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Skyrim talk:No Stone Unturned

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Archive 1: Nov 2011 - Apr 2012
Archive 2: May 2012 - Aug 2012
Archive 3: Sep 2012 - Jul 2013

Diplomatic Immunity[edit]

Is there a particular reason for not placing "Diplomatic Immunity" in the related quests column for the Thalmor Embassy/Reeking Cave row? Either way, the quest takes the player to the same location so I am adding it to the list. --Zuuk (talk) 06:57, 7 January 2014 (GMT)

Technically speaking, you're not necessarily going to the same location, since you can get to the cave quite easily without needing to do anything in the interior, but you probably have a point. A lot of these are judgement calls as to just how much you might want to consider doing the related quest at the same time. Robin Hood  (talk) 07:47, 7 January 2014 (GMT)
Probably worth listing, since there is a chance that someone coming to our pages looking for info may be running an unpatched game, making it critical that they pick up the stone during the quest. --Xyzzy Talk 22:01, 7 January 2014 (GMT)

No reward?[edit]

Do you not get a reward for this quest? All that searching for the stones and you get nothing in return? Cjesseg (talk) 04:38, 15 March 2014 (GMT)

The reward you get is indirect. From now on, pretty much every chest, urn, already-dead draugr, and a few other things like that that you find will have several gems in them. There are some exceptions, like some urns will always be empty, but basically, any money problems you might have had probably just ended, and smithing jewellery will become a new pastime. Robin Hood  (talk) 05:20, 15 March 2014 (GMT)
Oh okay. Gems? Why not gold? Its difficult to sell a dozen flawless diamonds to merchants with only 500 gold.. Oh well.. Thank you. Cjesseg (talk) 18:54, 16 March 2014 (GMT)
Save the game, kill the merchant, wait about 5 or 10 seconds, then reload. The merchant will have all their gold and their items will mostly be restocked. This is a bit time consuming, obviously, so is best used on merchants with higher amounts of gold, like smiths, or thieves guild fences after you've raised their amounts with the special jobs. Robin Hood  (talk) 19:14, 16 March 2014 (GMT)

Active Effects[edit]

Is there a way to make prowler's profit in active effects on the 360? 15:29, 3 July 2014 (GMT)

No, but it should still work whether it appears or not. --AN|L (talk) 15:36, 3 July 2014 (GMT)

23 gems was good enough[edit]

I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I thought this was worth noting. I had 23 Unusual Gems in my inventory (the only one not collected was the one in the DB Sanctuary, and I haven't even killed Grelod yet so it's not there as I understand it), then talked to Vex who then told me what they were, and then this quest started; standard operating procedure so far. Then the game immediately updated the quest, saying I had all 24, and Vex pointed me to the cave. Probably that shouldn't've happened! 01:54, 16 December 2015 (UTC)

You might have hit the bug where you sometimes get more than one gem by quickly hit a gem with the activate button repeatedly. —MortenOSlash (talk) 05:36, 16 December 2015 (UTC)

Prowler's Profit effect doesn't work if it's console'd in.[edit]

Any other buffs/perks works just as fine. What gives? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:07 on 1 August 2017 (UTC)

Lots of effects are like this.
-Mode7Ghost 18:18, 28 May 2022 (UTC)

Pilgrimage quest[edit]

It seems like this argument of mine wasn't understood. My point was that the Pilgrimage quest doesn't take you to the place or cell where the stone is, it only takes you to the same building. By this standard, we'd have to list all the quests that lead to a building where one of the stones is, including any quest that makes you go to the Blue Palace, Understone Keep, Mistveil Keep and so on. That seems a little over-the-top, so we should restrict ourselves to quests that take you to the dungeon or room where the stone is. (Admittedly, the "Related Quest" column is mostly useful when referring to bigger dungeons where it makes sense for the player to coordinate their actions accordingly; I mainly wanted to reduce the length this particular entry had because of the note attached to it.) --Ethruvisil (talk) 22:35, 19 February 2019 (UTC)

I agree that's a good standard to go by. It's also nicer looking to have just one quest—the most related one—in the column. Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary gets a pass for obvious reasons. —Dillonn241 (talk) 06:50, 9 March 2019 (UTC)
I disagree, Pilgrimage is a minor quest that can be picked up in Riften after learning of the purpose of the stones, which leads you to a location where there is another stone. There is no comparison to a palace in terms of the amount of quests that involve going into one of them. Most of the quests listed have no relation at all to the quest, beyond taking you to the location of one stone in passing. There are only 2 stones with actual "related quests", the College and Brotherhood ones, the rest are listed because they can be done at the same time, reducing your vulnerability hostile locations, or your overall time spent locations where you are tresspassing. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 18:56, 9 March 2019 (UTC)
Those reasons don't apply to Pilgrimage, though. It doesn't noticeably reduce time spent, except for the loading screen between Whiterun and the Hall of the Dead; it doesn't take you to the hostile location (the Catacombs); trespassing isn't involved anyway. The only valid point seems to be that it can lead the unknowing to Andurs' quest, which then takes them near the stone, but that is irrelevant for someone who is already looking at this page (and it's arguably also true for many other quests, as per my argument above). --Ethruvisil (talk) 13:45, 10 March 2019 (UTC)

This is how to "Become a full member of the Thieves Guild"[edit]

To complete this objective you just need to have at least 1 unusual gem before entering Riften for the first time. Talk to Maul and ask him about the gem. Then talk to Brynjolf and complete A Chance Arrangement and Taking Care of Business. The objective will be completed when you get the Thieves Guild Armor from Tonilia. You're screwed if you talk to Maul without any gems or if you fail his speech check. Defqon1 (talk) 08:46, 2 January 2020 (GMT)

if you have shown stones to Vex and got thieves guild armor set from Tonilia but objective "become full member" is still not done then use setobjectivecompleted tgcrown 5 1 Ciberzombie (talk) 12:34, 23 November 2020 (UTC)


Cant get past the rocks — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:20 on 4 January 2021

Here's what I'm wondering: if I don't have the quest, but glitch past the rocks and get the crown, does it put me on the final stage of the quest?
-Mode7Ghost 18:21, 28 May 2022 (UTC)

Worst quest in the game[edit]

I consider this the worst quest in the game; nothing else even comes close. Start with the fact that there's no way anyone is going to complete it without referencing a hint site like this. Even with the hints, it's a long arduous trek that one is unlikely to complete until late in the game. And the reward is basically nothing - a few more gems that can be sold for gold, which you should have a virtually infinite supply of by that point in the game (see alchemy). Finally, the real kicker is that those gems are nonstackable and nondroppable quest items that clutter up your inventory for the entire game if you make the mistake of picking them up. The quest is so bad that there's a mod with the sole function of eliminating it (No stones unturned). There are also other mods to help with parts of the pain - making the stones stackable and giving quest pointers to them, but better just to nuke the whole thing in my opinion. 23:15, 28 December 2023 (UTC)

Recovering the Crown: Dunmer Ghost(s)[edit]

I played through this quest twice, with different characters, within a few days of each other. With the first character, I went straight for the crown, and found the usual hostile ghosts. With the second character, however, I explored the entire rest of the cave (full of falmer) first, and only got the crown at the end, and found the 1 not hostile dunmer ghost. I'm not currently curious enough to test, but I did wonder if whether the rest of the cave is explored before retrieving the crown affects whether there is 3 hostile or 1 not hostile dunmer ghost(s) by the crown. Of course, it could just be the noted bug, but since I had 1 character each way within fairly quick succession then it made me consider the differences between them. 16:58, 9 February 2024 (UTC)