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Skyrim talk:Fort Fellhammer

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Is there a reason this fort is named Fellhammer, in relation to Hammerfell? I think I remember reading that 'fell' is meant to be a Dwemer word for city. Hence city of the hammer. But I don't see any Dwemer influences in this fort? Maybe it's just a nod?--Admos 00:56, 26 January 2012 (UTC)

If Hammerfell means "City of the Hammer", then perhaps Fellhammer means "Hammer of the City". Considering that this is the name of a fort, it seems like a fitting name. Bauglir100 22:31, 7 March 2012 (UTC)

Glitchy Wall[edit]

At the Fort exterior, the wall adjacent to the smelter has a flashing artifact in a section just to the north of it. Also a smaller section in the corner of the landing of the stairs to the south. Might be the GPU, but then, haven't come across anything like it in Skyrim to date. 2nd edit: Reverting to ugridstoload=5 from ugridstoload=7 didn't cure. (Lmstearn (talk) 11:08, 12 November 2013 (GMT))

Fixed USKP 2.11.--Lmstearn (talk) 07:23, 17 July 2015 (UTC)


Hiya Silencer, regarding the books here, I did this walkhrough twice from a save from outside in Dawnstar and both times got exactly the same books. I'd normally expect this to identify changes or randomly generated items, particularly with multiple items like these books. I've rarely come across "common" book that change, it's more common with rare or skill books, but still not common. I know several people like me try and collect one of each available books. Biffa (talk) 15:05, 19 December 2013 (GMT)

I could be wrong, but as far as I remember from my testing (multiple loads on multiple different characters), I don't remember the books being set. Additionally, the books themselves lacked this location on their pages as a set location (such as Of Fjori and Helgeir). Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 19:21, 19 December 2013 (GMT)
In the CK I can see one guaranteed The Black Arrow, v1 and four random books from the clutter list. --Alfwyn (talk) 19:36, 19 December 2013 (GMT)

Mystery enemy spawns inside walls[edit]

I've had this happen at this location on at least two occasions (separate games) now - an enemy that spawns clipped inside the building that is never accessible (i.e. is visible as a red skull on the external map, but you can never find - not even if you turn clipping off and move through the walls). 09:19, 9 August 2015 (UTC)

Red skull? Are you having a mod or something adding skulls to you map to indicate enemies? —MortenOSlash (talk) 14:03, 9 August 2015 (UTC)