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Tamriel Rebuilt:Arquebald Vene

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Arquebald Vene (TR_m3_Arquebald Vene)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Guild of Mages: Top Floor
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 25 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 126 Magicka 200
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Mages Guild 8(Master Wizard)
Arquebald Vene

Arquebald Vene is a Breton mage and a Master Wizard in the Mages Guild. He leads the Old Ebonheart branch of the guild and can be found on the upper floor of the building. While a masterful wizard, Arquebald is somewhat contemptuous both of his apprentices (on occasion with good reason), and with most of those who come to see him.

The potion on his desk can be drunk to begin the events of Hide and Seek, while a key hidden on the ledge near the roof in his room permits access to the stranger parts of the building, as seen in When Interiors Don't Match Their Exteriors.

He wears an expensive wizard hat, an expensive wizard robe, an expensive shirt, a pair of expensive pants, and a pair of expensive shoes.

Aside from his natural bonus and resistance to magicka, and his ability to shield himself for short periods, he knows the following spells: Absorb Health, Blood Gift, Hearth Heal, Medusa's Gaze, Toxic Cloud, Shadow Weave, Strong Shock Shield, and Summon Clannfear.

In his room on his desk other than the bottle of sludge, there are 3 filled greater soul gems and a filled grand soul gem. On the bookshelf, there are 2 bottles of flin, a copy of The Art of War Magic, a copy of Palla, Book I, a copy of Palla, Book II, and two more filled greater soul gems. On the chair next to the bed is a copy of The Final Lesson, and on the chest of drawers are 2 Quality Rising Force Potions. On the ledge near the roof apart from the key, there are 3 Exclusive Rising Force Potions, 3 jugs of vintage brandy, a locked chest (100) with 1500 randomized gold in it, a cursed Daedric staff, a Scroll of Windwalker, and a bottle of ancient Dagoth brandy.

Related Quests[edit]

Imperial Cult[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]

House Hlaalu[edit]



  • Greetings:
"Good day, %PCRace. Are you here to join the Mages Guild? Or do you want to hear more about the Old Ebonheart Mages Guild?"

If you are a member of the Mages Guild:

"Good day, %PCRank. Are you here for duties? Advancement? Or do you want to hear more about the Old Ebonheart Mages Guild?"

If you are Arch-Mage of the Mages Guild:

"Welcome, %PCRank. How may the Old Ebonheart Mages Guild serve you?"
"You can find her in the basement. She's not the most capable alchemist, but we work with what we've got."
  • Background:
"%Name is my name, yes, but please just call me Arquebald. I am the ranking guildmaster here at the Old Ebonheart Mages Guild. It is a prestigious title, but I'm thinking of retiring soon, truth be told. I'd like more time to work on my own projects, instead of untangling the royal muck-ups of the apprentices around here."
  • duties:
"I don't have any duties for you at present: I'm up to my ears in incompetent apprentices! Why don't you go help some of them out? Amelphia Tarramon is looking for help with a couple of research projects."
"There is a new mage in town: Ernandre Nermin."
"I haven't seen Astien Lothaire in a couple of days. Honestly, I doubt anybody misses him, but it is my duty as a guild steward to take care of my apprentices. Go find out where he is."
"I don't have anything more for you at the moment. However, I believe Valkreia Krex was looking for some assistance. Something about a missing apprentice? Not sure. Far too busy."
  • Old Ebonheart Mages Guild:
"Welcome to the south side of the Inner Sea, and the largest city of the Empire on this side of Tamriel. The Legion has the surrounding lands, both fauna and Dunmer locals, well under heel."
  • Continue:
"Unfortunately for us, that means a lot of wet ear apprentices running around the town. While you are here, please do not take their adolescent pranks as your measure of the Mages Guild."
If you are a member of the Mages Guild:
"Unfortunately for us, that means a lot of wet ear apprentices running around the town. I hope you conduct yourself more professionally than the last crop we had through here."
If you are at least a Journeyman of the Mages Guild:
"Unfortunately for us, that means a lot of wet ear apprentices running around the town. As an established member of the guild, I expect you to do your duties and teach these youngbloods what's what."
If you are Arch-Mage of the Mages Guild:
"Unfortunately for us, that means a lot of wet ear apprentices running around the town. If you are able to teach these youngbloods a few lessons, %PCRank, I would be most appreciative."
"Oh, he should be around here somewhere. Have you tried the mess hall?"
  • previous attempt:
"Who told you about that? Don't you go putting your nose where it doesn't belong, %PCName, I have enough problems as is."

If you are at least Journeyman rank of the Mages Guild:

"I sealed it off to prevent trouble. I trust you will leave it well enough alone, %PCName."
  • Valkreia Krex:
"She's just in the other room over there. She's the bald one. Can't miss her."

Imperial Cult: Politics to Play[edit]

  • petition the Mages Guild:

If Disposition < 30:

"You have to be pulling my leg. Get lost!"
"This is quite a task you've been sent on, %PCName. Let's say I lent you our support, what would you use it for? You need to understand that just giving away our political clout could damage it in the long run. But, there might be something in return you could do for me..."
  • Continue:
"There is a potion on my desk. Take it and drink it. Show me that the Great Faiths are more than bumbling buffoons that would squander our goodwill. Show me that you can pass a test of wit and cunning, and I will agree to your request." Goodbye
If you have already completed 'Hide and Seek':
"[He looks at a point behind you, then nods thoughtfully.]
Actually, nevermind. Let's just say that I'm sure you have had all the cunning and wit you could ever need just by coming back here in one piece. Maybe not enough guile quite yet, or maybe the Imperial Cult has taught you regret and to do better than snatching and drinking random potions. Scoundrel or not, I'll agree to your request and you can tell your priest as much."
"There is a potion on my desk. Take it and drink it. Show me that the Great Faiths are more than bumbling buffoons that would squander our goodwill. Show me that you can pass a test of wit and cunning, and I will agree to your request."

Once you have completed 'Hide and Seek':

"Good, I can see that you have all the cunning and wit you could ever need just by your having come back in one piece. Maybe not enough guile anyway. Nevertheless, I'll agree to your request and you can tell your priest as much."

If you are Arch-Mage of the Mages Guild:

"Of course, %PCRank. It will be done as you wish."

Mages Guild: Restocking[edit]

  • replenish my stores:
"So you did a little shopping for Amelphia Tarramon, and now you want me to reimburse you? Sorry, %PCRank, but she should have put in an official supplies request. As it is, I suppose I can pay you for your trouble delivering the goods, but I can't do more than that." (You receive 25 gold)

If you have been expelled:

"You have been expelled, %PCRank. You have to make amends before talking about this further."

Mages Guild: Guars and Guards[edit]

"His sister believes he may have lost his mind. I tried to tell her we are the Mages Guild, not the Imperial Cult, and she would be better off consulting a priest. You talk to her. Do what you can for her, or at least get her to go away and leave me to my work."
"Good work, I suppose. If it's not apprentices, it's foolish peddlers. I have more duties for you when you are ready."

If you have been expelled from the Mages Guild:

"You have been expelled, %PCRank. You have to make amends before talking about this further."
  • duties:
"Actually, maybe you can help here. This woman is having trouble with her brother, Bildam Danoran. You handle it. I have paperwork to do..."
  • Ernandre Nermin:
"He's set up shop at the fountain and has been peddling magical wares to the townsfolk. Now, technically this isn't illegal, but technically it could interfere with the Mages Guild trade agreements on such things, and I'd like you to get him to join the guild so all these technicalities can conveniently go away. Get my drift?"

If Ralani Danoran has appeared at the Mages Guild:

"What? Don't you have duties to attend to? I'm trying to hear this woman out."
"Ernandre? He's keeping a room in the Moth and Tiger currently, but sometimes you can find him around here. If I had known he would be so much trouble, I wouldn't have invited him to the guild."
"I'm seeing to his discipline, don't you worry about that!"

Mages Guild: A Watery Fate[edit]

  • Astien Lothaire:
"Our "promising" new apprentice. I asked him to enchant an exquisite pair of shoes I had just bought, but when I put them on the next day, instead of going invisible, my feet started roasting like guar meat. Really useful."
  • Continue:
"Word to the wise, don't drink and enchant, %PCRank. You'll probably find Astien Lothaire in a bar somewhere."
"I can't believe our apprentice was trapped in the sewers this whole time. I hope the experience makes him sober up and take his studies seriously. Take this for your trouble. It is one of the potions Astien crafted the other day. Though he has failed all his magical and enchanting lessons, the kid has an innate talent for alchemy. Only reason we keep him around, you see." (Mages Guild Reputation +3 and you receive Astien's Escape Elixir)

If Astien Lothaire drowned in the sewer well:

"I've heard it be said he left town. I must say I'm not very surprised -- or displeased, truth be told. Astien seemed more interested in tavern games and wine than in the magical lessons we provided. Take this for your time. It's the only possession he left here." (Mages Guild Reputation +1 and you receive 2 Tamika's Cellar Fine Wine)
"If I never hear that name again, it'll be too soon."

If you have been expelled from the Mages Guild:

"You have been expelled, %PCRank. You have to make amends before talking about this further."
  • duties:
"Have you found Astien Lothaire?"

Mages Guild: Ghost in a Gem[edit]

"Now the apprentices are getting themselves killed? By the Nine, can I not even trust my second in command to wrangle these cretins properly? ...Sorry? Oh, right, the soul gem. We best be rid of it quickly. Given what I know about the things, smashing it open is our best bet, really; Missa herself is beyond saving, so nothing will be lost that isn't already. Using her soul for enchanting or any other manner of experiment would run afoul of our standards."

If you have been expelled from the Mages Guild:

"You have been expelled, %PCRank. You have to make amends before talking about this further."

Mages Guild: When Interiors Don't Match Their Exteriors[edit]

  • Potelie Sincel:
"Dead is she? Well that explains why I haven't had to clean up one of her messes in a while. Would you bring me all those snippets she left behind? They need to be properly archived I'm afraid."
"Have you gathered her logs yet?"
  • Yes.:
"Thank you for bringing these to me, %PCName. I'll see to it they are properly archived." (Mages Guild Reputation +5, removed Log 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 from your inventory, and you receive 90 gold)
If you have none of the logs:
"No, %PCName. The correct answer was no." (Disposition -5)
If you have some but not all of the logs:
"Return to me when you have found every page, %PCName."
  • No.:
"Well go get them."

If you already have all of Potelie Sincel's logs:

"Of course you'd find her body in a sealed off realm she was warned not to enter. Thank you for bringing me these notes, %PCName. Yet another report to write." (Mages Guild Reputation +5, removed Log 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 from your inventory, and you receive 90 gold)
"Even dead these apprentices still accrue paperwork."
  • previous attempt:

If you have entered the sealed off part of the guildhall:

"You just had to see for yourself didn't you? Why do I even bother telling people not to do things?"

If you are an Apprentice of the Mages Guild:

"You just had to see for yourself didn't you? Apprentices, pah! You never listen."

If you are at least a Journeyman of the Mages Guild:

"I see you survived. Good, I'm busy enough already."

If you are at least a Wizard of the Mages Guild:

"You should be able to see why I chose to seal it away with all these apprentices running around."

House Hlaalu: A New Employment[edit]

  • job for a scribe:
"No, I don't have any need for a scribe. Now excuse me."

Hide and Seek[edit]

  • Greetings:

If you have taken the Bottle of Sludge and have not started the Imperial Cult quest 'Politics to Play':

"Are you just going to take things off my desk without asking? Enjoy the potion, %PCClass, I really hope you do."

If you have started the Imperial Cult quest 'Politics to Play':

"Well? Enjoy the experience, %PCClass, I really hope you do."
"I see you've made it. Not bad, %PCClass. What was it you wanted?"

Don't Touch My Gems![edit]

  • Greetings:

If Maniel Sylbenitte died during his experiments:

"%PCName! You fool! Do you know the first thing about experimenting with dangerous magic? I know you encouraged Maniel to dabble in unsafe Daedric summoning. It could've ended much worse, believe me. We're lucky he was the only one killed. Maniel paid with his head, but you, %PCName, I've lost all faith in you." Goodbye (Disposition -30)

If you are a member of the Mages Guild:

"%PCName! You fool! Do you know the first thing about experimenting with dangerous magic? I know you encouraged Maniel to dabble in unsafe Daedric summoning. It could've ended much worse, believe me. We're lucky he was the only one killed. Maniel paid with his head, but you, %PCName, I'm demoting you for this blunder. And you should consider yourself lucky I'm being so gentle!" Goodbye (Disposition -30, Mages Guild Rank -1 for 21 days)
  • Advancement:

If 21 days have not passed since your demotion:

"I haven't forgotten the debacle you caused with Maniel, %PCRank. You still have much to make up for."

If 0 days have passed since your demotion:

"I am not amused, %PCRank." (Disposition -8)