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Skyrim talk:Thane of the Reach

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Season Unending[edit]

What if Markarth was handed over during Season Unending before you did Igmund's favor? Is it then impossible to become Thane because you did not actually liberate Markarth? And also if you become Thane of Markarth, but then it gets handed over to Ulfric during Season Unending, will you lose your status as Thane? Nikofeelan 20:25, 18 March 2012 (UTC)

I think this question was answered over here. eshetalk 17:41, 12 April 2012 (UTC)

No option to start it[edit]

This has been marked as a question that needs to be answered.

Igmund isn't offering me the first quest for this, and Raerek has no dialog options at all. sqs says it's at stage 200 already, which is clever of it since I've literally never spoken to either of them until now. My guess is that Escape From Cidhna Mine broke it somehow: I'll dig around a bit and see if I can figure out how. Raerek's page claims a bug where "if you don't have the gold to buy the house the first time you speak to him, he breaks", which is definitely incorrect, so I wonder if that poster actually ran into this bug instead and mis-attributed it (whether the bug is Cidnha Mine or something else). Aliana 02:30, 11 April 2012 (UTC)

It became available after The Taste Of Death (but still wasn't available after only completing Investigate The Hall Of The Dead). Not in the mood to wade through the CK right now (it seems unlikely to be a prerequisite quest, but you never know) so I'm going to call it a random glitch for now. Aliana 06:45, 11 April 2012 (UTC)
Note: I didn't start or finish any other quests in between, which is the obvious possible blocker ("Kill The X" Radiant Group), so it's not that. Aliana 06:48, 11 April 2012 (UTC)
I'm running into this problem now as well. All I've been able to determine so far is that if I bump my relationship with the Jarl up to Confidant (as required by the quest dialogue, and is the same for all other thane quests), I get the option in the Jarl's dialogue and it updates immediately upon talking to him, presumably since I've already done 5 favours. I'm wondering if the source of the problem is that you can't get his relationship rank high enough under some conditions. Robin Hoodtalk 08:40, 10 May 2012 (UTC)
It looks to me like in order to become Thane of the Reach, you must first complete Kill the Forsworn Leader, then Dungeon Delving (which is why I've failed so far), and only then will you be able to start this quest. Then once you've helped 5 people, the option to purchase a house is supposed to become available. If I can get in-game confirmation on that from someone, then we can post those as prerequisites and add those details to the walkthrough, as well as killing a bunch of bug reports that are almost certainly based on not completing one or more of these tasks. Robin Hoodtalk 09:02, 10 May 2012 (UTC)
It became available for me after The Taste of Death, just like it did for Aliana. After accepting Dungeon Delving, dungeon delving's quest stage was set to 10, and the quest stage for favor250, becoming thane of the reach, was set to 0. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 08:44 on 2 August 2012
I have read elsewhere that the problem is actually that you have to be level 20 before you can receive the Dungeon Delving quest. It will take me a little while to confirm this as I'm level 12 at the moment and a 360 player. Can anyone else help in the meantime? Threepwood87 (talk) 13:13, 19 February 2013 (GMT)
That's correct, Threepwood87. The requirement for level 20 is already mentioned on the Dungeon Delving page. Robin Hood  (talk) 20:19, 19 February 2013 (GMT)

() You don't have to help five people to purchase Vlindrel Hall. It's not like the Rift, the Reach has a normal thane quest. If Igmund is still jarl, you need the two Jarl favors (the second one, like the Pale jarl favor, requires level 20 though), and that's it. If Thongvor is jarl, you don't need anything else, he'll let you start it or just buy Vlindrel Hall as a thank-you for installing him. Since Thongvor always becomes jarl at some point unless you join the Legion and conquer most of Skyrim before The Fallen, this should happen to most people. --Morrolan (talk) 13:23, 21 September 2013 (GMT)

Dawnguard "New Alleigiances" quest counts towards "Assist the People"[edit]

If you have the "Assist the people of the Reach" quest and Vingalmo tells you to turn Cairine into a vampire, doing this successfully will count as +1 for assisting the people of the Reach. The quest counter is incremented by one any time anyone on the list changes their relationship status towards you to friend, and she's on the list. Cairine can't really be "assisted" otherwise, however. 03:07, 5 November 2013 (GMT)


I assisted five citizens of the Reach. I retrieved Igmund's father's shield. I purchased Vlindrel hall. Everything after that seems to have been all talk - the quest never updated to "Assist the people of the Reach", and while Igmund and I had the dialogue about making me Thane, but I wasn't given the Blade of the Reach, Argis hasn't moved in, and guards won't let me get away with anything. How do I fix this? Shahrazad the Listener (talk) 00:42, 27 November 2017 (UTC)

Are you sure you helped 5 citizens that count? Sometimes the disposition of someone does not improve even after helping them, check to see how they greet you to see if they have. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 01:06, 27 November 2017 (UTC)
Absolutely certain; Ghorza even made me Blood-Kin. I would expect that if I hadn't, the quest would have updated to say "Assist the people of the Reach (x/5)". The problem is, it never updated to say anything. Shahrazad the Listener (talk) 11:47, 27 November 2017 (UTC)
I have also just encountered this issue. (Playing on a PC, no mods). This is the first time I've tried to become Thane of the Reach in Skyrim-Special Edition. I've never had this issue in multiple play-throughs of regular Skyrim. No problem with the Shield quest, buying the Hall, or doing more than 5 favors. I just never get a request to help people of the hold or an option to become Thane. Dragonsey216.115.158.9 21:23, 28 May 2018 (UTC)

The Almost-Thane Quest[edit]

I have completed the Thane of the Reach quests, and have been acknowledged by the Jarl as such, however, my housecarl, and his room furnishings failed to materialize... What now? Any input would be apprecitated. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:38 on 28 March 2021 (UTC)