Tamriel Rebuilt:Heebeen

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Heebeen (TR_m3_Heebeen)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Guild of Fighters
Race Argonian Gender Male
Level 2 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 46 Magicka 82
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Fighters Guild 0(Associate)

Heebeen is an Argonian commoner and Associate of the Fighters Guild who can be found in the living quarters on the top floor of the guildhall in Old Ebonheart.

He wears a common shirt and a pair of common pants. He carries a small kwama egg, a broom, and a bucket.

Like all Argonians, he is immune to poison, has a resistance to disease, and can breathe underwater, but otherwise knows no spells.


  • Greeting:
"Pardon me, %PCClass; I'm trying to finish the housework before anyone notices I've been napping."