Skyrim talk:Thadgeir
Possible Thadgeir bug?[edit]
I was researching Dengeir of Stuhn's schedule when I was asked to leave. When I went outside, who should be literally chopping the door to Dengeir's house down but his brother Thadgeir? He seems to be performing the physical animation of woodchopping, which I know he normally does near the entrance to Falkreath. So I'm pretty sure this is a bug, but didn't want to add it in case it is a common bug with ANY character known to chop wood. I also haven't worked out exactly what causes the bug. Anyone else come across anything like this? Threepwood87 (talk) 17:54, 13 September 2012 (GMT)
- It is a bug. Happened to me as well. But elsewhere. Happened in Riften. Happened when just walked outside of Haelga's Bunkhouse in the morning. Can't remember exactly but 2 guys doing some animation in front of the Bunkhouse: one was as if using the grindstone, another was as if chopping wood.
Sometimes Thadgeir goes missing and can't be found no matter what. He is not dead. He might be "stuck" while leaning against a post just in front of Gray Pine Goods. If someone has done his quest, he will be friendly and one can use unrelenting force to "unstuck" him. But in my case he goes missing completely.
Console command like "Prid", "moveto player" "enable/disable", "resurrect 1" can't find him, as he is not dead, just "stuck" somewhere unseen. Fix: Just go to Falkreath, find a bed that one can sleep in, like in the Jarl's Longhouse (If already a thane), or a friend's house. Sleep until next morning about 7 am or 8 am. He should reappear in front of Gray Pine Goods and do his usual wood cutting job.
Imperial Government?[edit]
Why is Thadgeir in Imperial Government Faction? 01:36, 1 January 2014 (GMT)
- It could have something to do with his relation with the Imperial Jarl, or he could have played a larger role in the government originally. There are a ton of oddities like this one, it's not unexpected to see pointless factions or just weird faction relations all the time. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 01:41, 1 January 2014 (GMT)
Possible bug - he doesn't give his quest[edit]
At first, he could not be found as described above but sleeping as well as doing other things related with loading (doors, leaving the Falkreach cells for couple of ingame weeks, fastraveling) doesn't make him reappear. Finally, when he's back on his normal schedule, talking to him, does not open the dialogue options and he also does not speak his quest related texts.
I had the same issue in another game but without him being disappeared. 16:58, 8 December 2023 (UTC)