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Tamriel Rebuilt:Hidden-Paw Anjirra

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Hidden-Paw Anjirra (TR_m4_Anjirra)
Location Bthuangthuv (after Sugary Business)
Race Suthay Gender Female
Level 12 Class Assassin
Other Information
Health 94 Magicka 130
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Hidden-Paw Anjirra

Hidden-Paw Anjirra is a Suthay Khajiit who will bring her boat to the waterside by Bthuangthuv in the event that you take over the skooma trade in Sugary Business. While she counts herself as one of Jo'Kaar's friends in the Elsweyr Mission, she is at pains to stress that His Excellency, Prince Ji'Morashu-ri, the Mission's ambassador, is in no way aware of the skooma trading going on under his nose. It is unclear how true this is, or if it is simply a question of deniability.

Nonetheless, Hidden-Paw Anjirra will appear roughly each week outside Bthuangthuv with 5x skooma bottles for sale at 250 gold for the lot. After ten visits, she will announce the cessation of the arrangement, citing orders from an unnamed superior.

As for how Anjirra gets her skooma, she has this to say:

"Illegal for men and elves, perhaps, but the embassy of Elsweyr has a special diplomatic import license for it. We can bring in modest quantities of it, yes, but it's more than enough to share it with good friends."

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