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Tamriel Rebuilt:Beast of Burden

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Master Mithras has burdened you with the task of finding a pack guar...
Quest Giver: Master Mithras in Ranyon-ruhn
Location(s): Ranyon-ruhn
Prerequisite Quest: Daggers and Chains
Next Quest: An Offer She Can't Refuse
Concurrent Quest: Removing the Guard
Reward: 150 gold
ID: TR_m1_RR_MQ_6
The Guars outside Ashamul

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Wait a day then talk to Master Mithras.
  2. Head to Ashamul, and acquire a guar... one way or another.
  3. Tell Mirisun Varen the good news.
  4. Return to Master Mithras.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

The day after you finish the previous quest, you'll receive a journal update telling you that Master Mithras will be ready with another task. This time, he wants you to go to Ashamul, another of his holdings, and hire a pack guar so that ebony can be taken to Port Telvannis to sell.

Ashamul isn't far away. Head south out of Ranyon-ruhn and follow the road towards Llothanis. You will come across a short road leading to Ashamul on the way. Once you arrive, the guar herder, Feduran Vandal, will refuse to sell you a guar until you have helped her with a problem. Deal with the situation however you see fit, and you will receive an offer of a free pack guar. Return to Ranyon-ruhn.

Head to the mine to tell Mirisun Varen of your success. He will reward you with 150 gold and let you know that Mithras has another job for you to do.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Beast of Burden (TR_m1_RR_MQ_6)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 A day has passed, and I should go and see Master Mithras again.
20 Master Mithras wants me to go to Ashamul, and hire a pack guar that can be used to bring ebony to Port Telvannis for sale. Once I have hired the guar, I should tell Mirisun Varen that I have done so, and he will send someone to load and move the guar.
30 Before I hire a guar, Feduran Vandal wants me to perform a small task for her.
40 In return for removing the guard, Feduran Vandal allowed me to hire a guar for free. I should tell Mirisun Varen of my success.
45 In return for helping stop Feduran Vandal smuggling, the guard at Ashamul allowed me to hire a guar for free. I should tell Mirisun Varen of my success.
50 Finishes quest☑ Mirisun thanked me for hiring the guar, and said he would send someone down to collect it soon.
Prev: Daggers and Chains Conc: Removing the Guard Next: An Offer She Can't Refuse