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Tamriel Rebuilt:Veloth's Path

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The path at Hlan Oek
A Gourd Harp
The path approaches Almas Thirr
The path's end at Necrom

Veloth's Path is a sacred pilgrimage route that is believed to retrace the steps of Saint Veloth as he led the Chimer to their new homeland. The full pilgrimage route runs from Shadowgate Pass in the Velothi Mountains, all the way to the holy city of Necrom, where Chimer (and later Dunmer) dead were interred. On the journey it passes numerous large settlements of the Dark Elves, including the Hlaalu metropolis of Kragenmoor, the town of Hlan Oek, the temple canton of Almas Thirr and the Morrowind capital at Almalexia.

Pilgrims pass along the paths in great numbers, and are chiefly of Dark Elven origin, although outlanders and members of other races can still be found making the trip. They are supported in their efforts by representatives of the Tribunal Temple, who seek to offer succor and support to those embarking upon the holy journey. On the way, these travelers may be found paying their respects at the ancestral tombs or temples on the route. Some will also take on additional pilgrimages, such as the one to the Bloodstone Shrine near Almas Thirr, where pilgrims must cross the canton bridge with a viciously sharp stone stuck within a shoe.

Gourd Harps[edit]

A common sight on the path are the Gourd Harps. These wind-powered instruments are intended to attract wayward spirits to the road, from where they will ultimately make their way towards the city of the dead. Locals on occasion leave bones at the gourd harps in the hope that pilgrims will carry them onwards.

Differing Traditions[edit]

Certain individuals, in particular the Chimeri-Quey of Cathnoquey, believe that Saint Veloth's journey did not end at Necrom, but that he continued out to sea. Certainly, a number of Chimer traveled east to the archipelagos of the Padomaic, whether in the retinue of the saint or seeking a sign of him.


A Tamriel Rebuilt concept map of Morrowind. The brown road represents Veloth's Path


  • Only small portions of the path have been included in Tamriel Rebuilt release areas so far, primarily the section that runs through Almas Thirr.
  • Developer commentary indicates that the 'true' path of Veloth runs directly east from Kragenmoor and across the Armun Ashlands, with this route having been abandoned (and eventually forgotten) following the eruption that laid waste to those lands.