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Tamriel Rebuilt:Drinking, Stealing, Ranting

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Investigate the case of the ranting Redguard.
Quest Giver: Llendyl Darothan
Location(s): Roa Dyr, Watchtower
Reward: 50 gold OR 500 gold
OR 50 gold and Marlene's Family Amulet.
ID: TR_m3_Rd_Drinkstealrant
The watchtower of Roa Dyr

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Ask Llendyl Darothan in the Roa Dyr watchtower about the outlander woman.
  2. Speak to Marlene in her cell, then speak to Llendyl Darothan again.
  3. Talk to Marlene about the thief's location.
  4. Speak to Ulor Noryn in Eravan.
  5. Speak to Gorz gro-Ungbuk in Selyn.
  6. Ask any Rilsoan local about the thief's location, with 75+ disposition.
  7. Go to Massanud and confront Moryn Gilnam.
  8. Either:
    • Accept Moryn's offer of 500 gold.
    • Return to Marlene, then Llendyl (ends quest, no reward).
  9. Or:
    • Reject his offer and kill Moryn Gilnam.
    • Retrieve Moryn Gilnam's Journal and Marlene's Family Amulet from Moryn's corpse.
    • Return the journal to Llendyl Darothan for 100 gold.
  10. Or:
    • (With Speechcraft +70) Persuade Moryn to give up the stolen amulet and his journal peacefully.
  11. Return the journal to Llendyl Darothan for 100 gold.
  12. Speak to Marlene.
  13. Meet Marlene inside Roa Dyr's Crossing of the Lamps after a day has passed.
  14. Either:
    • Give Marlene the amulet for 500 gold.
    • Lie, and say you don't have the amulet for 50 gold.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

On the northern edge of Roa Dyr stands a watchtower. Within it, on the lowest floor, are the chapel's cells. A foul-mouthed drunk named Marlene is being held captive here, and the prison guard by her cell has had enough. Speak to Llendyl Darothan. She's been guarding Marlene's cell for days, with the constant noise causing something of a headache. Marlene's claimed connection to the Imperial Archaeological Society has made Llendyl wary of silencing the Redguard more brutally, for fear of invoking the wrath of the Empire. Llendyl will therefore offer you a reward if you can get Marlene to quiet down without violence.

If you agree, speak to Marlene in her cell. She'll tell you her story. She was traveling in Morrowind with a Dark Elf she had met on her travels. One day the Dark Elf stole her family amulet, and her resulting violent explosion against the Dunmeri race has caused her to be imprisoned, following a complaint from a farmer. Marlene will then ask you to find her amulet and bring it back to her, offering a reward. Refusal will tank her disposition and end the quest. Accept, and Marlene will ask you to speak to Llendyl and explain her side of the story. Talk to Llendyl on the outlander woman topic. While she's willing to give the story some credence, she'll demand some form of evidence before taking a chance on releasing Marlene. You'll have to ask Marlene for guidance on this next step - she'll suggest finding the thief's location, by starting with the farmer who turned her in.

The farmer in question is Ulor Noryn, found in the small settlement of Eravan, a short way east of Roa Dyr. He'll remember the scene with some excitement, noting that Marlene's companion - the thief - was seen sprinting southwest. He'll suggest asking at Selyn, a small settlement to the southwest (south of Roa Dyr). Asking the locals about the thief's location will see them refer you to the Orc, Gorz gro-Ungbuk, who works the fields outside. You'll find him strolling around the settlement's cropland. He'll point you to Rilsoan, which lies a short way southwest across the stream.

Any resident here can give you the final piece of the trail, but their disposition towards you needs to be 75 or more. Once it is, asking them about the thief's location will have them name Massanud as a smuggler's hideout where the crook can likely be found. To reach it, follow the road running east from Rilsoan around the slope of the hill (ignoring the turning to the bridge). Massanud's entrance will be on your right.


The cavern portion of this dungeon (you may wish to keep an eye out for a route to something more spectacular) is straightforward, with only a level 40 locked door and two bandits to impede your progress. In the final chamber of the cavern, you will find the thief, Moryn Gilnam. He'll offer you 500 gold in exchange for permitting his escape to Narsis. Your options in response will depend on your speechcraft - with 75+, you can simply persuade him to hand over the amulet and evidence you need. This option is not available without that speechcraft level however, and so instead you will have a choice of accepting or rejecting Moryn's deal.

If you accept this offer, you'll need to return to Roa Dyr to speak to Marlene and Llendyl, neither of whom will be happy.

You can alternatively reject his offer and note that you intend to retrieve his stolen goods from his corpse, at which he'll take offense enough to attack. Kill him, and retrieve both Marlene's amulet and the thief's diary. Then return to Roa Dyr. You can't give Marlene either item, so hand the journal to Llendyl instead. She'll then proclaim it evidence enough, and you can speak to Marlene. She'll request that you meet her once the day has passed within the Crossing of the Lamps in the center of Roa Dyr. Your journal will update once a day has passed. Speaking to Marlene now will close the quest, and you will be able to decide whether to hand over the amulet for a 500 gold reward, or not, in which case your reward will be 50 gold (and the amulet itself if you lied about having it).

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Drinking, Stealing, Ranting (TR_m3_Rd_Drinkstealrant)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
5 In the chapel of Roa Dyr, I heard some rumors about a drunk outlander woman that has been insulting common folk along the road recently. She is kept in the watchtower dungeons for misbehavior.
10 In the watchtower of Roa Dyr, I spoke to Llendyl Darothan, the prison guard, who asked me for help with the outlander prisoner that has been annoying her for quite some time.
15 I accepted the prison guard's offer. Now I should speak to the outlander woman Llendyl Darothan told me about.
20 Marlene, the prisoner in the watchtower dungeons, told me the reason for her misbehavior: some local had stolen her family amulet after drinking with her, and that her capture was a pure accident.
23 I told Marlene that I'll think about her proposal.
25 I agreed to help Marlene prove her innocence and retrieve her family amulet.
40 The prison guard refused to release Marlene as there is no evidence to back her story.
50 Marlene suggested to go to the farmstead near the main entrance of Roa Dyr and find the local farmer who called the guards on her for the information about the thief.
55 Ulon, a farmer in Eravan, told me that the thief ran southwest of the place, off the road. He suggested me going to Selyn farmstead and asking the locals there.
60 In Selyn, the local farmer told me that he saw a man in a pilgrim's robe running in the direction of Rilsoan village.
65 In Rilsoan, one of the locals said that the thief is a smuggler from a local gang with a hideout in Massanud cave, located past the road east of the village on the right side.
70 After I found the leader of the smugglers' gang, he proposed a deal to leave him alone and get 500 gold as a "reward for my curiosity" instead.
75 I accepted the thief's bargain. I should let Marlene know that the thief is gone and nowhere to be found.
77 I persuaded the thief to give me Marlene's family amulet as well as his journal. That might prove Marlene's story to Llendyl Darothan.
80 I declined the thief's proposal. He attacked me immediately.
82 I killed the thief. Now I should search for the evidence that would prove Marlene's story and her family amulet.
83 I found the thief's journal. It might be eligible to prove Marlene's story.
85 I presented the thief's journal as the evidence to Llendyl Darothan. She thanked me for my help in investigating the case and rewarded me with 100 gold. I should speak with Marlene now.
86 A day has passed since I presented the proof of Marlene's innocence to Llendyl Darothan.
88 I spoke to Llendyl Darothan after a while since I presented the proof of Marlene's evidence. The prison guard told me that Marlene awaits me at the Crossing of Lamps to discuss my reward for helping her.
90 Marlene thanked me for her release and asked me to meet her at the Crossing of Lamps.
95 A day has passed. Marlene should be waiting for me at the Crossing of Lamps.
97 I didn't bring Marlene's family amulet for the meeting with her. I should find it and return as soon as possible.
99 Finishes quest☑ Llendyl Darothan, a prison guard in the watchtower of Roa Dyr, is dead.
100 Finishes quest☑ I met Marlene at the Crossing of Lamps and gave her family amulet back. She thanked me greatly for all that I've done for her and rewarded me with 500 gold.
110 Finishes quest☑ I met Marlene at the Crossing of Lamps and told that I'd not found the amulet. She was a bit upset and gave me only 50 gold as the reward.
120 Finishes quest☑ I told Marlene that the thief was gone and nowhere to be found. She was greatly upset.
130 Finishes quest☑ I rejected Marlene's offer. It looks like she's even more upset now.
140 Finishes quest☑ I refused to help the prison guard.
150 Finishes quest☑ Llendyl Darothan told me that I made her situation worse and that I should not expect any reward.
160 Finishes quest☑ Llendyl Darothan is dead. I won't get any reward from her now.
165 Finishes quest☑ Marlene is dead.
170 Finishes quest☑ Llendyl Darothan refused to speak with me after hearing about Marlene's death.
180 Finishes quest☑ Marlene is dead. I won't get any reward from her now.
190 Finishes quest☑ The prison guard in the watchtower of Roa Dyr refuses to speak with me after I killed the prisoner.
195 Finishes quest☑ Marlene refused to speak with me after I killed the prison guard.