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Tamriel Rebuilt:Uridimmu

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Uridimmu (TR_m3_q_Kha_uridimmu)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt, Map 1
Location Khalaan, Swallowed Passages
Species Dremora Soul Grand (200)
Level 15 Type Daedra
  • 12-36 pts Melee + Force of the Wind
  • Fire Storm, Fire Damage, 1-10 pts for 10s in 10 feet on target
  • Fourth Barrier, Shield 40 pts for 30s on self
Other Information
Health 300 Magicka 300
Alarm 0 Fight 30

"I sought power and he offered it to me. For a time I commanded armies; now my status is lower than it was before his offer. Are you Malacath's champion come to cast me back into the void?" - Uridimmu on Malacath

Uridimmu is a Dremora present in Khalaan's Swallowed Passages, and the target of the quest The Forsaken Betrayer. Having once been elevated by the Prince, Malacath, it now finds itself the target of the Prince's ire. Malacath's follower, the Wood Elf Silhaenil, will commission you to bring an end to it. As she puts it:

"The dremora Uridimmu sought my aid in gaining status among his kin. In exchange for a favor, I agreed to make him strong. When I came to collect however, he had grown arrogant and sent out his servants against me. When I banished his servants, he fled to a nearby realm to escape me. You look like a capable sort, %PCName. Will you find him in his hiding place and send his soul back to the Darkness in Malacath's name?"

Uridimmu itself has a fair deal to say about Malacath, with some unique dialogue if you are playing as an orc, but can quickly be provoked into beginning a fight.

Related Quests[edit]
