Tamriel Rebuilt:Lliretha Arantam

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Lliretha Arantam (TR_m1_Lliretha_Arantam)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Bahrammu
Location Arantam Cave Dwelling
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 5 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 50 Magicka 88
Alarm 90 Fight 10
Lliretha Arantam in her dwelling

Lliretha Arantam is a Dark Elf commoner who lives in a cave on the north side of Bahrammu. Her husband, Gavis, was blown out to sea in a storm and is believed drowned. She is desperate for some keepsake by which she can remember him.

She wears a common robe with matching shoes. She wields a cooking knife, and carries 11 gold.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the following spells: Cure Common Disease, Detect Creature, Mark, Recall, Rilm's Cure, Shield, Sotha's Mirror, Spell Absorption, Variable Resist Common Disease, Variable Resist Fire, Variable Resist Frost, Variable Resist Magicka, Variable Resist Poison, Variable Resist Shock, Vivec's Feast.

Related Quests[edit]



The Widow and the Sea[edit]

  • Greetings:
"Please leave me alone with my sorrow."
"Please leave me alone with my sorrow, %PCRace."
"Oh, my poor husband. If only I had some part of him to remember him by."
"Thank you for your help, %PCName. But I would like to grieve alone."

If you refused to help her:

"If you will not help me, why do you goad me so?" Goodbye
  • my sorrow:
"My darling Gavis has drowned at sea. The other fishermen could only watch as the storm took his boat far away, and cruel fate took my life and my love from me. If only I could have some part of him back again."
"If only I had some part of him to remember my husband by."
"Thank you for your help in easing my pain, %PCName."

If you refused to help her:

"Why would you care?"
  • some part of him:
"If I could even see his ring again, it would soothe my pain so much. You look like a strong one. Maybe you could help me?"
  • Yes, I will try to help you.: "Thank you, %PCName. He was out fishing with his friend Vedran Gavonir. They usually went fishing out near Urlis Rock, a small island to the northeast of here. To get there, I think you head out of town on the eastern track, and you'll find the beach where the boats are. Head out into the water, northeast. You can recognize Urlis Rock by the old collapsed Nord barrow at the highest point. Come here -- I'll mark it on your map."

If you have already come across Gavis' skeleton:

  • It happens I have found a corpse on the seafloor at the place you've described. It had a tanto thrust through its chest.: "So it was a violent death? How horrible. Please put an old lady's heart to rest and find out who has committed this horrific crime."
  • No, I don't have the time.: "I'll just sit here all alone and wait for a husband that will never return."
"Please try to find his ring, %PCName."
"You say that it was a violent death? How horrible. Please put an old lady's heart to rest and find out who has committed this horrific crime."
"So it was Vedran? And to think that I even let that s'wit into my house. Thank you most kindly, %PCName. Here, take this, it's my lucky amulet. I wanted Gavis to take it with him that day, but I think that he would have wanted you to have it." (Disposition up by 30, removed Gavis Arantam's Ring from your inventory and you receive a Fisherman's Lucky Amulet)
"Thank you again for your help, %PCName. This memento will help soothe my lonely nights."