Gallows Hall
Creation Club

Skyrim:Staff of Worms

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Artifact: Staff of Worms (FExxxCF2)
(lore page)
Type Staff
Added by Gallows Hall
Editor ID ccRMSSSE001_StaffofWorms
Weight Weight 8 Value Value 2440
Reanimate a dead body permanently to fight for you.
  • Reanimate, 6 pts for 300 seconds
  • Fortified Healing, 1 pts for 86313600 seconds (999 days)
  • Reanimate, 40 pts for 86313600 seconds (999 days)
Charge/Cost = Uses 4000/120=33
Staff of Worms

The Staff of Worms is a powerful staff once owned by Mannimarco, King of Worms. The staff is able to revive the corpse of a targeted NPC. The reanimated corpse will become your ally.

Related Quests[edit]


  • The staff uses the Dead Thrall spell, as indicated if you try to resurrect something resistant to it ("X resisted Dead Thrall"). As a consequence, the casting time is very long, you will need to gesture with both hands, and you cannot reanimate animals or any corpse that serves as a passive container. This includes Naara, who resists any attempts to revive her.
  • This staff is the only one available which casts a Master level spell and gives you access to Dead Thrall without needing to complete the quest, which would give you the spell tome.


  • NPC's will react as if the dragonborn is still holding the staff with uneasy dialogue, even if the staff is unequipped and/or in a followers inventory.