Shivering talk:Zealot

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Sneak Up on Zealots[edit]

I heard a rumor from many NPCs that say you can sneak up on zealots by wearing their robes, yet when I try it, I always get the same "You're not one of us!" response. Why is that? Duchess PARADOX 02:17, 5 June 2011 (UTC)

"It is possible to take their robes and deceive other Zealots through disguise, but only at a distance. If you get too close, they will see through the ruse and begin to attack. Even after you have become Sheogorath, many will still attack you."
thats the fourth paragraph of the page (Eddie the head 04:32, 5 June 2011 (UTC))


What is the distance needed to stay in disguise? And it says "After you have become Sheogorath, many will still attack you." What does it mean by "many"? Lucien LachanceDB 22:28, 11 December 2011 (UTC)

Supporters of Sheogorath?[edit]

If the Zealots are so hellbent on supporting Sheogorath, why do they attack the player after the SI main quest? Wouldn't they sooner fight for you? Schiffy (talk) 21:41, 20 September 2012 (GMT)

There's no canonical explanation for this in the game, from what I know. I'm guessing word got around that there was a new Sheogorath, and they believe the old Sheogorath was the real Sheogorath. I guess this would make them more like Heretics than anything else, but that's what I've got. --King Pumpernickel (talk) 00:58, 4 July 2013 (GMT)

Glitched Zealot[edit]

It is possible, if extremely rare, to find a zealot that will not attack you. when spoken to, it will state, without voice acting, "I HAVE NO GREETINGS", and will have no option except to persuade. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:53 on 1 August 2014 (GMT)

This is a common glitch with Shivering Isles NPCs; it's not unique to zealots. Zul se onikaanLaan tinvaak 16:56, 1 August 2014 (GMT)

Summon Flesh Atronach[edit]

So I'm creating this here on the talk page for the Zealots as I believe this is probably the most appropriate location to put it. There is mention that they cast the "Summon Flesh Atronach" spells on the main page, but nowhere on the site does it have the Spell IDs for those spells, just the Greater Power that the player gets during the quest Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. After doing a lot of digging, I managed to find the Spell IDs on the Morroblivion Item IDs PDF (and tested them myself) and figured they should be listed somewhere.

Summon Flesh Atronach - 0007FDBE An Apprentice level Conjuration spell that summons a Mangled Flesh Atronach for 25 seconds.

Summon Flesh Atronach - 0007FDBC A Journeyman level Conjuration spell that summons a Torn Flesh Atronach for 25 seconds.

Summon Flesh Atronach - 0007FDBD An Expert level Conjuration spell that summons a Stitched Flesh Atronach for 25 seconds.

Summon Flesh Atronach - 0007FDBF A Master level Conjuration spell that summons a Sewn Flesh Atronach for 25 seconds. — Unsigned comment by MrPockets493 (talkcontribs) at 18:56 on 9 March 2025‎ (UTC)

Added to page. C0rTeZ48 (talk) 11:57, 23 March 2025 (UTC)