Skyrim Mod:Elsweyr Cabinets of Curiosities
Elsweyr Cabinets of Curiosities | |
Author | Adolon |
Original Release | January 30, 2025 |
Last Updated | January 30, 2025 |
Size | 13.3 MB (Xbox), 13.26 MB (PC) |
Version | 1.10 |
Availability | |
PC (Special Edition) | 800 Creation Credits from |
Xbox One | 800 Creation Credits from |
Trade small Rajhin Idols made from various precious metals to Khajiit caravans for a chance to win strange, wonderful, or completely mundane artifacts from Elsweyr. Adds 80 items.—Official Summary
Official Description[edit]
Rajhin the Purring Liar is the Thief god from Elsweyr. Idols crafted in his honor can be found all over Tamriel, and legends speak of mysterious cabinets that house his treasures, some seemingly far bigger than the cabinet could ever hold. The Khajiit caravan traders Ri'saad, Ma'dran, and Ahkari have carried three such cabinets in the hopes of pleasing Rajhin with the sacrifices of the figurines. Throughout your travels, find Silver, Electrum and Platinum Rajhin Idols to win strange, wonderful, or completely mundane Elsweyr artifacts from the cabinets. Who knows what the Cat-King of Thieves has hidden away in there?
Trade Silver, Electrum, and Platinum Rajhin Idols to the cabinets at Khajiit caravan camps to receive a random item. Silver has the worst luck, Electrum has average luck, and Platinum has the best luck. Craft more statuettes by trading Aeonstone pieces to the Sweet-Smelling Vortex also at the camps. Possible items to acquire include weapons, armor, clothing, ingredients, potions, poisons, and miscellaneous odds and ends. Most weapons and armor can be upgraded and disenchanted. Adds 80 items in total.
-Blade of the Betrayer: Causes 5 points of poison damage for 20 seconds. Target is paralyzed for 3 seconds.
-Cygnus Irregulars' Greatsword: Absorb 5 points of health. Does 8 points of Magicka damage.
-Blade of the Rawlith Khaj: Absorb 15 points of stamina. If wielded by a Khajiit, grants an additional 5% critical hit chance.
-Dragon Scale Knife: Once found, can be crafted using Dragon Scales.
-Moon Sentinel's Arc: Arrows shot at night deal 25% more damage and have a chance to stagger enemies.
-Crescent of the Smuggler: Target takes 15 points of shock damage, and half as much Magicka damage. If wielded by a Khajiit, grants an additional 5% critical hit chance.
-Crescent Moon Great Axe: Burns the target for 10 points. Targets on fire take extra damage. Increases critical hit damage by 15% for 10 seconds while blocking during an enemy's attack.
-Staff of Corrupted Springs: Places a Poison Rune. Targets that fail to resist take 10 points of poison damage per second for 15 seconds. Poisons you mix are 10% more effective.
Armor and Clothing
-Aetheric Lodestone: Death blows to Dwarven automata recharge enchanted weapons by 10%. When hit by a spell, Magicka regenerates 50% faster.
-Shadowband: Grants a 15% chance to turn invisible for 10 seconds when hit and boosts Sneak Attack damage by 30% during this time.
-Artifact-Hunter's Band: Stamina regenerates 15% faster and Lockpicking is fortified 10% while inside dungeons or ruins.
-Hidden Moon Band: Increases stealth attack damage by 20%.
-Augur of the Obscure: Potions and poisons you make are 50% stronger. Illusion spells cost 25% less to cast.
-Ancient Ayleid Insect Eliminator: Deal 10% extra damage to vermin. Chance to paralyze hostile vermin around you for 3 seconds.
-Khajiiti Gravity Verification Gadget: Reduces fall damage by 80%. May have unintended gravitational consequences.
-Khajiit Ponder Sphere: While sneaking at night, move twice as fast and Sneak is fortified 10%.
-Sabatons of the Lich: Increases Frost Resistance by 100%. Wearer is muffled and moves silently.
-Sweetsilver Pendant: Speechcraft is 20% better. Increases Magic Resistance by 10%. Slightly enhances relationships with merchants.
-Paint-Stained Ring: Alteration spells cost 20% less to cast. Grants a small boost to stamina regeneration when standing still. Stamina regenerates 10% faster.
-Khajiit Historian Girdle: Increases your Magicka by 30 points. Doubles the duration of Illusion and Alteration spells.
-Skein Woven Grips: Enhances unarmed damage by 20 points. Lockpicking is 15% easier. Pickpocket success is 15% better.
-Athlete's Treads: Gain a burst of stamina once you begin sprinting. Increases your stamina by 20 points.
-Poacher's Grips: Increases bow and crossbow damage by 15%.
-Gauntlets of the Claw: When unarmed, increases critical hit chance by 15% and damage by 5%.
-Dog Walkers: Block 5% more damage with your shield. Increases your Magicka by 25 points.
-Shard of the Crossing: Increases Fire Resistance by 25%. Increases Frost Resistance by 25%. Reduces fall damage by 50%.
-Investigator's Burden: Lockpicking is 20% easier. Pickpocket success is 20% better.
-Emerald Sugar Cane Brooch: Find extra alchemical ingredients when harvesting.
-Bony Bed Chimes: Reduces damage from undead by 20% and grants a 10% chance to stagger them. Increases Magicka regeneration by 40% when near crypts or ancient ruins.
-Uncremated Necropolis Buckle: When near places of death, health regenerates 10% faster, carrying capacity increases by 50 points, and Poison Resistance increases by 30%.
-Smith's Hand Protection: Increases Fire Resistance by 20%. Grants a 10% boost to damage with maces when carrying a smithing hammer.
-Guar Guardian's Mantle: When outdoors, grants 15% resistance to physical damage. Stamina regenerates 10% faster.
-Daegonite Armor: While sneaking and not moving, regenerate Health, Magicka, and Stamina 10% faster.
-Thief-God's Boots: Wearer is muffled and moves silently. Sneaking is 15% better.
-Vault-Cracker's Vizard: Lockpicking is 25% easier. Highlights nearby enemies through walls for 5 seconds while entering crouch.
-Fangs of Azurah: Increases critical hit chance by 15% during nighttime and grants a small health regeneration effect under the light of the moons.
-Riverhold Fishing Mitts: While swimming, move twice as fast. Enhances damage by 15 points against aquatic life.
-Pellitine Smithing Chisel: Weapons and armor can be improved 15% better.
-Holy Moonstone: Health regenerates 5% faster during nighttime. Increases damage resistance by 10% under moonlight.
-Moon Cove Sash: At night, grants a 10% resistance to frost and 15% faster Magicka regeneration.
-Sandstorm Mask: Stamina regenerates 15% faster. Provides a small chance to ignore melee damage.
-Khajiit Scholar's Skooma Mask: Increases Speechcraft by 15% and increases your Magicka by 40 points during night. Beneficial potions you mix have a 10% greater magnitude.
-Khajiiti Tail Apron: Increases Fire Resistance by 10%. Weapons and armor can be improved 15% better. If worn by a Khajiit, additionally increases Fire Resistance by 15%.
-Highly Flexible Under-Girdle: Stamina regenerates 20% faster. Reduces stamina cost for power attacks by 20%.
-Ice-Fire Tongs: Fire and frost enchantments on weapons and armor that you make are 10% stronger.
-Darkpool Sulfurs: For 4 seconds, weapon and armor improving is 30% better. Restore 5 Stamina. Causes 2 points of poison damage. Magicka is increased by 4 points for 60 seconds.
-Pickled Claws: Cures all diseases. Resist 4% of poison for 60 seconds. Target is paralyzed for 1 seconds [sic]. Causes 2 points of poison damage.
-Rodent Skin Bloodsack: Drain the target's Stamina by 3 points. Target is paralyzed for 1 seconds [sic]. Drains the target's Magicka by 3 points. Resist 4% of poison for 60 seconds.
-Preserved Khajiit Ear: Drains the target's Magicka by 4 points. Resist 3% of shock damage for 60 seconds. Invisibility for 4 seconds. You are 4% harder to detect for 60 seconds.
-Tears of Hircine: Health is increased by 4 points for 60 seconds. Restore 5 points of Magicka. Stamina is increased by 4 points for 60 seconds. Target moves at 50% speed for 30 seconds.
Potions and Poisons
-Gilded Cup of Rice: Restore 10 points of Stamina. Health is increased by 10 points for 720 seconds.
-Cane-Oil Lotion: Stamina regenerates 5% faster for 10 seconds. Resist 15% of frost damage for 60 seconds. Unarmed attacks do 15% more damage for 60 seconds.
-Moon Sugar Cough Syrup: Cures all diseases. Target is 3% weaker to fire damage for 30 seconds. Resist 3% of frost damage for 60 seconds. Restore 5 points of Magicka. Magicka regenerates 5% faster for 300 seconds.
-Moonprowler's Musk: Provides a minor speechcraft boost when interacting with Khajiit merchants. +15 Speechcraft for 60 seconds.
-Red Claw Polish: Enhances unarmed damage by 15 points for 60 seconds. Increases attack speed by 20% for 60 seconds.
-Whisker Wax: +10 Speechcraft for 60 seconds. Resist 10% of poison for 60 seconds.
-Tenmar Claw Polish: Unarmed attacks do 20% more damage for 30 seconds. Stamina regenerates 100% faster for 30 seconds while in combat.
-Azuran Holy Water: Restore 50 points of Health. Restore 50 Stamina. Resist 15% of fire damage for 60 seconds. Resist 10% of magic for 60 seconds.
-Palliative Toebeans Ointment: Reduces fall damage by 50% for 60 seconds. Health regenerates 10% faster for 60 seconds while moving. For Khajiit, fortifies Sneak 10% for 60 seconds.
-Catnip Perfume: Reduces the hostility of nearby felines for 60 seconds. Provides a major speechcraft boost when interacting with Khajiit merchants for 30 seconds.
-Filing Stone: Two-handed weapons do 20% more damage for 60 seconds. One-handed weapons do 20% more damage for 60 seconds.
-Moonlight in a Bottle: Invisibility for 10 seconds. You are 15% harder to detect for 10 seconds.
-Sweet Water Mouthwash: Restore 15 points of Health. Cures all diseases. +20 Speechcraft for 300 seconds.
-Anequine Pipewater Perfume: Reduces the hostility of nearby animals and creatures for 30 seconds. +15 Speechcraft for 30 seconds.
-Vial of Rotten Fangs: Causes 5 points of poison damage for 15 seconds. Reduces the target's melee damage by 15% for 30 seconds. Decrease the target's Stamina regeneration by 50% for 60 seconds.
- Armor
- Clothing
- Gear
- Lore Friendly
- Weapons