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Skyrim talk:Animal Extermination (B)

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Possible Reward Bug[edit]

"CompanionsRadiantQuest" Script in CK appears to have a bug w/setting the reward: in the if-else condition that sets the reward based on the player level, values of 150, 200, and 250 are all assigned to be the reward for players between lvls 10 and 19. I listed the first value because it would be the first one the logic would find (and then would presumably stop checking the conditional), but in-game testing is needed to verify. Mrrambles (talk) 01:54, 25 March 2013 (GMT)mrrambles

When is the bug being fixed?[edit]

I've run into the bug with this quest and I have no saves to reload from to fix. Anyone know when this is being fixed? because I would really like to become a werewolf. (I play on the 360 so the Unofficial Patch hasn't fixed this for me) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:49 on 9 June 2013

The only thing you can do is to go back after the respawn time and see if you can kill the boss animal again. I can't guarantee this will work but aside from starting over, what choice do you have? 19:52, 18 September 2013 (GMT)

Animal already killed[edit]

Companion line is broken because the animal had already been killed. This bug never got fixed.

Spawns in Already Dead[edit]

My female Argonian could get Shahvee's dialogue, so I thought that maybe Hesse was blocked until he advanced certain questlines. Accordingly, I took him into Whiterun, talked to the Jarl, and joined the Companions. Aela sent Hesse to Greenspring Hollow, but the Sabre Cat was already dead on the rock ledge above the lair. There was nothing on scene that could have killed it, and the animal's corpse was empty. I think the game is reusing instances of Sabre Cats for some purposes. I had saved right before fast travelling to Drelas' Cottage, so I reloaded and tried again, but the Sabre Cat was still dead and in the same spot. Considering that the idea of reused instance is speculative, I didn't think it was appropriate to add it to the page, but I wanted to document it on the site. Valeria (talk) 03:24, 8 September 2024 (UTC)

Could also be that the game decided to spawn the Sabre Cat a hundred feet above the ground and it died when it landed. I've seen that happen numerous times, usually with elk and deer. I've also seen it happen to guards in cities a few times and found dead guards lying around for no apparent reason. No idea why the game does this, but it happens. — Wolfborn(Howl) 05:17, 8 September 2024 (UTC)
I've seen it happen too, although it's usually mammoths. Guards in Markarth sometimes spawn sunk into the ground and then die, but most of the guards that die in Markarth do so behind my character when I spawn in next to Understone Keep, and I don't have a chance to turn around, so I can't see exactly what's happening with them. I did exit the Bannered Mare once and get treated to the sight of Amren being launched into the stratosphere and then falling to his death. Fortunately, I had an autosave from before that happened and the presence of mind to turn off autosaves, because it happened again on reload. It's arguable that the physics engine is the deadliest thing in the game. In any event, I didn't see the Sabre Cat falling from the sky, so I kinda doubt that's what happened to it. Besides, if it spawned in alive and fell to its death, it should have had a pelt and either an eye or a tooth in its inventory. And it didn't. Valeria (talk) 07:02, 8 September 2024 (UTC)