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Tamriel Rebuilt:Alnas Driln

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Alnas Driln (TR_m4_Alnas Driln)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Indal-ruhn
House Alnas Driln's Shack
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 12 Class Monk
Other Information
Health 99 Magicka 98
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Alnas Driln, owner of the Legendary Mudcrab Slayer

Alnas Driln is a Dark Elf monk and resident of Indal-ruhn. He claims to have been a successful fisherman in his younger days, and many a tale has been spun about a weapon in his possession - the Legendary Mudcrab Carver. A visitor to the riverside port, Vanith Garos, is more than a little keen to get his hands upon it.

He wears a pair of common pants and a pair of common shoes. He wields a bonemold long bow, and carries 5 bonemold arrows, the Legendary Mudcrab Carver, and 4 gold.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]


The Mudcrab Slayer: Seek out the bane of all things mudcrab.


  • Greeting:
"Yes, it's me. No need to make a big fuss over it. Tell me, what can I do for an obvious fan, %PCRace?"
  • Background:
"%Name's the name. I may not look it, but I was quite the fisherman back in my day. Well, not so much a fisherman. I mainly hunted crabs. But you get what I mean, right, serjo? They might not look it, but those mudcrabs can be ravenous little buggers."
  • Indal-ruhn:
"Not so bad a place, really. Plenty of decent mer to share a jug of mazte with and chat away the evenings."
  • Legendary Mudcrab Carver:
"Ah yes, this tanto is my pride and joy. Forged by a god I doubt you've heard of. Very powerful. Makes mudcrabs of all shapes and sizes die within seconds. One stab and all of your problems go away."
  • little secret:
"You know about crabs? I hate them. Little bastards. I take my tanto to any I see. That's why I'm called the Crab Slayer. I kill crabs, big and small. That's why this beautiful tanto of mine is the Legendary Mudcrab Carver. You've probably heard of me. Now listen, you better kill crabs wherever you see them. If you don't, then you and me are going to have a problem."

The Mudcrab Slayer[edit]

  • Greetings:

If you have given the Legendary Mudcrab Carver to Vanith Garos:

"Well, have you had any success with my Legendary Mudcrab Carver? It's a powerful weapon for sure, and one not many can wield, but you seem of the capable sort."

If you have refused to return the Legendary Mudcrab Carver and keep Alnas' secret:

"What do you want from me now, s'wit? I thought I made myself very clear." Goodbye
  • Legendary Mudcrab Carver:
"You want this legendary artifact? Ha! Of course you do, and you're not the only one. Tell you what, I'll sell it to you for... let's say 300 gold."
  • You've got a deal!:
"Very good. May it serve you well, serjo." (Removed 300 gold from your inventory, and you receive the Legendary Mudcrab Carver)
If you don't have the gold:
"Come back to me when you have the gold, %PCClass, or don't come back at all." Goodbye (Disposition down by 10)
  • No thanks.:
"Very well. I suppose the awesome might is too much for your coin purse to afford."
  • What is the legend behind this legendary artifact?:
"Forged by a god I doubt you've heard of, this tanto is destined to make short work of the mudcrab menace of Morrowind. Mudcrabs of all shapes and sizes die within seconds when it pierces their carapaces. One stab and all of your problems go away."
  • You've got a deal!:
"Very good. May it serve you well, serjo." (Removed 300 gold from your inventory, and you receive the Legendary Mudcrab Carver)
If Disposition is at least 70:
"Very good. May it serve you well, serjo." (Removed 100 gold from your inventory, and you receive the Legendary Mudcrab Carver)
If you don't have the gold:
"Come back to me when you have the gold, %PCClass, or don't come back at all." Goodbye (Disposition down by 10)
If Disposition is at least 70 and you don't have the gold:
"Oh, I suppose I can't fault you too much for being hasty. Tell you what, return to me when your coin purse is flowing with gold and the tanto is yours." (Disposition down by 5)
  • No thanks.:
"Very well. I suppose the awesome might is too much for your coin purse to afford."
If your Intelligence is at least 35 OR you know about the prank:
  • Sounds underwhelming. Won't a kitchen knife do the same?:
"You outlanders really should get to know our country better before saying such things. I guess even the mudcrabs are softer over in Cyrodiil, or you are just a braggart. Look, you can have the legendary tanto for just 100 gold because I like you. It's a bargain!"
  • Now you've got a deal.:
"Very good. May it serve you well, serjo." (Removed 100 gold from your inventory, and you receive the Legendary Mudcrab Carver)
If you don't have the gold:
"Oh, I suppose I can't fault you too much for being hasty. Tell you what, return to me when your coin purse is flowing with gold and the tanto is yours." (Disposition down by 5)
  • No thanks.:
"Very well. I suppose the awesome might is too much for your coin purse to afford."

If Disposition is at least 70:

"Well, I wouldn't do this for just anyone, but for you, I might be able to part with this legendary artifact for 100 gold." (See identical options above)

After Vanith Garos has been slain by mudcrabs:

"You let someone do what? Look, the tanto being some kind of powerful god-slayer was just a story, a fable, an exaggeration. It is certainly a higher-quality tanto than the normal steel variety, but it isn't enchanted or anything. This can't get out to the rest of the village. Please, allow me to take the tanto back, and do not speak a word of this to anyone. I'll then pass on to you some of the knowledge I have about tantos."
  • Okay.:
"Thank you! I'm glad you understand. As promised, here's everything I know about tanto-based combat. It isn't much, but it might be useful to you." Goodbye (Disposition up by 20, removed Legendary Mudcrab Carver from your inventory, and your Short Blade skill increases by 1)
  • I will keep your secret and your tanto.:
"Very well, I hope it serves you better than Vanith." Goodbye
  • How about my gold back as well as that training you offered?:
"Fine, take your money and listen up. If I hear one word of me out of your mouth I'll be mounting your tongue on my wall over there. Now, show me your stance..." Goodbye (Disposition down by 10, removed Legendary Mudcrab Carver from your inventory, you receive 300 gold, and your Short Blade skill increases by 1)
If you paid 100 gold for the Legendary Mudcrab Carver:
"If I must. Here you go, 100 gold, just like you paid me. We'll start by taking a look at your swing." Goodbye (Removed Legendary Mudcrab Carver from your inventory, you receive 100 gold, and your Short Blade skill increases by 1)
  • You'll not get either the tanto or my silence!:
"Did you honestly come back here just to try and expose me? Do you really want to pick a fight with me, n'wah? I want you to leave, %PCName, and don't ever come back if you value your safety." Goodbye (Disposition down by 70)
  • Why did you sell it to me if you were worried about people finding out the truth about the tanto?:
"Look around you. Do you really think my purse is full? Anyone asking to buy an artifact must have some gold to spare. Now please, if you keep your silence and give me back my tanto, I'll teach you what I know." (See identical options above)
If you know about the prank:
  • The rest of the village already knows.:
"Knows what exactly? Look, outlander, you are not going to lay this corpse at my door. I sold a weapon more than capable of killing mudcrabs. A legendary weapon, too, and the legend came for free with it! Did I ever say it was magical?" (See identical options above)