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Skyrim talk:Joining the Legion

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Quest Issue[edit]

I cleared Fort Hraggstad before starting this quest and the game doesn't seem to recognise that I have killed everyone in the fort a second time and both Tullius and Rikke just ell me to go do it — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:55 on 1 January 2012

No Garrisoning[edit]

After completing this quest, I've noticed that the Legion never garrisons the fort like they said they would. In fact, after a few in-game days, there's another group of bandits inhabiting the place. Where's the Legion? — Unsigned comment by Lord Irvine (talkcontribs) at 21:56 on 14 January 2012


Is wearing sanctioned Legion armor a faction requirement, as it was in Morrowind's Imperial Legion 04:18, 18 January 2012 (UTC)

No. No factions require you to wear their armor. I do not know if this applies ALL the time, as certain quests may at least request that you do, but it is unnecessary. They don't even care if you run around in Forsworn armor. --Velyanthe 19:53, 18 January 2012 (UTC)

Potential issue[edit]

I used the resetquest command to allow me to pursue with the main quest without commiting to a camp with as a side effect that the "Joining The Legion" quest has now disappeared from my journal and none of the NPCs is giving me an option to restart it, if this is confirmed by other players it might be worth it to mention it as a potential issue (risk) that could result from resetting that (a?) quest. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:30 on February 18, 2012

Console command issues are not noted on place pages. When using resetquest, you would need to know where to get the quest again, but this quest is given at a specific time rather than a person, I believe. You could use setstage CW01A 1 to go to
In order to prove myself to Legate Rikke, I am to clear out the bandits living at Fort Hraggstad.
(Objective is assigned): Clear out Fort Hraggstad
I believe that will not make you an enemy to the Stormcloaks. Whenever you wish to join the Imperial Legion you can just type that in to fix it. Stormcloaks would use the quest ID CW01B.
— Unsigned comment by Velyanthe (talkcontribs) at 16:48 on 18 February 2012
I'm having issue after using resetquest CW01A, and finished the Season Unending + Alduin quest, I cannot setstage CW01A xxx attempt to pick it up/continue Joining the Legion. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:41 on 12 March 2012
I seem to have a similar problem but without the console commands: I did both "Joining..."-quests to the point where I had to take the oath and left them lying in the journal for later as I didn't want to decide early. Meanwhile I did the main quest - including Season Unending - and finished it completely. I thought the ceasefire was temporary and the sides would continue to fight after "Dragonslayer" but somewhere on the way (unfortunately I must have missed the fail messages) the "Joining..."-quests disappeared from my journal and now neither side gives me the dialogue options to join again. I didn't use any console commands related to these quests (only minor commands to get rid of bard college quest items or such) before this occured so maybe this bug has nothing to do with the console commands but with doing Season Unending (in a certain way?) or finishing the main quest? Only after I realized I couldn't join either side I did try "setstage..." and "resetquest..." but to no avail.Alrin 12:18, 6 April 2012 (UTC)
Im also having the same issue, I used both reset CW01A and CW01B to finish Seasons Unending. I have also finished the mainstoryline but now all the recruit Npcs for Storm Cloaks and Imperials won't give me the dialogue to start the quest, both the joining quest have also disappeared from the journal (I have also checked the finished section and they arn't there either). — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 12 April 2012

Joining Bug[edit]

When I try to talk to Tullius, he says "Go to Legate Rikke to determine if you're legion material", and Legate Rikke says "You lost?" over and over. Neither of their dialogue changes, and for some reason, the quest marker doesn't show up on the map. 22:47, 26 August 2012 (UTC)

Go as a stormcloak until you get the jagged crown.Then go and give the crown to the imperials.If you want to join the the imperials.I hope it works!Skyrimplayer 23:16, 26 August 2012 (UTC)
Skyrimplayer tells the truth, but I encountered that mini-bug a few times - and I always managed to solve it by A) using the wait-feature or exiting and entering Castle Dour, or B) Talking to Tullius again. Then Rikke woke up ad gave me the first assignment. --Krusty 23:29, 26 August 2012 (UTC)


Im with the stormcloaks right now, the imperial in skyrim have been vanquished by me (small camps still exists) and i immediately regret my decision of joining the stormcloaks and wanted to be one of the imperial legions, is there a way i can rejoin them? through console commands or reseting quest maybe? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:49 on 10 July 2013

If you have not yet completed one of The Jagged Crown quests, you can start that and then take the crown to the opposing side's leader to join them instead. — ABCface 20:53, 10 July 2013 (GMT)

Quest Disappeared[edit]

I had this quest and Join the Stormcloak rebellion in my log but haven't done anything towards picking a side. Now the quest for joining the Legion is gone. No Mods, and I'm on a PS4 with no console commands. About all I did between the quest being there and then suddenly gone was to harvest some ingredients and do a little buying and selling. Ran to the nearest Imperial camp, got the usual line, but it didn't add the quest back into my log. And of course, this was the one character I planned to have join the Legion.Valeria (talk) 22:29, 1 April 2019 (UTC)

Update: Went to Solitude, Tullius told me to talk to Rikke, and Rikke told me to go clear out the fort. So it looks as though the quest is still there somehow but no longer displaying. I'm not ready to do the civil war stuff, so I think I'll reload before this bug lifted its ugly little head. If it happens again, I'll add it to the page as an unconfirmed bug.Valeria (talk) 22:51, 1 April 2019 (UTC)

Second Update: This bug is actually affecting a miscellaneous quest/objective called "Join the Imperial Legion". It's completed by talking to Tullius and Rikke, and only then does the Imperial Legion quest called "Joining the Legion" begin. However, I could not find any reference to the initial miscellaneous quest/objective to join either the Legion or the Stormcloak rebellion. I'm thinking those miscellaneous quests should be added, but I'm not sure where they should go.Valeria (talk) 03:59, 2 April 2019 (UTC)

Third Update: I have narrowed the cause down to fast-travel back home to Windstad Manor. I guess the next step is to test whether fast-travel to other locations causes the quest to disappear. Can't imagine why fast-travel back home would drop a quest from my log. And why now? I've been fast-travelling back to Windstad Manor for months now. Why did the game suddenly decide that was a reason to remove quests from my log?Valeria (talk) 23:38, 2 April 2019 (UTC)
Fourth Update: Fast-travel to Riften causes it too. So it's about the fast-travel, not Windstad Manor. And seeing as how I'm not about to play this game without fast-travel, there's no way to avoid the bug. I suppose reloading from an earlier save might work, but I'm not sure I'm willing to bother. No matter how many bugs I manage to avoid, there's always more to find me.Valeria (talk) 23:54, 2 April 2019 (UTC)
I should be asleep, but here are some basics. Ralof and Hadvar's join dialogue are part of background quests called Season Unending (two versions depending on who you side with). There is another quest called Recruitment Drive which is purely for Solitude Guards to point you to the legion (don't see a Windhelm/Stormcloak version). The ones that point you join the Civil War are Imperial Introductions and Stormcloak Introductions. The Season Unending dialogue activates the Introductions quests, so any bug or timer is going to be in there. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 02:04, 3 April 2019 (UTC)
It'll wait until tomorrow. But I have no idea what should be added to the wiki to explain what you described. Or even what part of it should be added. Let alone where or how. I'm afraid that's beyond my pay grade. But I did learn that my bug isn't caused by fast-travel. I tried walking home, and the quest disappeared somewhere on the way, So, I don't know what's causing it or how to test for it.Valeria (talk) 02:27, 3 April 2019 (UTC)
By tomorrow, I just mean that I don't want to cut into your sleep over this. That's the beauty of a forum like this: people can get back to you whenever they have time for it. We all have lives.Valeria (talk)
I can't deduce anything from the scripts. There are some references to PlayerLevelHelp which has a value of 20 (could be a max level), PlayerBravado (no idea), and some references to the main quests MQ00 and MQ102 (a behind-the-scenes junkbox for mq code, and Before the Storm). There doesn't appear to be anything else in there, excepting the normal functions to end the introduction quests when you join a side. There are some bugs in Recruitment Drive (fixed by USKP), but it gives a journal entry of "Talk to Rikke about joining the Imperial Legion", not the other one. Someone with access to the Creation Kit might be able to find something (which I suspect to be a timer), but the CS isn't going to do it. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 15:26, 4 April 2019 (UTC)
It gets weirder. After in-game and real world months of freely wandering about in both Imperial and Stormcloak camps, I was passing through a Stormcloak camp and had a Stormcloak soldier tell me, "I think you might be in the wrong place, Friend." It's as though the game thinks I've already chosen a side when I haven't.Valeria (talk) 03:20, 5 April 2019 (UTC)
And my game just did exactly what I was afraid it would do: it dropped another quest from my Miscellaneous section. I no longer have the Miscellaneous quest "Talk to the Companions leaders for work". And if Miscellaneous quests are going to keep disappearing that way, I don't think I can finish the game.Valeria (talk) 02:57, 14 April 2019 (UTC)