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Tamriel Rebuilt:The Reverse Rescue

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Sabotage a salvation.
Quest Giver: Ulvys Ules
Location(s): Andas Estate: Foyer, Andothren
Prerequisite Quest: Omaynis Inn
Next Quest: The Hearing
Reward: 100 gold OR 500 gold OR 30x Dire Poisoncloud Star
Disposition: +20 (Ulvys Ules), +20 (Tholer Andas)
OR +10 (Milns Lloran), -10 (Ulvys Ules), -20 (Tholer Andas)
OR +10 (Milns Lloran), -30 (Ulvys Ules), -30 (Tholer Andas)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Hlaalu) OR +10 (Hlaalu)
ID: TR_m4_HH_AND_ReverseRescue

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Ulvys Ules at the Andas Estate in Andothren about a rescue mission.
  2. (Optional) Read the Letter from Milns Lloran and speak to Milns Lloran about Terani Deroth.
  3. Travel to Bodrum and speak to Galesa Arethi in the Varalaryn Tradehouse, and either:
    • Persuade her to back out (see Notes about Sway test).
    • Steal her amulet without her noticing.
    • Help Galesa rescue Terani Deroth without being seen.
  4. (Optional) Return to Milns Lloran (if you rescued Terani).
  5. Report back to Ulvys Ules.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Ulvys Ules has further business for you—the sabotage of a rescue mission. It seems that Terani Deroth, the head banker of the Hlaalu Council Company Bank, is being held in custody in Redoran-run Bodrum. Prominent figures in House Hlaalu want to break Terani out. Ulvys, as Tholer Andas's representative, wishes the rescue attempt to fail. Terani seems to have been getting her nose stuck in places Serjo Andas would rather it was not. Ulvys thereby tasks you with joining the rescue team, and ensuring it fails.

Ulvys will express a few other conditions: don't get seen in the same building as the prisoner, don't spill Hlaalu blood, and don't let House Redoran get the idea that the rescue was an intentional failure. He'll also give you a letter addressed to you from Milns Lloran. It seems that she has decided to trust you in helping the rescue mission truly succeed. Ulvys invites you to abuse that trust wholeheartedly. He'll also give you two Quality Potions of Invisibility for the road.

If you wish, you can speak to Milns Lloran about the mission and Terani Deroth before you depart. She's at Lloran Manor in Andothren. As far as she's concerned, Terani truly has been working for the good of House Hlaalu, and has lately uncovered some creative financing by Tholer Andas—the reason perhaps that he does not want Terani freed.

Arriving in Bodrum[edit]

When ready to leave Andothren, take the silt strider to Omaynis, and then Bodrum (or walk the long eastern route to the town). There, find Galesa Arethi in the Varalaryn Tradehouse. She's by the bar on the middle floor, beneath Tuls Varalaryn. Speak to her about the rescue mission. Although Galesa is initially surprised by your knowledge of it, she will realize who you are and explain the plan—she means to use an enchanted amulet to sneak, invisibly, into the cells where Terani is being held, and give the stricken banker an Almsivi Intervention scroll. She'll ask for your thoughts. You can reply "I think you should give up this mission.", which is a difficult Sway test, relying on a combination of your Personality, Speechcraft and Luck to succeed, while also taking into account Galesa's Disposition and your own Fatigue. You'll need to be reasonably well-off in these traits to have any chance of success, but if you manage, Galesa will back out and you can report your achievement to Ulvys Ules.

Assuming you cannot dissuade her however, you have three options. One is killing Galesa, which results in a lesser reward of 100 gold from Ulvys. Another is stealing her amulet of invisibility from the table beside her. Beware that if you are caught doing this, you will be expelled from House Hlaalu. A successful theft will allow you to report back to Ulvys for a full reward. You can otherwise assist Galesa with her plan and actually rescue Terani Deroth.

Helping the Rescue (optional)[edit]

If you wish to do this, then when Galesa tells you her plan, respond: Sure, I'm in. She'll ask you to meet her in the basement of Ramaran Manor in one hour, ensuring that no guards see you enter, and that you bring a means of escape (Recall or Intervention spells are useful but not necessary here). Ramaran Manor is in the high part of town. You'll need a means of breaking through some strong locks—if you don't have this, then before you seek out the manor's basement, where Terani is being held, try to grab the basement key held on the manor's main floors. It's on a chest of drawers in the bedrooms on the top floor.

Once confident of that you can get through the basement locks, enter the basement itself, to find a single guard. You'll need to enter the room beyond the guard unseen. Galesa will be there (wait one hour if she is not). She'll give you the Scroll of Almsivi Intervention to pass to Terani through the bars of her cell, or else you can pass Terani any Intervention scroll you have on hand. Once that's done, both Galesa and Terani will teleport out. You'll need to leave without being seen.

Back in Andothren[edit]

Rescuing Terani will certainly prove disappointing to Ulvys, so if you did this, be sure to speak to Milns Lloran in Lloran Manor for a proper reward—30 magical throwing stars—before returning to Ulvys to complete the quest. If you ensured that the rescue failed however, then Ulvys will be pleased, rewarding you with 500 gold if no blood was spilled, and 100 if it was.


  • A Sway test measures a combination of your Personality, Speechcraft, Luck, Fatigue, and the target's Disposition, with higher values increasing your chance of 'swaying' your target.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

The Reverse Rescue (TR_m4_HH_AND_ReverseRescue)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Ulvys Ules told me that the head banker at the Hlaalu Council Company Bank, Terani Deroth, has been arrested during a business trip to Bodrum, a Redoran town. Some Hlaalu members have started a rescue mission. However, Andas considers her influence destructive, so he wants me to go to Bodrum and inconspicuously sabotage the mission. If I can avoid it, no Hlaalu blood should be spilled. Ulvys Ules handed me a letter from Milns Lloran with some details about the rescue.
20 Milns Lloran will reward me well if I ensure that the mission succeeds. I am to meet with Galesa Arethi at Varalaryn Tradehouse in Bodrum.
30 I've met up with Galesa Arethi. She told me that Terani Deroth is being held at the Ramaran Manor basement. Galesa's plan is to go there and sneak an Almsivi Intervention scroll into her cell. To her help, she is using an amulet of invisibility, which she has put on the table in front of her. She wants me to join the commission.
35 I have decided to help Galesa. She will go to the basement in one hour. I should get into the basement on my own, without being seen by the guards, and meet up with her there.
40 I found Galesa at the basement, struggling with the lock to the door leading to the cells. She asked me to attempt to open it, and handed over an Almsivi Intervention scroll to give to Terani.
41 Galesa joined me at the basement. She asked me to attempt to unlock the door leading to the cells, and handed over an Almsivi Intervention scroll to give to Terani.
50 I handed over the Intervention scroll to Terani Deroth, who immediately used it to teleport away. I should report my success to Milns Lloran.
60 I was caught trespassing in Ramaran Manor. Neither Ulvys Ules nor Milns Lloran will be happy about this.
70 Terani Deroth is dead. Neither Ulvys Ules nor Milns Lloran will be happy about this.
90 Milns Lloran rewarded me well for my part in the rescue mission.
95 While being happy that the rescue mission had succeeded, Milns Lloran refused to pay me since she thought my capture would cause problem with the Redoran.
100 Finishes quest☑ Ulvys Ules was happy that I was able to ensure that the rescue mission failed, and rewarded me decently for it.
110 Finishes quest☑ While discontent that I had not been able to sabotage the rescue mission without spilling Hlaalu blood, Ulvys Ules thought it was better than the alternative. Thus, he still gave me a minor reward.
120 Finishes quest☑ Ulvys Ules was unhappy that I had let the rescue mission succeed.
130 Finishes quest☑ Ulvys Ules was very unhappy when he learned that I had got caught during the rescue mission.
135 Finishes quest☑ Ulvys Ules was furious when he learned about the death of Terani Deroth.
The Reverse Rescue (TR_m4_HH_AND_ReverseRescue2)
40 Galesa Arethi caught me stealing her amulet, and refuses to work with me anymore. I need to find another way to sabotage the rescue mission.
50 I was able to steal Galesa Arethi's amulet. Without it, she will certainly get caught. I should return to Ulvys Ules and report my success.
60 I was able to convince Galesa Arethi to give up the mission. I should return to Ulvys Ules and report my success.
70 I have killed Galesa Arethi. While not a perfect way of resolving it, this will ensure that the rescue mission fails. I should report this to Ulvys Ules.

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