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Skyrim:Chain Lightning

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SR-icon-spell-Shock.png Chain Lightning
School Destruction Difficulty Adept
Type Offensive Casting Fire and Forget
Delivery Aimed Equip Either Hand
Spell ID 00045f9d Editor ID ChainLightning
Base Cost 156 Charge Time 0.5
Duration 0 Range 141 ft
Magnitude 40 Area 20 ft
Tome ID 000a2708 Tome Value 390
Appears in random loot at level 23+
Purchase from (Destruction lvl 40+)
Lightning bolt that does 40 points of shock damage to Health and half to Magicka, then leaps to a new target.

Chain Lightning is an adept level destruction spell that deals shock damage to Health and Magicka to multiple targets.



  • Augmented Shock, raises damage to 50 at first rank or 60 at second rank. In addition, each rank adds to the number of targets which Chain Lightning can hit by one. With one rank in the perk, the spell can hit three targets. With both ranks, it can hit four targets.


  • Has much shorter range than the equivalent Fireball spell, but the fact that it is cast instantly instead of as a projectile makes it much easier to hit moving targets so long as they're within range. Rapidly moving targets (such as deer) may go flying, however, depending on the direction that the spell approaches from.
  • Can be used to make "bank" shots to hit enemies you can't actually target directly by aiming at a surface (ceilings, floors, walls, etc.) that has a line of sight to them.
  • If enemies are struck with the spell while it is dual-cast and you have the Impact perk, it will stagger them (and anyone else close by) as usual, but if it is dual-cast on the ground (so it arcs up and strikes them) while having the same perk, those struck aren't staggered at all.