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Tamriel Rebuilt:Shirel

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Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Console Location Code(s)
Velothi Mountains, [-17,-16]
The entrance to Shirel

Shirel is an icy cavern high in the Velothi Mountains.

The entrance lies west of the Dwemer ruin of Ngelfltingth.

The cavern is extensive and well-populated with murderous bandits. One, named Hamdirn, has a price on his head issued by the Redoran of Uman. Shirel's chief treasure lies upon a ledge of ice in the northeastern chamber - a corpse bearing a Glass Closed Helm and studded with Daedric Arrows. In addition, the northernmost chamber contains an Adamantium Shardaxe and an Orcish Open Helm, along with the bandit gang's loot - all contained behind a wooden palisade. Finally, the room with the bed in the south contains the Destruction skill book, Mystery of Talara, Part 3, upon a lectern.

Related Quests[edit]



Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Algeoth Male Wood Elf Rogue 4 49 84 0 90 Shirel
Dushkul gro-Burku Male Orc Master-at-Arms 14 170 80 0 90 Shirel
Eyge Split-Veil Female Nord Smuggler 14 131 80 0 90 Shirel
Grolmund Male Nord Smuggler 8 96 72 0 90 Shirel
Hamdirn Male Nord Smuggler 19 169 88 0 90 Shirel
Jasche Female Nord Master-at-Arms 8 116 72 0 90 Shirel
Larina Lutia Female Imperial Smuggler 6 73 88 0 90 Shirel
Malan Folvyn Male Dark Elf Warrior 7 101 90 0 90 Shirel
Teras Vadryon Male Dark Elf Warrior 11 136 96 0 90 Shirel