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Tamriel Rebuilt:Bradys Hlaalo

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Bradys Hlaalo (TR_m2_Bradys Hlaalo)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Necrom
Location Chamber of Parting
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 16 Class Priest
Other Information
Health 103 Magicka 122
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Tribunal Temple 7(Diviner)
Bradys Hlaalo

Bradys Hlaalo is a Dark Elf priest and Diviner in the Tribunal Temple. He can be found in the Chamber of Parting in Necrom, and is encountered during a number of quests for the Mages Guild and the Tribunal Temple.

He wears a priest's robe and common shoes. He wields a silver dagger and carries a copy of The Doors of the Spirit. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Absorb Speed, Absorb Willpower, Blood Gift, Crushing Burden Touch, Daedric Bite, First Barrier, Great Burden of Sin, Great Resist Common Disease, Great Resist Fire, Iron Will, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Storm, Poet's Whim, Poisonbloom, Powerwell, Rapid Regenerate, Reflect, Shockbloom, Strong Levitate, Tinur's Hoptoad, Weak Spelldrinker, Weary, and Wearying Touch.

Related Quests[edit]


  • Greeting:
"This is the Chamber of Parting. If they elect to do so, families may hold a period of mourning while the bodies of the departed rest here, before being interred. Speaking frankly, this is not a place for ordinary pilgrims."
  • Background:
"%Name, sera. Head priest of the Charnelworks. I perform the sacred rites needed to guide the departed to their resting place and prepare their bodies for cremation. I also oversee the work of the other priests."
  • Hall of Contemplation:
"The Hall lies within the large administrative complex in front of the Fane of the Ancestors. Enter the Temple Pathway, then look to your left or right when inside and you cannot miss it."
  • Head Priest of the Charnelworks:
"Yes, that's me."
  • Rite of the Voice:
"The Rite is forbidden to you until you have completed the requisite sacred tasks, %PCClass."

Mages Guild: Field Research[edit]

  • bonewalker smithies:
"Measurements at our smithies? An ominous request, unsurprisingly from an Imperial guild. Well, now that you've bothered to travel to Necrom for this, I'll be polite and give you an appropriate reply. Wait a moment, I'll write down the reply for your colleague." [He starts writing a letter.]
  • Continue: "Here, %PCRace, this is my reply; please deliver it to your colleague. To make the long story short: we demand from people who visit the smithies to be respectful and considerate. These measurements Aldard is intending to perform would be neither. They would be useless and inappropriate." (You receive a Letter from Bradys Hlaalo)
"You have my answer, %PCClass, and the decision stands firm. Any further discussion is obsolete. The bonewalker smithies of Necrom were not established for profane, secular affairs, but for the exertion of our divine traditions."

Tribunal Temple: May She Rest in Peace[edit]

  • sacred task:
"Have you come to deliver the ash of one of our devout?"
  • Yes.: "I shall ensure they remain safe in Necrom. Thank you, %PCRank. If this person had a family, it would give them great comfort to know that you have done this." (Removed Ashes of Fedura Ovav from your inventory)

If you don't have the Ashes of Fedura Ovav in your inventory:

"Are you sure you have the ashes with you?"
  • No.: "I see. I had best get back to my duties."

Tribunal Temple: A Flooded Tomb[edit]

  • Rite of the Voice:
"Go to the Hall of Contemplation here in Necrom. Seek out Idras Berendus. He will tell you more about joining his sacred order."
"You have taken the Rite of the Voice already, %PCRank."
  • sacred task:
"Were you not tasked with retrieving the sealed ashes from the Sarnat Ancestral Tomb?"
"I see you have obtained the Sarnat ashes. I have a message from the Sarnat family here, I shall read it to you. [Bradys Hlaalo pulls out a long, ornate scroll] "To they who retrieve our family's ash -- thank you." The note ends there. [Bradys rolls up the scroll] I will ensure these receive a proper burial. Now, I have been told you qualify for the Rite of the Voice." (Removed 5 Sealed Sarnat Ashes from your inventory)
"I do not give out sacred tasks myself. I believe your Speaker duties fall under the guidance of Vaden Baro, %PCRank."