Tamriel Rebuilt:The Wealthy Widower

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Console a grieving widower.
Quest Giver: Kamlen
Location(s): Helnim Chapel of Kynareth
Next Quest: An Unlikely Convert
Reward: Amulet of Light, 1 bottle of flin
Disposition: +5 (Kamlen)
+10 (Leopold Dufrese)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Imperial Cult)
ID: TR_m2_IC_Widower
The site of Leopold's proposal to his lost love.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Kamlen at Helnim's Chapel of Kynareth about an errand.
  2. Talk to Leopold Dufrese about his recent troubles.
  3. Find Leopold's wedding ring (TR_m2_q_22_WedRing).
  4. Return the ring to Leopold.
  5. Return to Kamlen.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Imperial Cult Mission[edit]

The Helnim almoner Kamlen wants you to find out why a wealthy man, Leopold Dufrese, has stopped his donations. He was previously a generous donor, but Kamlen suspects the recent death of Leopold's partner is weighing upon him.

Consoling a grieving widower[edit]

Leopold Dufrese's house is opposite Helnim's Red Drake Inn. Talk to him about himself, Leopold Dufrese. He will reveal that he is in a sad mood due to recent events. His wife has died, and he has even lost his precious wedding ring. He isn't coping well with his fate and blames the Nine Divines for it, hence the halt in donations.

In order to console Leopold, you will want to find his lost wedding ring. Searching his house is fruitless, you need to follow a hint he has given you in his dialogue: He proposed to his wife in front of a well. Head out of his house and you will see the well in front of you. The ring lies next to it on its northwestern side. Leopold has probably lost it while grieving for his wife. Return to Leopold, return his lost property by asking after the topic wedding ring. Then ask him about Leopold Dufrese once more, and he will agree to resume his donations

You can now return to Kamlen for a reward.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

The Wealthy Widower (TR_m2_IC_Widower)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Kamlen, the almoner at the Helnim Chapel of Kynareth, wants me to go and visit Leopold Dufrese. Apparently this prominent patron of the Imperial Cult has not made his regular donations recently, and Kamlen wants me to check on him.
20 I met Leopold Dufrese, who told me of his recent crisis of faith. His wife died recently and he has even lost his wedding ring. He says he cannot understand the cruelty of the gods in this matter.
30 Leopold Dufrese promised he would resume his donations to the Imperial Cult. Returning his wedding ring has restored his faith.
40 Finishes quest☑ Kamlen thanked me for visiting Leopold Dufrese.
50 Finishes quest☑ Kamlen refused to talk to me after I murdered Leopold Dufrese.
60 Finishes quest☑ Kamlen is dead.
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