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(RefID: 0001F31B)
Home City Markarth
House Nepos's House
Race Breton Gender Female
Level PC×1 (range=5-25) Class Witchblade
RefID 0001F31B BaseID 000133BC
Other Information
Health 50+(PC-1)×10 Magicka 50+(PC-1)×5
Stamina 50
Primary Skills Destruction, One-handed, Block, Illusion
Morality No Crime Aggression Aggressive
Voice Type FemaleEvenToned
Faction(s) CrimeFactionReach; MarkarthNeposHouseFaction; Prevents filling aliases in WIGreeting; Thieves Guild No Pickpocketing Faction; TownMarkarthFaction

Uaile is a Breton witchblade who lives in Markarth. She is the daughter of Uraccen, a prisoner incarcerated in Cidhna Mine. She stays inside Nepos's house all day. She works as a maid for Nepos the Nose, or so she would like you to think. She is actually a Forsworn agent who guards the hall of Nepos's house and questions visitors to see if they are a threat. When Nepos reveals his little scheme in Markarth, she abandons her charade and attacks you on sight.

She wears a set of barkeep clothes and a pair of shoes. She carries a key to Nepos's house and some lower-class items and gold. She is equipped with a steel dagger, but relies predominantly on spells in combat. Uaile knows the Alteration spell Oakflesh, the Conjuration spell Raise Zombie, and the Destruction spell Firebolt.

Related Quests[edit]


When entering the house for the first time she will be highly suspicious and will question you on your reasons for coming to the house. She'll approach you and say:

"Excuse me. What's your business here?"

You can reply in four ways, though in the end she will tell you to leave:

I'm here to see Nepos.
"We haven't been expecting you, and the old man needs his rest. Come back some other time."
Who are you?
"If you must know, I'm the maid. And the master of the house is old and needs his rest. So if you don't have any business. Leave."
Just looking around.
"This is a private home, and the master of the house is a very old man. He's not to be disturbed."
Sorry. Wrong house.
"That's what I thought."

If you enter the house a second time she'll ask you:

"You again. What are you doing here?"

You will have the same dialogue options and replies as above.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Forsworn Conspiracy[edit]

During The Forsworn Conspiracy, you will be told to investigate a recent murder. Eventually you will discover that Uaile's master, Nepos, was the one that ordered the murder. Come to Nepos's house again and Uaile will stop you, though this time before she can finish her sentence Nepos will interrupt her:

Nepos: "Wait. It's okay, my dear. Send him/her in."
Uaile: "Hmph. Yes, Nepos. You heard him. Go on in."

From now on, she'll repeat, in a begrudgingly polite way:

"Go on in."

After you talk to Nepos and he reveals the truth about the murder, he, Uaile, and the other servants—Tynan and Morven—will unsheathe their weapons and attack you, and you have no choice but to kill them.

Unused Dialogue[edit]

Uaile has unused dialogue tied to multiple quests she was once meant to give you. This dialogue can only be found in the game's DialogueViews files, and not the Creation Kit.


Have you always worked for Nepos?
"No. It was after my father was sent to Cidhna Mine, for being a Forsworn. They were going to execute him, but I convinced Nepos to reduce his sentence. That's when I started working. Listen. Could you pick up something for me, at the Hag's Cure? It helps Nepos sleep at night, and I don't get much rest if he doesn't."

After getting the potion from Bothela:

Here's your potion from the Hag's Cure.
"Thank you. Here's something for you. It's surprising, but Nepos does pay me well. It's a sore comfort, though."


This quest would've started after witnessing a scene between Uaile and Nepos. Although the dialogue of the scene is no longer existent, it's clear from context that she and Nepos would've been discussing her father in prison. Based on the quest's ID, it's suggested this quest would've been tied to The Forsworn Conspiracy, but exactly how is unknown.

Why is your father in prison?
"They say he's a Forsworn. It's a lie. Father never wanted anything to do with them. I asked the Jarl's housecarl what proof they had, but I was thrown out of the Keep. If you want to know why father is in jail, ask them."

After getting the original witness, Degaine to recant his statement about her father, and the Jarl agreeing to let him go, you would return to Uaile with the good news.

I convinced the Jarl to let your father go.
"You proved father was innocent? Oh, thank you. Thank you! We... we can leave Markarth now. Together. Maybe uncle Ainethach will let us stay at his hime [sic] in Karthwasten. I'm sure he will."


This quest, despite its name and in contrast to the one mentioned above, does have clear ties to The Forsworn Conspiracy. Originally, Eltrys was meant to give you the names of three people he suspected of having Forsworn ties, and Uaile would be among them:

"Omluag, Uaile, and Ildene are all involved. They must be waiting for the Forsworn to come so they help somehow. Figure out what they're up to. I'll pay you for any information you can find."

All three of these people could be investigated. If you went to investigate Uaile, you would come across her diary, which contained indications that she was planning to kill Nepos for the abuse he put her through. You could then confront her with her diary:

This diary of yours is an interesting read. Planning to kill Nepos?
"You stole my diary? Give it back. You have no right."
I want some answers first.
"Fine. I'll tell you what I can, but give my diary back."
Forget it. I'm keeping this as evidence.
"Think you can just push me around? If you won't give it back then I'm taking it!" (She would most likely attack you)
Here. It's yours.
"Thank you."
(Favor) Are you a member of the Forsworn?
"What? No. My father may have been unjustly accused of being a Forsworn, but my family isn't involved." (Possibly a failed persuasion check)
"Do you know what it's like being the daughter of a prisoner locked up in Cidhna Mine? There's no justice. No mercy. Only demands, and threats, and abuse from people who are supposed to help people in need. I won't let Nepos touch me or threaten my family any longer. So yes, I joined the Forsworn."
(Favor) Killing Nepos isn't the answer. Stop this.
"No. Not after everything he's done to me. I want to see him suffer." (Possibly a failed persuasion check)
"Maybe you're right. What would my father think of me if I killed someone? All right. I won't help the Forsworn kill Nepos." (Passed variant)
(Favor) What's this conspiracy about? Who's involved?
"Ildene, the maid of the Treasury House, told me that the Forsworn would free my father and help me get rid of Nepos. I waited and waited, and finally I demanded that Ildene tell me what the Forsworn were planning. She said that Madanach, the Forsworn leader imprisoned in Cidhna Mine, was planning to escape. That retribution would follow him." (Passed)
"No. I can't say anymore." (Failed)


  • Her father, Uraccen, will still mention her in passing: "I left behind my daughter Uaile when I was taken.", and wonders "How old is my daughter now, I wonder? In prison, you lose track of time."
  • Uaile's death can be avoided by pickpocketing and reading Thonar's or Nepos's journal instead of questioning them, then going directly to Eltrys.
    • Alternatively, it can be avoided by going directly to Eltrys after questioning Thonar Silver-Blood.
  • Eltrys' early dialogue refers to her as "the Treasury House maid", which might imply she originally was meant to work there, rather than in Nepos' House.
  • Uaile's early dialogue refers to Ainethach as her uncle, implying that Uraccen was meant to be his brother. Nothing of this relationship remained in the final game.