Tribunal:Ivulen Irano

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Ivulen Irano (Ivulen Irano)
Home City Mournhold
Location Royal Palace Throne Room
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 40 Class Guard
Other Information
Health 295 Magicka 166
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Royal Guard 0(Guard)
Ivulen Irano

Ivulen Irano is a Dark Elf guard and a member of the Royal Guard. He can be found in the Royal Palace's Throne Room guarding King Hlaalu Helseth. Ivulen is involved in disloyalty among the guards along with Aleri Aren.

Related Quests[edit]


  • In addition, he possesses two abilities shared only by some of the other Royal Guards:
Name Effect Cost Notes
Royal Resistance Resist Fire Resist Fire 100 pts on Self
Resist Poison Resist Poison 50 pts on Self
Resist Frost Resist Frost 50 pts on Self
Resist Paralysis Resist Paralysis 50 pts on Self
Resist Shock Resist Shock 50 pts on Self
Reflect Reflect 50 pts on self
Royal Blood Fortify Attack Fortify Attack 50 pts on Self
Fortify Long Blade Fortify Long Blade 50 pts on Self
Fortify Heavy Armor Fortify Heavy Armor 50 pts on Self
Fortify Block Fortify Block 50 pts on Self
Ability Ivulen does not benefit from an enhanced Heavy Armor or Block skill since he wears Medium Armor and does not carry a shield.