Tamriel Rebuilt:Natasia

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Natasia (tr_m2_q_35_vampire1)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Location Mugan Crypt
Race Nord Gender Female
Level 18 Class Witch
Other Information
Health 112 Magicka 114
Alarm 0 Fight 90
Natasia in her natural environment

Natasia is a Nord vampire witch of Berne blood, but she and her vampire companions are outcasts and do not belong to any clan. She is hiding in Mugan Crypt, quite a difficult-to-find place between Akamora and Sailen, where Ranosa Orrels will send you during the quest Interview with a Vampire

Like any other vampire, Natasia attacks on sight, but it is possible to calm her with a powerful enough Calm spell. When pacified, she will be able to talk and will provide very interesting information regarding the vampires of Tamriel. This is prized and valuable knowledge for every curious mage, but especially for Ranosa Orrels, a Mages Guild Wizard from Akamora who seems to be studying vampires for quite a long time.

Natasia wears an extravagant shirt, common pants, and no shoes. She wields a Daedric Steel Shortsword in combat. She knows quite a lot of spells, aside from her regular vampire abilities: Absorb Willpower, Absorb Strength, Absorb Speed, Spell Absorption, Weak Spelldrinker, Reflect, Dire Noise, Far Silence, Hide, Invisibility, Commanding Touch, Alad's Caliginy, Tinur's Hoptoad, Weary, Crushing Burden Touch, Great Burden of Sin, Heavy Burden, Thunder Fist and Woad.

Related Quests[edit]


  • Greetings:
    • "Say what you have to say, lifeless one."
    • "You have come here to... speak? Speak then, %PCRace, if you must."
    • "What now, %PCRace? I thought we were done talking."

  • Background: "I am a blood-sucking corpse. I once died, and joined the clan responsible for my death. With them I'd carried on for centuries, undecided on which of life or unlife I was to parody, when I was cast out along with the fools I'd sired. Now we put our great curse to good use, hiding even from our own."
  • questions on vampirism: "If it is power you seek, you should look elsewhere. There is nothing formidable about the curse bestowed upon us... A study, you say? Your curiosity is misplaced, but fine. Ask your questions and let us be done."
  • (if player is a vampire): "If it is a cure to the sickness you seek, do not bother. I know of no such thing... A study for a Guild, you say? You think you can fit in with these mortals! Your mistake. Go on, then, and ask your questions and let us be done."
    • Which bloodline do you belong to?: "Not content to be cursed, we are now outcasts as well. We were once of the Berne clan, and as such we retain the more furtive features and underhanded inclinations of the Berne, though we are no longer welcome among them."
      • (if player is a vampire of the Berne clan): "Not content to be cursed, we are now outcasts as well. As you may have sensed, we were once of the Berne. We have the same furtive features and underhanded inclinations, though we are no longer welcome among your clan."
    • How did you become a vampire?: "A vampire of the Berne fed on me, and I was left for dead. Perhaps not so mistakenly."
      • (at low disposition): "That does not concern you."
    • How long have you been a vampire?: "More than three centuries, at the very least. Long enough to have stopped keeping track of time."
      • (if player is a vampire): "More than three centuries, at the very least. You too will stop keeping track of time, if you survive and persist on this path."
      • (at low disposition): "Why do you bother asking? That amount of time your mind could not conceive."
    • Have you created any vampires?: "Inexplicably. You saw them around here. They were cast away as well, so that I'd have to keep tolerating their presence."
      • (at low disposition): "I fail to see why you would need to know that."
    • Why were you cast out?: "Vampires in a clan pretend to take delight in their condition. It is a testament to their hypocrisy that, for all their scorn of the living, they take refuge in pride as exiles commonly do. Let us just say my views weren't popular."
      • (if player is a vampire of the Berne clan): "You must have noticed that those in the clan pretend to be glad of their condition. It is a testament to their hyporcrisy that, for all their scorn of the living, they take refuge in pride as exiles commonly do. Let us just say my views weren't popular."
      • (if disposition is low): "My views on our condition were one slight too many."
      • (if disposition is very low): "We will not speak of this."
    • Describe your resistance to steel weapons: "You would call this strength! The frailty to rare metals is part of our curse. They hurt our blood, as do fire and sunlight."
      • (if player is a vampire): "Of all people, you would call this strength? You are truly a fool. The frailty to rare metals is part of our curse. They hurt our blood, as do fire and sunlight."
    • Why do some weapons hurt you more than others?: "The frailty to rare metals is part of our curse. They hurt our blood, as do fire and sunlight."
      • (if player is a vampire): "The frailty to rare metals is part of our curse. They hurt our blood, as do fire and sunlight. I would say you can count yourself lucky if you still haven't experienced it, but believe me, that won't last."
    • Are you undead?: "Do I look alive to you, %PCRace? I care little how you classify those affected by the disease. I know I have died."
      • (if player is a vampire): "Do YOU feel alive? I care little how they classify those affected by the disease. I know I have died."
    • Can you feed on other vampires?: "Would you have found several starving vampires here if that were the case?"
      • (if player is a vampire): "Don't be ridiculous. Would you have found several of us starving here if that were the case?"
      • (if player is a vampire and disposition is low): "Is that something you wish to find out?"
    • Are you related to Ash Vampires?: "I have not heard of them, though I expect common folk would easily attribute the name to any number of other ravenous creatures."
    • Do vampires maintain a link to the Daedric realm of Coldharbour?: "Why would we have anything to do with Oblivion? Thirst and hunger do addle our minds, but we would feast on cultists before even thinking of joining them. Daedra aren't prey, so they are of no interest to us either."
    • Are you different from the vampires in Vvardenfell?: "While other forms are usually found on the Mainland, I was infected by a disease from Vvardenfell, as are all the Berne."
    • Are the vampires of Cyrodiil different?: "They are more secretive than even the Berne. They might be related, but not much is known about them."
    • Are the vampires of Skyrim different?: "Tales of my homeland tell of the Volkihar beasts that live under the ice. I used to mock these myths. Then... at first, I believed I would turn into one. That was before the Sun went up, and started burning my skin."
      • (if player is a Nord vampire): "Tales of our homeland tell of the Volkihar beasts that live under the ice. I used to mock these myths. Then... at first, I believed I would turn into one. That was before the Sun went up, and started burning my skin. In case you made the same mistake... now you know better."
      • (if disposition is too low): "The Volkihar of Nord myths are... nothing like us."
    • Are the vampires of Black Marsh different?: "From what I have heard, the Whet-Fang would be content to continuously feed on hypnotized prey, and less aggressive than our clans; Argonians turned in Morrowind -- for there are such abominations -- are every bit the savages you would expect, and show no signs of such meekness."
      • (if player is an Argonian vampire): "You may have heard some say the Whet-Fang are content to continuously feed on hypnotized prey, and less aggressive than our clans. The fact that abominations like you exist at all is proof enough that these rumors are unfounded."
      • (if player is an Argonian): "You may have heard some say the Whet-Fang are content to continuously feed on hypnotized prey, and less aggressive than our clans; Argonians turned in Morrowind -- for there are such abominations -- are even worse savages than you are, and show no signs of such meekness."
    • Is your thirst for blood ever sated? Does it affect your abilities?: "We hunger always. Starvation will make a vampire more desperate and daring, even mindless -- not stronger. Besides the thirst, our wounds cannot mend without drinking fresh blood."
      • (if player is a vampire): "As if you never craved for blood, %PCRace! We hunger always, as you should already have discovered. Starvation will make a vampire more desperate and daring, even mindless -- not stronger. Besides the thirst, our wounds cannot mend without drinking fresh blood."
    • How exactly is one turned into a vampire?: "Vampirism is first caught in the same way as a common disease, and can also be inflicted by magic. Although few would purposely convert their prey, let alone admit to doing it, it can be transmitted when one feeds without killing. However, cattle kept by the clans have their blood so mingled that, for all it's worth to the wretches, they become immune."
    • Can you protect yourself against sunlight?: "Of course... By staying out of it."
  • (after all the questions are answered): "You have what you came for. Leave while you have the chance. Unless... you would, perhaps, care to stay for dinner?"
  • (after all the questions are answered): "Before you leave, you must kill me. This life, or unlife, however you call it -- I tire of it, yet cannot end it myself. Instinct will soon take over your trickery, and again... No! No more of this endless starving. Hurry now. You will kill me. If you don't, you will die at my hand."
  • (if player chooses "I have no more questions" before even asking one): "You said you had questions, %PCRace. Are you trying to make a fool of yourself?"
  • (after all the questions are answered): "I've once more answered your questions, %PCRace. Now do me this favor and end my torment."
  • (after all the questions are answered): "I've answered your questions, %PCRace. This would not have been the case had you not affected my mind with magic, but I will not hold it against you. No, I would rather ask of you a favor."