and blogs on occasion though for interesting personal experiences other ls have had or to see what others may know about the lore that isn't posted on the site for reasons such as speculation or hearsay.
  • I prefer passively surfing the site, sans interactions.
  • I prefer to use the info and only sometimes use the Forum, Chat room, and blog.
  • I pretty much just look at game information.
  • I primarily use this website as a strategy guide.
  • I primarily use TIL for lore.
  • I primarily use UESP for information on items and quests in the game, and also lore information
  • I quite enjoy the lore section of this website as it is a great source of extra knowledge and so well designed it is very easy to use. I only lurk the forum for answers to general tes questions.
  • i read the lore in-game, or when it has to do with any subject of the game information I'm digging into at the moment. The map will be used more when I want to discover the last undiscovered locations, now I try to explore myself (the map is now a bit of a spoiler to me, though it's very handy now and then!)
  • I really enjoy reading all the in game books on UESP.
  • I really just use the site (almost daily) for my fix of TES info. I don't really use the forum and chatroom, so I can't really judge on that front.
  • I really like the new exterior maps, but I'd like to see some interior maps for the caves and such.
  • I really need to be in the IRC more :/
  • I really only use the site for tips, tricks and help when I encounter a bug or am curious about lore behind certain people, places, or things.
  • I really should get around to making an account.
  • I really should try the chatroom- if I got comfortable using it, I'd probably love it.
  • I role-play TES Universe, so I mostly use this website for bits and pieces of lore. Though, if there's something I need to know in a pinch about the game, I look it up here, too.
  • I search for lore when I am bored, this site has an incredible amount of it to just search through, very satisfying.
  • I sometimes just surf through the lore pages, i get sucked into the elder scrolls lore :D
  • I stick mostly to the Game Information and maps for help when I'm stuck, and sometimes wander into the forums if I have a technical problem. Lore is my light reading on a slow sunday afternoon.
  • I still don't even know what a blog is, what the word means, or who came up with such a stupid word... sounds like a bowel movement
  • I tend not to go into the chatroom or blog because I can find anything I need right from the main page
  • I tend to steer more towards the game relative content than the user based.
  • I think i may sign up for these other features
  • I think I might be interested in hanging out in the chatroom, but I'm not really sure how to get there or what the point would be. Just general chat or topics related to TES specifically?
  • I think I never really noticed the forum, chatroom and blog, but I think I'll check them out now.
  • I think some of these could be advertised more. I never even knew there were blogs on the site...
  • I think what I put in was right...
  • i use it more like a "skyrimpedia"
  • I use it mostly for quest help, finding item and quest IDs,...
  • I use it to get help for skyrim
  • I use it to obtain information and rummage around but nothing more
  • I use only what's important to me, but I've seen the forum.
  • I use the forum nearly every day for information, be it on the game or just lore. I also use the maps quite a lot because I like to see possible locations for me to make a mod - The maps are VERY helpful with this! I never use the forum, chatroom or blog though.
  • I use the site as a place to find important game info and to explore lore from the earlier games I no longer have access to.
  • I use the site mostly for wiki-ing things about Elder Scrolls games.
  • I use the site pretty much only for game information and Lore, however find it very good that these other features are still there.
  • I use the UESP as a repository of information rather than a socializing place.
  • I use the website to find my specific information about something ive done within elder scrolls, never to converse with others.
  • I use this site for all of the information that is not user submitted
  • I use this site for elder scrolls lore and how to find or complete quests
  • I use this website mostly for game information.
  • I use UESP almost always for bugs. Especially since the launch of Skyrim.
  • I use UESP for lore and game information quite often and sometimes I'll look at maps to help with locations and occasionaly the forum to see if other people are having a problem I'm having. I've not really ever used the chatroom or blog but I may check them out in the future.
  • I use UESP for research and walkthroughs, not so much for the more social side.
  • I use UESP nearly everyday even if it is just to see what is going on withe the Main Page.
  • I used to randomly skip through random pages when I got bored, but now the random page button keep sending me to the same page.
  • I usually come here to get information, I haven't really come to a subject that needs information that I know.
  • I usually just go here to read lore articles.
  • I usually just use Steam Forums for this game. I don't chat or blog at all.
  • I usually like reading the lore or i'm looking up where a certain character is... usually reading the lore though
  • I usually only use it when I need help finding something or help with quests, I wasn't even aware of a chat room! That makes it even better!
  • I usually use it to look at Oblivion and Skyrim info, the maps are very helpful, and the forum is handy.
  • I usualy use this site when looking for desired help and assistance.
  • I visit here often, and while lore fascinate me, I mostly research my games.
  • I was not aware of the Forums, Chatroom, and Blog.
  • I was not aware of the last 3 - I shall have to investigate
  • I was not even aware there WAS a blog and chatroom! I can interact with other geeks like me? Boom goes the dynamite!
  • i wasn't aware of a forum, chatroom, or a blog
  • I wasn't aware their is a chatroom.
  • I wasn't aware there was a forum or chatroom
  • I wasn't aware there was a forum, chatroom, or blog.
  • I will make sure to check the blog and the chatroom out
  • I wish your lore sections were a bit easier for the layman, maybe a "welcome to elder scrolls lore" page which explains the universe's basic history and geography. Example: I was amazed to discover more landmass than Tamriel existed
  • I would like to use the chatroom and forums more however I don't use the blog.
  • I would love to make an account soon now that I think about it
  • I would use the game information more if it was easier to understand. Many items need their own page instead of being part of a list with only bits of info.
  • I write fanfiction, so I'm constantly using UESP as a lore resource. And as an TES game addict, I sometimes refer to UESP when I'm stuck on a quest.
  • I...wasn't actually aware that there even was a forum. Sorry!
  • I'd love to see the forum better integrated with the wiki. I have no interest in the chatroom or blog.
  • I'm a 1st rate lurker.
  • I'm a lore nut, so all the lore pages have became my home.
  • I'm a lurker and am kind of nervous about posting on the forums. I might do that really soon though.
  • I'm a member of the forums, so I go on there a lot.
  • I'm a shallow user sorry.
  • I'm always utilizing Game Information and Lore pages, but rarely do I post on the Forum or Chatroom. I do check-up on the UESP blog, though.
  • I'm an avid forum-goer, and I near constantly check the site to get my TES lore fix.
  • I'm bad with communities...
  • I'm here for the great content, not social interaction.
  • I'm more of a lurker, but the information is always complete
  • I'm not a forum or a blog guy in general.
  • I'm not a frequent comer to this website.
  • I'm not a member of the community on the UESP, but I frequent the site's content weekly.
  • I'm not a social person.
  • I'm not a very social guy, I just tend to find the articles that explains what needs to be explained and figure things out by myself. When something is out of touch with reality I tend to try turn to the forum for some advise or way to confirm that something I've experienced isn't all that exclusive to me.
  • I'm not big on Chatting and Forums myself because it isn't really my scene but the Lore and Blog are fantastic.
  • I'm not here to socialize..
  • I'm not one for chatrooms or blogs out of personal preference but occasionally I do need to use the forums to find an answer to a question I have.
  • I'm not too involved in the community so my trips to UESP are often gameplay related.
  • I'm not very active; merely an observer who appreciates information.
  • I'm only really here for information
  • I'm quite new here ;)
  • I'm usually not very active in communities
  • I've been planning on hopping over to the forums for some time, just haven't gotten around to it.
  • I've never really tried the Forum, Chatroom or Blog, but will do so in the future. I use your website a lot to maintain my knowledge of elder scrolls lore, and I find your site a wonderful way to find out more about the games.
  • I've never tried the Chatroom or Blog, so my answer may be different for those if I tried them
  • I've tried other forums, but... UESP is my home.
  • If I played PC versions I would probably use the forum and chat.
  • Im not very social about my elder scrolls haha.
  • Is that chatroom IRC? I've never even seen it.
  • Isn't "Game Information" a far too big category? It coud mean anything, like release details, bugs and fixes, console tutorials, advices for mod users and so on...
  • It is a very handy site when reseaching something in the elder scrolls series. Definately useful on some of those tricky parts of the game.
  • It's surprising how often this series comes up in conversation, and there's always this wonderful community resource.
  • Its a great website for game related information.
  • Just as I like my Elder Scrolls experience to be single player, I prefer to just get the facts about the games and be on my way, thank you kindly.
  • Just here for the info.
  • just need info on my game fast, I get all I need here!
  • Just started using IRC
  • Keep doing what you are doing because you are doing it remarkably well
  • Lich And Amaging Lore!!
  • Like said before, one of my most visited sites. :)
  • Links to the google-maps style maps should be made more obvious. And also this should be made more public, it's so useful!
  • LOL, I didn't even know you had a forum, Chatroom, or blog.
  • Lore is important but I don't go there often
  • Lore is my favorite section.
  • Lore is my favourite, all the knowledge helps me get better immersion to the game world
  • Lore, quest outcomes, and bugs are really where you shine for me
  • Lorehound, and here after I complete some content to see if I could go back and get a new experience.
  • love the lore
  • Love the lore section, it is like a mini library.
  • Love the lore section. It feels like it is never enough.
  • Love the Lore, I've learned a lot about the whole series and it's fantastic.
  • Mainly use the site for information on the game, lore is cool to see, and maps are helpful.
  • mainly used in game to do further reading.
  • making the lore a bit understandable for those who r trying to get the timeline, maps and locations could b a bit more accurate.
  • Map section is a bit cumbersome, otherwise would use often
  • maps are a bit tedious to use, particularly skyrim related, many times the location could not be ascertained
  • Maps are exceptional. Having beat the game 4 times without UESP, I am now hating wandering around looking for stuff. Could not live without your maps
  • Maps are far more useful for the older games, given the addition of the quest compass.
  • maps arent clear
  • Maps can be slow to load, so I don't use them as often as I otherwise would
  • Maps don't display well for me (on iPhone)
  • Maybe I should try out the three featurs I never use. Great lore articles, but the deeper interpretations are elsewhere.
  • More about the games. I used be on the forum a long time ago.
  • More maps, mooore maps.
  • mostly console information, and lore to assist making lore friendly mods
  • Mostly depends on what TES title I am currently playing, or what curiosities I have for any other (various game mechanics/systems, not plot/spoilers.)
  • Mostly for game info
  • Mostly for quests.
  • Mostly for th game only!
  • Mostly I use it for quest instructions, but I have used most features at one time or other.
  • Mostly just to look up info.
  • Mostly Lookups and Bug Info/Notes
  • Mostly to double-check what I'm doing in-game.
  • Mostly use for information purposes when writing. Maps are useful, but images a little small (though I rarely have need for them)
  • Mostly use for quest info and item attributes, but also interested in a little of the lore.
  • Mostly use it for help on finding certain things within the game but the blogs and chatrooms are useful to see what other people have done.
  • My favorite thing about the site is the lore, i have spent hours reading all the lore on here and it has made my gaming experience ten times what it would have been without it, so thank you
  • My top usage is for getting quest info. Maps strongly support them. Lore articles to get understandings of quest storyline. Forums for trouble-shooting. Blog for official-sided news.
  • My visits to the USEP have been for specific purposes, not speculations.
  • needs more design and modding info for older series(arena,daggerfall)
  • Needs more lore, IMO. The elder scrolls wiki does better at lore, but I always come to UESP for more practical information.
  • Needs more News Posts tbh
  • never even knew about the chatroom and blog sections... i've just been so satisfied with the rest i haven't needed them.
  • never knew there was a chat room.
  • New user, I've never been to the blog/chatrooms/forum.
  • nice!!!!!
  • No comment ^^ i like everything ^^
  • No offense. Just haven't used them.
  • Not a big fan of forums and the like, that said they are definitely not badly set up(I have viewed them a couple times). And for the most part I know where the locations in game are, so i don't need the map often. It is a VERY useful feature though
  • Not gonna lie, I'm a browser not a contributer.
  • Not into chatting, more learning about the experience.
  • Not into the boards or chats
  • Not that it is bad, I've just never used the chatroom
  • Not that the other stuff is bad but I come to the site for information.
  • Not too much of an active member of the forums.
  • Oh man, I didn't even know there was a chat room...
  • Other sites offer less detailed more precise maps. Also, not many places have good forums, chatrooms, or blogs. Something that might need fixing in the near future.
  • Perhaps I should get on the chatroom eh?
  • Prefer The Imperial Library for lore.
  • Pretty much use it as a game guide.
  • Prior to this survey I was completely unaware of an IRC or browser-based chat room available on the wiki.
  • Really here for lore and quest guides.
  • Seeing this makes me realize that I should use the forum and chatroom more (and by more I mean 'start using because I have never used them').
  • Since I'm not a registered user, I haven't made much use of the user communications systems contained herein. I would join as a user, but I'm afraid I'd be rather shunned by the community, as I do not particularly possess the means of testing and submitting worthwhile information that all other users do.
  • Site is very good for game hints, and the lore is one of the best lore sites.
  • Th... Theres a forum?
  • The best and most accurate information concerning TES.
  • The best Elder Scrolls site on this planet.
  • The best site in terms of lore and game information.
  • The best thing on this site in my opinion is the lore, because the articles on this site are easy to find and very detailed and informative.
  • The blog is a good idea, but not nearly active enough. Don't be discouraged of writing down thoughts and happenings behind-the-scenes.
  • The blog used to be good but nobody updates it any more
  • The chatroom, forum and blog sections should be integrated into 1 section for users to communicate and express their views.
  • The forum page needs to be more accessible/advertised. I didn't know about it for the first 3 months I used this site. I was looking for a place to talk about Skyrim and went to other forums and was very thrilled to find UESP had one. I'm sure there are more people like this.
  • the forum, chatroom, and blog never because im not into them. beside all me questions are generally covered on your game pages.
  • The forum/chatroom/blog aren't very well advertised. Maybe something like a "recent forum posts" part at the bottom of the main page could help draw attention, or a live chatroom?
  • The game Information is main reason
  • The game information is super useful, and I'm a nerd so the lore and maps are cool. I don't write on the forum, but I'll check it out if there's any additional information.
  • The game specific chatroom, or UESP, should talk more about actual UESP or TES games, as the times I entered, conversations were mostly about politics and such.
  • the last three I wasn't aware existed
  • The lore is amazing. I hope to use the other features in the future.
  • The Lore section is perhaps my favorite section on the wiki. The developers put so much time and effort into the game, and has documented it better than most worlds do.
  • The Lore section is very fascinating and I can spend hours looking through articles, from link to link.
  • The lore sections are expansive and detailed very nicely.
  • The lore sections are wonderful!
  • The maps are a big help in Morrowind, specifically.
  • The maps are a great thing, but I like to find my own way around.
  • The maps are poor at best. The descriptions can not uniquely identify any location. Wikia's single screenshot is infinitely better.
  • The maps feature is difficult-I know it's a work in progress but the fact that one has to zoom in pretty far to find the right place is difficult.
  • The maps of Oblivion and Skyrim are unmatced by any other free source.
  • The members of the IRC room are very fun to be around.
  • The more information, the better. The maps are and added feature that helps explanations for missions.
  • The most comprehensive collection of TES lore there is.
  • The site is handiest (for me, at least) as a sort of supplement to the game.
  • There are to less new posts on the blog to be interesting. I love the lore (use also the Imperial Library), and the game information is very well written.
  • There is a forum and chatroom?
  • There is a forum!?
  • There is no reason for me not to use the forums, they seem nice, I just don't use them myself
  • There's a blog?
  • There's a blog?
  • There's a blog?
  • There's a blog?
  • There's a blog?
  • There's a Blog???
  • There's a chatroom and a blog? Never saw an overt link to those sections.
  • There's a forum? O.o
  • These are exceptionally good articles for game and world information. They have been absolutely helpful for D&D table top games with Elder Scrolls as well as playing the game.
  • This is the most extensive game Wiki I have ever seen, and by far the best.
  • This site is famous for it's extremely detailed information about the actual game content. For lore content, the Imperial Library is currently the more exhausting place (although also more speculative). Maps I suppose are game information as well.
  • this site is good to for info, I have other sited for forums and blogs
  • This site SHOULD NOT (I repeat NOT) become a social media site! Keep it to the Elders Scrolls GAMES.
  • Three of these I had no idea were even there until taking the survey. That I imagine presents a bit of a problem.
  • To be perfectly honest, I hadn't noticed that there was a forum, chatroom, or blog until recently.
  • To me this is where i go to learn not socialize, and the games already have maps.
  • UESP gives me an understanding of TES that's hard to grasp completely just playing through. It's always good to see the bigger picture.
  • UESP has a blog!? WHERE!?
  • UESP has a chatroom and blog?
  • UESP is a good complement to The Imperial Library in matters of lore, of which I much adore.
  • UESP is great for learning lore (if the main lore articles are a bit confusing, as to be expected of a series as lore-complicated as TES)
  • UESP is my favorite TES lore source in the net; I also look for many aspects of game info, but I don't like the maps much, although I do use them on occasions
  • UESP is my first choice place for anything when I'm mid-game and stuck in something.
  • UESP is my go-to site when I'm researching for my mod, for example.
  • Used it all the time while playing the games actively. Contributed bits of content a few times.
  • using xbox360 so cannot download plugins to use chat
  • Very accurate game information and writers of the lore sections are great
  • very easily navigated!
  • Very helpful for game info and maps, lore is also always interesting.
  • View random articles everyday. don't communicate with other users.
  • Wait UESP has a blog?
  • Was not aware of the blog
  • Was unaare of the forum and chatroom.
  • Was unaware there was a forum! Purely used the website as an encyclopedia.
  • Wasnt aware we had a forum and chat.
  • We have a chat room?
  • We should bring this back, the blog
  • What forum ? What chatroom ? Didn't know they existed.
  • When I last played Morrowind, it was mostly maps. For Skyrim now, it's mostly very specific lookups.
  • When i'm playing any TES game i'm on here all the time.
  • When I'm playing Elder Scrolls games (my fav. RPG's), I always search info on this site. But in my free time spent non-gaming but still on the computer I hardly use this site. So it's all relative.
  • Whenever I have a question or I'm lost in the game I go here. Sometimes I look up the lore when I get into my game.
  • Whilst the information is readily available and easy to find, I have never thought to spend some time on the forums or chatroom. I may do in the future however
  • will use forum and blog
  • Wow! I had never even noticed the blog link until just now -- Not sure how I missed that all this time! Will definitely check it out after this survey!
  • y
  • Yeah, I should probably get involved in the community. I wonder if these questions are grouped by questionnaire or specific questions when the results are read out; this comment would make so much more sence with context. Truthfully, I could've just retyped my previous answer in the time I've spent composing this thought but I think this is a much more entertaining answer so I'm going to leave it.
  • You guys have a Forum/Chatroom/Blog?!
  • you guys have the coolest map thing I've ever seen
  • You have a blog and chatroom...? I have been here for the last year or so and did not know that... :p
  • You have a blog?
  • Your interactive map is a little difficult to use.