Tamriel Rebuilt:Vendel Othreleth

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Vendel Othreleth (TR_m4_Vendel Othreleth; TR_m4_Vendel Othreleth2)
Home City Arvud
Location Uvayn Manor
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 8 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 81 Magicka 102
Alarm 20 Fight 30
Vendel Othreleth, a visiting noble

Vendel Othreleth is a southern noble claiming to belong to House Hlaalu. At the time of your arrival in Arvud, he has made an unexplained appearance at Uvayn Manor, the residence of the town's governor, Balvene Uvayn. Accompanied by his slave, Kettigrim Thrall-Bound, he has utterly failed to explain his presence over the course of a number of meals. Balvene Uvayn will therefore commission you to find out exactly what he wants.

When pressed, Vendel confirms that he is here seeking marriage - not to Balvene's daughters, Felara or Naalsa, but to Balvene herself. It is a marriage that without your timely intervention, will go ahead.

Investigation on your part however will reveal that 'Vendel Othreleth' is not who he seems. He is in fact a rather theatrical elf and conman named Mandallarys, from the city of Kragenmoor. As he puts it:

"Some might call me a conman, but in truth I'm an artist: an actor! The part of serjo Vendel Othreleth was to be the role of a lifetime -- my ticket to riches and an early retirement. I recruited Rulf to play the walk-on part of the bodyguard to really sell my character. It was a damn near perfect plan. It would've worked, if it wasn't for your involvement. You played the part of the antagonist well. Bravo."

Depending on your actions, Vendel will either be exposed before the marriage to Balvene, or after it when he makes off with your jewels. If permitted to, Vendel will make his escape, paying you a hefty bribe in the process. If not, he will along with Kettigrim in the hostile wastes of the Armun Ashlands.

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