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Tamriel Rebuilt:No Sin Goes Unpunished

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Track down a repentant assassin.
Quest Giver: Laalalvo Irano
Location(s): Akamora
Prerequisite Quest: Instructions from an Altmer
Next Quest: Noble Protection
Reward: 300 gold; or 600 gold and the Right Gauntlet of Blind Rage
Reputation Gain: +3 to +5 (Fighters Guild)
ID: TR_m2_FG_Irano1
Your target hides in the holy city of Necrom

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Laalalvo Irano in Akamora's Fighters Guild about orders and Olmu Llendu.
  2. Speak to Seras Indaren in Akamora's Indaren Manor (optional).
  3. Travel to Necrom and find Olmu Llendu. Either:
    • Kill Olmu on sacred ground, offending most righteous Dunmer.
    • Accept Olmu's blood money and apology, and return to Seras Indaren (be warned this may lock out subsequent Fighters Guild quests).
    • Kill Olmu outside of Necrom.
  4. Return to Laalalvo Irano.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Laalalvo Irano has another task - one she believes to be yet another test by the nobles of House Indoril as to whether the Fighters Guild can be relied upon. Speak to her to receive the orders; you are to eliminate an assassin that has taken shelter in the holy city of Necrom, to the east, where it is a sacrilegious act to shed blood. She suggests speaking to the client, Seras Indaren, first. He can be found in the Indaren manor, a little way to the west of the guildhall. Speaking to him reveals the existence of a letter from the assassin, repenting of the murder attempt. Seras is less than amused by this.

Travel now to Necrom. This can be done easily by using Akamora's Silt Strider. Asking around will refer you to the Refuge of St. Aralor, a place for "ill-reputes". This is located in the Upper District, on the east side of the city. Within the Upper District itself, the Refuge is one of the buildings in the middle, being immediately behind the Sacellum of St.Llothis.

Speak to Olmu Llendu. She will admit her part, and swear to having changed. You can still choose to kill her, but doing so inside of Necrom will have a thoroughly negative result, offending Great House Indoril, the residents of Akamora, and all Dunmer faithful to the Tribunal Temple. Laalalvo Irano, needless to say, will provide a reduced reward - of 300 gold.

You can also accept her offered blood money, 1,000 gold in all, and take it to Seras Indaren (you can choose either to give him the gold, or just her apology). He will angrily dismiss you either way, and Laalalvo will be displeased - refusing to give you any further orders if you have already failed her once (for instance, on the Conflict of Interest quest).

The best option is to find a way to kill Olmu outside of Necrom. Speak to Lunera Hlas in the refuge to learn of Olmu's morning visits to a certain shrine, and return to the outside of the Refuge at 4am. Olmu should be outside of the Refuge at this point, and will walk to the Shrine of the Lovers, which lies to the north of the western end of the bridge leading out of Necrom. Follow her there, and kill her. Return to Laalalvo Irano in the Akamora Guild of Fighters for your reward.


  • If you chose to bring the apology to Seras Indaren, Olmu will be found dead next to the Shrine of the Lovers on your next visit to Necrom.


  • On some versions of TR Mainland, it is possible for Laalalvo Irano to not give any further orders on completing this quest. She will simply repeat the orders concerning No Sin Goes Unpunished. This error can be fixed by rising to the rank of Protector (assuming you meet the requirements), and completing Circus Leono's quests, if you have not already done so. He is in the same building.

Quest Stages[edit]

No Sin Goes Unpunished (TR_m2_FG_Irano1)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 The Guild has been contracted to search and kill Olmu Llendu, an assassin who in the past made an unsuccessful attempt on Seras Indaren's life and is now hiding somewhere in Necrom. Once I locate her, I should find a way to kill her without disturbing the peace in the Holy City. Laalalvo suggested I consult our client, Seras Indaren, on Llendu's possible whereabouts before I leave.
15 Seras Indaren told me that he recently received a letter of apology from Olmu Llendu. He believes that since the assassin is bold enough to approach him like this she is not hiding anywhere underground.
20 I've been told that the Refuge of St. Aralor houses people of ill repute. The refuge is in the Upper District of Necrom. I should head there.
40 Now a repentant monk working off her sins Olmu Llendu told me that she has given up her old way of life. She wanted me to deliver the money she was paid to kill Seras Indaren to him as a sign of her sincerity, but I declined. However, killing her outright in the refuge would greatly offend the Temple. Perhaps the other monks can tell me something useful.
45 I've learned that Olmu Llendu leaves the monastery every morning at 4 o'clock to visit a shrine somewhere -- maybe even outside Necrom. I should follow her to see if this opens a chance to kill her without any witnesses.
50 Now a repentant monk working off her sins Olmu Llendu told me that she has given up her old way of life. She has given me the money she was paid to kill Seras Indaren -- 1000 septims -- and asked me to deliver it to him along with her apologies.
60 I've slain Olmu Llendu. However, her blood was spilled within Necrom. This doesn't make the Guild look particularly good. I should report back to guildmaster Laalalvo.
65 I've slain Olmu Llendu outside Necrom. I should let guildmaster Laalalvo know of my success.
80 I've told Seras Indaren of Olmu Llendu's repentance and given him the 1000 septims Llendu gave me. The noble thinks the assassin has played me for a fool. He dismissed me, furious that instead of killing Llendu I alerted her that the Indarens are after her. I should let Laalalvo know of my failure.
85 I've told Seras Indaren of Olmu Llendu's repentance. The noble thinks the assassin has played me for a fool. He dismissed me, furious that instead of killing Llendu I alerted her that the Indarens are after her. I should let Laalalvo know of my failure.
100 Finishes quest☑ Laalalvo Irano thanked me for killing Olmu Llendu without causing any disturbance in Necrom. The Indarens will surely be pleased, and the Guild's future in Akamora looks slightly less dark. In addition to the reward money, Irano also gave me the enchanted Gauntlet of Blind Rage.
110 Finishes quest☑ Laalalvo Irano wasn't pleased with the way I killed Olmu Llendu. Though I have fulfilled the contract I've also drawn negative attention on the Guild by disturbing the Temple's peace in Necrom. Among the Indoril nobles of Akamora this sacrilege will not be taken lightly.
120 Finishes quest☑ Laalalvo Irano was extremely disappointed to hear I hadn't killed Olmu Llendu. She believes that my act of mercy will be in vain since the Indarens will just send someone else to kill her. Laalalvo told me that because of my actions the Indaren house and their retainers aren't likely to hire the Guild ever again.

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