Tamriel Rebuilt:Hears-Through-Walls

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Hears-Through-Walls (TR_m3_HearsThroughWalls)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Ebon Tower, Palace: Household
Race Argonian Gender Female
Level 3 Class Cook
Other Information
Health 48 Magicka 128
Alarm 100 Fight 30

Hears-Through-Walls is an Argonian cook who can be found in the palace kitchens at Ebon Tower in Old Ebonheart. She is the Master of the Kitchen, and a keeper of secrets.

She wears a common shirt and a common skirt. She wields a cleaver.

Like all Argonians, she is immune to poison, has a resistance to disease, and can breathe underwater, but otherwise knows no spells.


  • Greeting:
"Welcome to the Kitchen. Are you seeking dinner or information?"
  • Background:
"I am %Name, Master of the Kitchen. I hear many things, and they can be had for a price. Gold is always welcome, but so too is a rare ingredient or exotic recipe."
  • little secret:
(These lines have a random chance of appearing):
"Tournaments are fun and so are plays, but I hear even the smallest things can ruin them, %PCName."
"I hear thieves can be clumsy, when they are they cause all sorts of trouble."
"Wizards are just as ambitious as they are cunning. I hear them bickering and plotting, stomping and jumping. Sometimes they jump too much."
"Not all Dragonscale is created equal, %PCRace. Some are brown, some are red. Some are standard issue, some are much more interesting."
"I hear things, whispers and rumors, all throughout the palace, %PCClass. Some men aren't what they seem, others are much worse."
"There's a lot of fun things to find in the Ebon Tower or so I've heard, shiny helms, shiny lights, shiny diamonds. Diamonds are my favorite though; so expensive, so well guarded."
(If your Reputation ≥ 10):
"I hear talk of you, %PCName. Things they say about you, I hope they are true."
  • my trade:
"I am a cook, and a very good one at that. I also trade in secrets."