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Skyrim:Morvayn Ancestral Tomb

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Morvayn Ancestral Tomb
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Respawn Time 10 days
Console Location Code(s)
Raven Rock
Morvayn Ancestral Tomb

The Morvayn Ancestral Tomb is a Dunmer ancestral tomb in Raven Rock.

It is northwest of the flight of stairs leading up to the Temple, opposite the entrance to Morvayn Manor.

It is where members of the Morvayn family of House Redoran are interred if they die on Solstheim. Past members of the family include Remas and his wife Brara Morvayn, House Redoran Councilors of Vvardenfell and the parents of Lleril Morvayn, the current Councilor of Raven Rock and the formal ruler of Solstheim, as well as Varel Morvayn, a smith resident in Anvil.



To the left of the entrance is a scathecraw plant and three food urns. To the right of the entrance are three more scathecraw plants, two more food urns, and a lit brazier. The entrance has an expert-level lock.

Morvayn Ancestral Tomb[edit]

The entrance from outside leads into a corridor lined with four lit braziers which proceeds north to the tomb room. In the room, to the east is an alcove with a key-locked door to the Temple Ancestral Tomb. The key can be obtained as part of the quest Clean Sweep. The room features a total of four ash piles littered with bones, with the central pile surrounded by steps and lit candles. Also in the room are nine ash yam urns, two benches, ten unusable barrels, and four more lit braziers around the central pile.