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Tamriel Rebuilt:Duress of a Slave

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Deliver a letter to a young noble facing a moral dilemma.
Quest Giver: Lloris Dalan
Location(s): Almas Thirr, Temple
Prerequisite Quest: Healing Jalor Indo
Next Quest: Outlandish Heresy
Reward: Indoril Amulet (successfully advise anything other than freedom) or Seventh Barrier Ring (successfully advise freeing slave), 100 gold (telling Idura Voron that you delivered the letter)
Disposition: -40 to +15 (Idura Voron)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Tribunal Temple)
ID: TR_m3_TT_Lloris2, TR_m3_TT_Lloris2b, TR_m3_TT_Lloris2c, TR_m3_TT_Lloris2d, TR_m3_TT_Lloris2e

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Lloris Dalan about duties.
  2. Report to Idura Voron and ask about a letter to Indoril Danvas.
  3. Deal with Illene Teloth.
  4. Bring the Letter to Indoril Danvas to Indoril Danvas in Roa Dyr.
  5. Advise Indoril Danvas on the problem of a good death.
  6. Report back to Idura Voron.


  • The Seventh Barrier ring provides a 70 pt shield enchantment for 60 seconds (cast on use).
  • You will require 75 speechcraft to convince the Indoril noble to free his slave

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Duress of a Slave (TR_m3_TT_Lloris2)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Lloris Dalan asked me to go the Office of Intercession in the Almas Thirr plaza and find Idura Voron. She has some small delivery task for me.
20 Idura Voron gave me a letter, which I'm supposed to deliver to Indoril Danvas, a young Indoril noble. He can be found in the chapel-estate of Roa Dyr, east of Almas Thirr.
30 I delivered Idura Voron's letter to Indoril Danvas. He was surprised to see an outlander being a sworn member of the Temple and asked me to provide insight to the problem of a good death.
100 Finishes quest☑ Idura Voron thanked me for delivering the letter to Indoril Danvas and gave me some gold. I should go see if Lloris Dalan has some more challenging duties for me now.
150 Finishes quest☑ Idura Voron was seemingly distraught to hear that I hadn't handed the letter to Indoril Danvas personally. I should go see if Lloris Dalan has some more challenging duties for me now.
175 Finishes quest☑ Idura Voron was distraught and angry to hear that I let Illene Teloth know the contents of her letter to Indoril Danvas. I should go see if Lloris Dalan has some more challenging duties for me now.
200 Finishes quest☑ Idura Voron was disappointed to hear that I had opened the letter and read it. She asked me to keep quiet about the contents of the letter. I should go see if Lloris Dalan has some more challenging duties for me now.
250 Finishes quest☑ I lied to Idura Voron, telling her that I had delivered her letter to Indoril Danvas. She thanked me and gave me some gold. I should go see if Lloris Dalan has some more challenging duties for me now.
Duress of a Slave (TR_m3_TT_Lloris2b)
100 I broke the seal on Idura Voron's letter.
200 From Idura Voron's letter I learned that she is trying to locate an unnamed missing person under Indoril Danvas' orders. She also appears to be desperately in love with him.
Duress of a Slave (TR_m3_TT_Lloris2c)
10 According to Indoril Danvas, one of the slaves owned by the chapel-estate of Roa Dyr is badly hurt and dying a slow, agonizing death. Indoril Danvas is interested to hear what I -- both as an outlander and a representative of the Temple -- think is the honorable thing to do in this situation.
20 I decided to wash my hand of the fate of the dying slave, which disappointed Indoril Danvas. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
30 Ultimately, I decided to wash my hand of the fate of the dying slave. Indoril Danvas said he understood why I made that decision and thanked me for being frank with him in our discussion. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
40 I told Indoril Danvas that the dying slave should be put to death as quickly as possible. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
50 I told Indoril Danvas that the dying slave should be made an example of, so that the other slaves will think twice before trying to escape. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
60 I told Indoril Danvas that the dying slave should be given a honorable death -- a death that Indoril Danvas would wish upon himself. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
70 I told Indoril Danvas that the dying slave should be given poison that kills him. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
80 I told Indoril Danvas that the dying slave should be given poison that kills him. I used my learnedness in the art of alchemy to provide Indoril Danvas with a proper formula for the poison. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
90 I told Indoril Danvas that a healer should tend to the slave. Indoril Danvas didn't think my advice was very helpful. He thinks that I'm being wilfully ignorant of the hopelessness of the situation. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
100 I told Indoril Danvas that a healer should tend to the slave. At first Indoril Danvas was suspicious of my suggestion, but thanks to my learnedness in the art of healing, I was able to convince him. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
110 I told Indoril Danvas that the dying slave should be simply left alone. Indoril Danvas wasn't impressed with my advice. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
120 I told Indoril Danvas that the dying slave should be simply left alone. After listening to my arguments Indoril Danvas agreed that taking no action is the thing to do in this situation. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
130 I told Indoril Danvas that the dying slave should be freed and that he should be taken back to Black Marsh, so he doesn't have to die in a strange land. Indoril Danvas disagreed saying that my suggestion wasn't a feasible thing to do at all. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
140 I told Indoril Danvas that the dying slave should be freed and that he should be taken back to Black Marsh, so he doesn't have to die in a strange land. Indoril Danvas agreed and said that he will make the necessary arrangements to make it happen. He also thanked me for the advice and gave me a special ring. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
150 I convinced Indoril Danvas that instead of asking me to solve his dilemma, he should think for himself. Indoril Danvas thought that there was wisdom in my words and thanked me. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
200 Indoril Danvas became irritated during our conversation and told me that he doesn't need my help anymore. I should go back to Almas Thirr to report back to Idura Voron.
Duress of a Slave (TR_m3_TT_Lloris2d)
10 I was approached by Illene Teloth, a Temple Disciple. She asked me if I was delivering a letter to Indoril Danvas.
20 I lied to Illene Teloth telling her that she was mistaken about the letter. She believed me and bid me good day. I should head to Roa Dyr and deliver the letter.
30 I spun a lie about the contents of the letter -- and Illene Teloth believed me. She thanked me for this "information" and bid me good day. I should head to Roa Dyr and deliver the letter.
40 I gave Idura Voron's letter to Illene Teloth. She read it and gave it back to me. I should head to Roa Dyr and deliver the letter.
50 I let Illene Teloth know what Idura Voron had written in her letter to Indoril Danvas. Still, I should head to Roa Dyr and deliver the letter.
100 I refused to let Illene Teloth read the letter to Indoril Danvas. I should head to Roa Dyr and deliver the letter.
Duress of a Slave (TR_m3_TT_Lloris2e)
50 I was told that Indoril Danvas can be found meditating on the bottom floor in the centermost building in Roa Dyr known as the Crossing of Lamps.
100 I gave Idura Voron's letter to an Indoril retainer, who promised to deliver the letter to Indoril Danvas posthaste. I should report back to Idura Voron.
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