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Skyrim talk:A Lovely Letter

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Faendal Fire Bug[edit]

I talked to Sven, who gave me a fake letter to give to Camilla. Started the misc quest, yeah whatever...

But then to really stir things up, I marred Camilla instead of giving her the note, who now resides in my Whiterun home. I took a nap one day, and when I was walking down the stairs, Faendal appears in my home and attemps to attack me. But, in midstride, he starts taking explosive fire damage, and dies. His ragdoll body was then launched from my living room into my alchemy room (a 90 degree angle).

Anybody else experience anything similar? I figured I would report it...

(And just to note, I first proposed to Camilla, then gave her the fake note. It canceled my marrige, so I reloaded a save before.)

Pretty crazy, as now I have a naked body of a wood elf in my alchemy room to experiment on.
The Lost 03:35, 27 November 2011 (UTC)

Friends with both Sven and Faendal at end of quest (still only one follower though)[edit]

So, I was just messing around trying to see if I could get both Sven and Faendal to give me the option to ask them to follow me, which did not work as only Faendal gives me said option, but I did however manage to confuse Sven. Rather than tell me I'm "nothing but trouble" everytime I walk near him, he greets me kindly. What I did was: talked to Sven who gave me his letter, then I gave that first letter to Faendal who gave me a second letter, then I pickpocketed the first letter off of Faendal, then I gave both to Camilla. Now the tricky part: I kept Sven occupied by talking to him in the street when he was on his way to the inn, and we waited for Faendal to pass by on his way to drop the firewood at the forge, then I exited conversation with Sven, told Faendal about Camilla. Now, before the quest updated, I quickly exited conversation with the elf and spoke to Sven about Camilla. Reward: Faendal as a follower and Sven as a fan (well, at least not a hater anymore.) Silly, I know. But something. Daedremor 10:40, 26 December 2011 (UTC)

Depending on who you talk to first about Camilla, that person will be your follower while the other person will mumble about Camilla knowing his affection one day. 05:13, 23 April 2012 (UTC)
I just gave this a try. It doesn't matter who to talk to Camilla about first, what matters is who you turn the quest in to first. While you can trick the game into letting you select the dialogue option for both Faendal and Sven, only the first one has any effect. The second one will thank you as normal in response to that dialogue, but you won't get a gold reward from them and it won't improve your disposition. There doesn't seem to be a way to functionally get both rewards. --Olaus (talk) 15:57, 21 July 2022 (UTC)

A comment on the Notes section[edit]

You don't have to pickpocket the letters, you can read them before delivering them.

MartinS 02:40, 22 January 2012 (UTC)

Rumors about Camilla getting killed?[edit]

I've heard word that if you let Camilla fall in love with Faendal, Sven's mother will have her killed, and her corpse would have a letter similar to the ones the hired thugs carry around, with her name on it. Is this true? I'm actually trying to avoid her getting killed, even though I want to side with Faendal. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 4 April 2012

I haven't heard about anything even vaguely along those lines, so I'm inclined to say that's not true. • JATalk 05:24, 27 April 2012 (UTC)

Stormcloak or Imperial escape from Helgen PC[edit]

This quest appears to have something to do with how you leave Helgen. If you escape with the Stormcloaks, then Faendal's dialogue allows you to speak to him about the love letter. But if you enter Riverwood with the Imperial. You lose that option in dialogue.

If you'd prefer Sven. Then leave Helgen with the Imperials. — Unsigned comment by Loveprod (talkcontribs) at 11:27 on 7 April 2013 (UTC)

Dark Brotherhood Assassin Called?[edit]

I've noticed in several games that a Dark Brotherhood Asssassin will come for me after completing this quest and either gaining or choosing not to gain a follower. I decided to start a new game and ensure that this was the only quest (aside from Unbound) that I completed until the DB Assassin arrived, and sure enough it did. Can anyone else confirm that this happens? GodRaineTalk 01:57, 11 April 2013 (GMT)

Quite a belated answer, but that's just a random world interaction that will happen to anyone, regardless of your in-game actions. Skyrim:Assassin 00:31, 12 September 2017 (UTC)
I don't know why this was marked as a Good Question because its not, its just coincidence. The assassins have only one relevant pre-requisite, that you be level 5, which is very easily done by the time you complete Unbound and this quest. There is nothing in the quest script either for sending assassins. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 01:02, 12 September 2017 (UTC)