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Tamriel Rebuilt:Malvas Relvani

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Malvas Relvani (TR_m1_T_Malvas_Relvani)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Port Telvannis
Location Telvanni Council House: Chambers
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 20 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 112 Magicka 164
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 4(Mouth)
Malvas Relvani

Malvas Relvani is a Dark Elf mage and the Mouth of Archmagister Rilvin Dral, who is located in the meeting chamber of the Telvanni Council House in Port Telvannis. If you are a member of House Telvanni, he will have two chores for you: collecting ingredients, and participating in one of Dral's experiments.

He wears an extravagant robe with a pair of expensive shoes. He wields an adamantium dagger, and carries an exclusive Restore Health potion.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Absorb Intelligence, Absorb Speed, Absorb Willpower, Blood Despair, Blood Gift, Burden of Sin, Deadly Poison, Dire Weakness to Fire, Dire Weakness to Frost, Dire Weakness to Magicka, Dire Weakness to Poison, Dire Weakness to Shock, Feet of Notorgo, Fire Shield, Great Feather, Masterful Red Wisdom, Medusa's Gaze, Poet's Whim, Powerwell, Reflect, Sleep, Strong Fire Shield, Strong Frost Shield, Strong Shock Shield, Summon Skeletal Minion, Vivec's Mercy, Weak Spelldrinker, Wild Spelldrinker, and Wizard Rend.

Related Quests[edit]

Great House Telvanni[edit]


  • Greeting:
"I need somebody to perform some chores for me. You would suit me perfectly, %PCRank.
  • Background:
"I am %Name, and I am the chosen Mouth of Archmagister Dral. His words are my commands."
  • chores:
"I need somebody to collect ingredients for Lord Dral's latest experiment."
"Lord Dral has sent for somebody to test a vital experiment."
"I have no further chores for you, %PCName. You could talk with the other Mouths if you want further duties."

If Rilvin Dral is dead:

"I have no further chores for you, %PCName."

If you are Master rank or higher:

"It is not my place to instruct you, %PCRank."
  • Council:
"I sit on the council, and represent my lord the Archmagister Rilvin Dral in official matters."
"Hard to find, I will admit. Your best bet is to search alchemist's shops, and we have many of those in the Telvanni Isles."
"Surely you require no guidance on this, %PCName? Flame Atronachs are where these crystalline compounds originate, and they should provide no challenge for any worthy mage."
"Easy for you to locate, I am sure. These compounds frequently are found on the remnants of a banished Frost Atronach."
"Surely you don't need my directions to find that, %PCName? Check Daedric ruins, or even a local alchemist. It's not exactly hard to come by."
  • Telvanni Mouths:
"I am the Mouth of Archmagister Rilvin Dral of Tel Thenim. The other Mouths are Areth Morvayn for Mistress Rathra, Fervas Shulisa for Mistress Eldale, Nethan Marys for Mistress Faruna, Nevrile Omayn for Master Mithras, and Norahin Darys for Master Vaerin."
"Commonly found on the evanescent remains of a Storm Atronach, these crystalline precipitations are not the hardest ingredients to find. Surely you can deal with a Storm Atronach, %PCRank?"

House Telvanni: Ingredients for Lord Dral[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Were you able to gather those ingredients for Lord Dral?"
  • ingredients for Lord Dral:
"My Master is engaged in a complex experiment, high in his tower. He requires several Daedric ingredients. Namely scamp skin, daedra skin, void salts, fire salts, and frost salts. Bring those to me, %PCName, and I will reward you greatly."
"I'm afraid you do not yet have all that my Master requires."
"Yes, you appear to have all that I need. Let me take those from you, and give you this amulet in return." (Disposition up by 5, and removed Scamp Skin, Daedra Skin, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, and Void Salts from your inventory. You receive an Amulet of Farthil's Ward)

If Rilvin Dral is dead:

"My Master has no need of ingredients where he is now, %PCName. Get out of here."

House Telvanni: Uncharted Waters[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Were you able to help Archmagister Dral in his vital experiment?"
  • vital experiment:
"Indeed. Listen, it is imperative that I get someone to Archmagister Dral as soon as possible. He could be preparing the necessary rituals as we speak, and I will not keep my Master waiting. If you fail to reach Archmagister Dral within a day, I will apoint someone else to this vital task."
  • I will comply with the Archmagister's wishes.: "Excellent, excellent. Meet Archmagister Dral in his tower, Tel Thenim, as soon as possible."
  • I don't want to get involved in something as potentially dangerous as a Telvanni Lord's experiment.: "Disobedience is not an option, %PCRank. If you fail to comply with Lord Dral's wishes, you will be punished. Now, meet Archmagister Dral in his tower, Tel Thenim, as soon as possible." (Disposition down by 5)

If you are Mouth rank or higher:

"Hmmm. Your disobedience is disappointing, %PCRank. Still, if you wish not to further the power of House Telvanni's greatest wizard, then so be it." (Disposition down by 5)
"You have not yet visited Lord Dral? Then do so right away!"
"You aided Lord Dral in his experiments? Fascinating, I am sure, and I praise your obedience. You could go far in our House, %PCName." (Disposition up by 10)
"You performed well, %PCName."

If you didn't aid Rilvin Dral:

"%PCName, you failed to arrive at Tel Thenim in time, and for that you must be punished. I strip you of your rank of %PCRank. I sincerely hope you do not fail me again. Thankfully I was able to provide Lord Dral with a more willing subject, but you are lucky that I did. Otherwise, my wrath would have indeed been terrible, as would that of Lord Dral." (Disposition down by 20)
"You disappointed me in this matter, %PCName."

If Rilvin Dral loses interest in the experiment:

"Ah, yes. Lord Dral tells me that matter has been solved, so he has no more need of you."

If Rilvin Dral is dead:

"Lord Dral is dead, %PCName. No experiment can save him now." (Disposition down by 10)