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Skyrim talk:Orc

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Several friends have informed me that Berserker also doubles your magic damage. Can others confirm this? -- 18:35, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

Berserker doubles weapon damage, but spells are not weapons, so it doesn't empower them. I've changed the wording on the article page to make this clearer.--SushiSquid 21:25, 19 November 2011 (UTC)


I'm pretty sure it doubles magic damage. But i don't think orcs can get married, every girl npc i have talked to do not have any options related to relationships. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:29 on 26 November 2011

No to both. Berserk causes no increase to spell magnitudes while active. Your character may marry any of the marriage options regardless of race or gender.--SushiSquid 21:51, 1 December 2011 (UTC)
I'm guessing it also doesn't increase bow damage either--Thunderbolt 15:59, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
No it does increase bow damage, and the damage of the arrows as well. JimmyDeSouza 00:02, 8 December 2011 (UTC)

yes they can[edit]

orcs can get married on skyrim— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:37 on 1 March 2012

Who said they couldn't? Wolok gro-Barok 06:35, 1 March 2012 (UTC)

Berserker Viable for Stealth?[edit]

There's currently a sentence under the Gameplay heading that reads, "However, to balance their potency in physical combat, they have no benefits for magic or stealth character builds." However, given that Berserker doubles weapon damage dealt, I'd argue that the Beserker ability energizes quite well with Ancient Shrouded Gloves and the Assassin's Blade perk since altogether they allow the player to perform backstabs dealing an incredible total of 60x normal damage (Berserker x2, Ancient Shrouded x2, Assasin's Blade x15). Quite uniquely, this allows the Orc the highest single hit sneak-attack damage in the entire game. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:51 on 21 August 2012

Be that as it may, Orcs don't have any innate stealth nor magic bonuses (sans enchanting, but we're taking schools of magic into account). Plus, the Berserker ability seems to be best suited to fight bosses or when being ambushed by several opponents rather than sneaking around to pick targets, since it's a once a day ability. --Chill02 (talk) 02:37, 2 July 2013 (GMT)
Sure it's a once per day ability, but like you said it is best suited for killing boss-type enemies. Since bosses tend to have a higher amount of health than other enemies, and a assassin pretty much relies on one-hitting enemies, it can be a quite useful ability for assassins. The starting bonuses don't matter that much for a assassin anyway, since sneak, one-handed and archery are quite easy to level and the smithing bonus they got is quite helpful, since a assassin needs a high damage output and leveling smithing is expensive at the beginning of the game. The only other racial abilities that are helpful for an assassin are Voice of the Emperor and Night Eye (and Highborn, but only if you plan to use Illusion magic as well). So yeah, orcs definitely make good assassins. -- 10:56, 4 August 2013 (GMT)