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Tamriel Rebuilt:Jodald

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Jodald (TR_m3_Jodald)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location The Salty Futtocks
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level 10 Class Publican
Rents Bed Bed 10 gold
Gold 125 Mercantile Expert (48)
Sells Ingredients, Potions
Other Information
Health 97 Magicka 108
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Jodald, publican of The Salty Futtocks

Jodald is the Redguard Publican of the down-to-earth inn, The Salty Futtocks. Being the roughest drinking establishment in Old Ebonheart by some margin, Jodald seems remarkably unfazed by the appearance of the occasional corpse on the premises - with one such beginning the quest, A Small Complaint, and another featuring in the Thieves Guild quest, A Message from Mister Delagia.

Jodald also appears in the East Empire Company quest, Buying Time, as a delayed EEC shipment of non-alcoholic Llotham stands to lose him a considerable amount of coin. He can be satisfied with compensation in the form of gold or aromatic scrib jerky, but will refuse Flin on the basis that he isn't serving ship's officers.

He wears a common shirt with matching pants, shoes, and belt. He wields an iron dagger, and carries 22 gold and the food and drink that he restocks for the inn.

Like all Redguards, he has a natural resistance to poison and disease, and can boost his health, strength, agility and endurance for a short period of time, but otherwise knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]

East Empire Company[edit]

  • Buying Time: Recent shipping delays require some savvy negotiation.


Thieves Guild[edit]


  • Greetings:
(Upon first meeting):
"Yeah? This is the Salty Futtocks. Name your poison. We also rent beds if you're looking to get some rest."
"Yeah? Name your poison."
(If Brallus Mele is dead):
"You've done and killed Brallus, eh?"
  • Sorry about the mess. [Pay 10 gold]:
"Much obliged. The way I see it the man had it coming." (Disposition +15, and removed 10 gold from your inventory)
(If you don't have the gold):
"Imaginary money does me no good. Lucky for you Brallus was a bad customer. He won't be missed." (Disposition -5)
  • I didn't mean to.:
"Didn't mean to? I dunno about that. Looked pretty intentional to me." (See other choices)
  • He had it coming.:
"Hey, I'm not judging you. The man probably did have it coming. How's about a drink on the house? To keep you from killing more of my patrons." (Disposition +10, and you receive 1 Sujamma)
  • Beds:
"You'll find your room on the second floor. First door after the stairs." (Disposition +2, and removed 10 gold from your inventory)
(After completing 'A Small Complaint'):
"You'll find your room on the second floor. First door after the stairs. Fingers crossed you won't find a dead guy in there this time, eh?" (Disposition +2, and removed 10 gold from your inventory)
"You'll find your room on the second floor. First door after the stairs."
  • llotham:
"Llotham is a cheap non-alcoholic workers' drink commonly produced in Indoril lands from the hamum root. It grants hardiness in return for stunted magic recovery. It's very popular with the sailors and hard laborers who come here."

East Empire Company: Buying Time[edit]

  • shipping delays:
"Llotham is cheap, but it sells fast. My clients can't get enough of it. I'm losing several hundreds of drakes here, %PCRace, and it's your fault. What are you going to do about it?"
  • I offer 600 drakes in the Company's name.:
"That's very generous, %PCName. Thank you. I accept this gift more confident than ever in the East Empire Company's ability to deliver." (Disposition +5)
  • I offer 400 drakes in the Company's name.:
"Come now. That's almost acceptable, but surely the East Empire Company can afford a bit more generosity for a local merchant." (Disposition -5)
(If Disposition ≥ 50):
"%PCName, this is nothing personal, but you're a bad negotiator. Give me a better offer or go back to mercantile school." (Disposition -5)
(If Disposition ≥ 40 and your Mercantile ≥ 15):
"That is fair. I accept your offer. Despite this bump in the road, I'm more confident than ever in the future of my partnership with the East Empire Company." (Disposition +1)
(If your Mercantile ≥ 45):
  • I offer 200 drakes in the Company's name.:
"I'd only take a deal like that from a friend. And you're not a friend." (Disposition -10)
(If Disposition ≥ 80):
"Really? That's my compensation? Okay. Because we're friends. And my wares had better be top-quality when they arrive."
(If you know about the scrib jerky in the Company basement):
  • Right now, I have a load of scrib jerky worth 500 drakes. Are you interested?:
"I may be. Are you offering a discount?"
  • It's yours for free.:
"That's very generous, %PCName. Thank you. I accept this gift more confident than ever in the East Empire Company's ability to deliver." (Disposition +5)
  • It's yours for only 200.: (See responses for 'I offer 400 drakes in the Company's name.' choice above)
(If your Mercantile ≥ 45):
  • It's yours for only 400.: (See responses for 'I offer 200 drakes in the Company's name.' choice above)
(If you have talked to Yaguz gro-Dhaluk about shipping delays):
  • It's yours for only 400.: (See responses for 'I offer 400 drakes in the Company's name.' choice above)
(If you have talked to Yaguz gro-Dhaluk about shipping delays and your Mercantile ≥ 45):
  • It's yours for only 700.: (See responses for 'I offer 200 drakes in the Company's name.' choice above)
  • Let me think about it.:
"Time is money, outlander." (Disposition -5)
(If you know about the shipment of flin):
  • Right now, I have a crate of flin worth 200 drakes. Are you interested?:
"Flin? Do we look like an officers' club to you? Come back when you're serious." (Disposition -10)
  • Let me think about it.:
"Time is money, outlander." (Disposition -5)

A Small Complaint[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Huh? You wish to make a complaint about a room? Who's Enix Caripus?"
  • Enix Caripus:
"There's a dead guy in your room? You brought him with you or something?"
  • He was already there when I got there.:
"Well, that name does ring a bell. He rented the room not few days ago. Kept to himself. Didn't remember he hadn't checked out. Though in a way he did, didn't he? These things happen."
  • I can't sleep in that room.:
"I hear you. I'll have the body taken care of. We good?"
  • And I want a compensation.:
(If your Speechcraft < 45):
"Well, excuse me, your majesty. Where did you think you were staying in--the Tiber Septim Hotel? A compensation for finding a body? Just be glad it's not you." (Disposition -5)
  • Fine. Forget it.:
"Good." (Disposition +5)
  • This is unfair.:
"Tough, ain't it? We're done here. I'm not listening to your complaints anymore." (Disposition -10)
(If your Speechcraft ≥ 45):
"Tell you what, I'll give you half of your money back. 5 septims. Here you go. We good?" (You receive 5 gold)
  • Yes:
"Good." (Disposition +5)
  • This is not enough.:
(If your Speechcraft < 55):
"What more do you want? More money? An apology for the inconvenience? Tough. Now get out." Goodbye (Disposition -15)
(If your Speechcraft ≥ 55):
"Alright, alright. I'll give you a total refund. Now... we good?" (You receive 5 gold)
  • Yes.:
"Good." (Disposition +5)
  • This is not enough.:
(If your Speechcraft < 60):
"My heart bleeds for you, really. Now get out." Goodbye (Disposition -10)
(If your Speechcraft ≥ 60):
"I'm sorry, but this is the best I can do, %PCName. I hope you understand." Goodbye (Disposition +5)
(If your Speechcraft ≥ 65):
"Fine. You have my apologies for the inconvenience. Here's the rest of your rent. And here's a bottle of Vintage Colovian Battlewine. Now... we good?" (You receive 5 gold and 1 Vintage Colovian Battlewine)
  • Yes:
"Good." (Disposition +5)
  • This is not enough.:
"I'm sorry, but this is the best I can do, %PCName. I hope you understand." Goodbye (Disposition +5)
  • Yes.:
"Good." (Disposition +5)
  • His death needs to be investigated.:
"There ain't no mystery here. From what you've told me I gather he died of natural causes."
  • I am going to inform the guards.:
(If your Speechcraft ≤ 50):
"The guards are of no use. They would care even less about the body than I do, lemme tell you. Wouldn't be the first killing here that went unsolved."
  • Fine. But I can't sleep in that room.: (See responses for 'I can't sleep in that room.' choice above)
(If your Speechcraft > 50):
"Hold your horses, %PCName. You don't wanna to involve the law. They would find nothing. But they'd turn my joint upside down looking for that nothing... Best we just get rid of the body discreetly and keep this a secret, yes?"
  • Fine, but I want a compensation.:
"I hear you, I hear you. Here, I'm giving you your money back. And here's a bottle of Vintage Colovian Battlewine, as a token of my good will. And you have my apologies for the inconvenience. Satisfied?" (You receive 10 gold and 1 Vintage Colovian Battlewine)
  • Yes:
"Good." (Disposition +5)
  • This is not enough.:
(If your Speechcraft < 60):
"My heart bleeds for you, really. Now get out." Goodbye (Disposition -10)
(If your Speechcraft ≥ 60):
"I'm sorry, but this is the best I can do, %PCName. I hope you understand." Goodbye (Disposition +5)
(If Brallus Mele is dead and your Speechcraft < 80):
"Do that and I will tell them how you murdered poor Brallus Mele. We got a room full of witnesses for that. Hell, come to think of it, you probably murdered this Enix guy, too. So you see, you really don't wanna involve the guards."
  • Fine. But I can't sleep in that room.: (See responses for 'I can't sleep in that room.' choice above)
  • This is unfair.:
"Tough, ain't it? We're done here. I'm not listening to your complaints anymore." (Disposition -10)
  • It didn't look natural to me.:
"Well, 'round here a dagger in the stomach counts as a natural cause." (See 'inform the guards' and 'can't sleep in that room' choices)
  • Fine. But I can't sleep in that room.: (See responses for 'I can't sleep in that room.' choice above)
(If Brallus Mele is dead):
"There's a dead guy in your room? You do leave a trail of corpses behind you, don't ya, %PCName?" (See 'He was already there...' choice above)
(If you didn't rent the room):
"There's a dead guy in one of our rooms? Well, that's what you get for snooping around. Sometimes you find a dead body. But thanks for letting me know. I'll take care of it."
"The body's been taken care of."

Thieves Guild: A Message from Mister Delagia[edit]

  • Greetings:
"Hey. Hey, you! I was told to give you this note... It's from Mister Delagia -- he sends his regards. Just take it! I don't want nothing to do with this..." Goodbye (Disposition -5, and you receive A message from mister Delagia)
(If you have completed 'A Small Complaint' before):
"Hey. Hey, you! I was told to give you this note... It's from Mister Delagia -- he sends his regards. Just take it! I don't want nothing to do with this... Man, people are just dropping like flies around you, aren't they? It's best you leave." Goodbye (Disposition -5, and you receive A message from mister Delagia)
(If you are a man and have received the note):
"You've got the note, pal. Just leave me out of this. I ain't messing with Delagia's gang!" Goodbye
(If you are a woman and have received the note):
"You've got the note, gal. Just leave me out of this. I ain't messing with Delagia's gang!" Goodbye


  • Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
  • Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.