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Shivering talk:FAQs

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where is the felldew ? > You can find it on some Elytras near and in Dunroot Burrow.

How Should I Play Shivering Isles?[edit]

I am waiting for Shivering Isles to be delivered from Amazon. Since I opted for free shipping, it should show up sometime in May. ;) So I'm wondering: Should I start a brand new character at 1st level? Or should I continue using my current character, who is so powerful that it's not particularly fun playing with him? I would bet a lot of your readers will have this same question. Is this already discussed anywhere in the Shivering Isles section? If not, it might be a worthwhile addition! Cheers... 03:01, 22 April 2007 (EDT)

Missing Info on PS3 Reference Bug[edit]

Does anyone know if the reference bug affects the PS3 version? I can't seem to find any information anywhere, and it seems like it should be included either on this page or on the Reference Bug page. -- 15:36, 30 April 2008 (EDT)

Revamped Article[edit]

I've decided to try something different with this article: change it from a generic "Hints" page into an actual "FAQs" page. I've been thinking for a while now that having a FAQs page instead of a hints page (or Tips in the case of Oblivion) would be more useful. And given that I felt that most of the previous content of this page was redundant and should be deleted, it seemed like a good chance to give it a try ;)

There are a few reasons I think the change is useful. I think readers frequently look for a FAQs page when they don't know where else to look for information. And if the content if this type of article is going to be largely a repeat of information found elsewhere on the site, then finding a different way to present the information makes it a bit less redundant.

As for the information that was previously on the page and got wiped out in my revamp, it was all information that was provided in other, more appropriate articles. Most of the entries were essentially just redirects elsewhere. The "Gatekeeper" information was all quest-specific information provided at Through the Fringe of Madness. The "Rooftop Peculiarities" are already documented at Easter Eggs. --NepheleTalk 20:00, 21 August 2007 (EDT)

There was one rooftop perculiarity not on the easter egg page- the flawless pearl on the Common Treasures rooftop in Bliss.--Willyhead 20:04, 21 August 2007 (EDT)

Safe Containers[edit]

Just want to add that items are safe in the normal safe containers as in Tamriel, for instance, sacks of grain are also safe in Shivering Isles. However, unlike Tamriel, if you store items in a sack of grain owned by someone else in SI, when you go to extract those items, they will be marked as stolen!!! At least if you store them at Bernice's in Crucible, this is the case. 18:03, 2 August 2008 (EDT)

Are crystal chests safe? it says on its page that they dont respawn maybe there is a ruin that can be used as a lair?Datacaust 23:41, 14 December 2010 (UTC)
In theory, yes - they're safe. On the other hand, all crystal chests have a script on them, and it's generally advised not to store items in such containers (like the Arch-mage's nightstand) rpeh •TCE 10:46, 15 December 2010 (UTC)

What are the chests that are safe? It seems like nobody has listed them or it was removed - I'm not sure why. Ex: "...some other containers in the Shivering Isles that do not respawn and can be safely used for storage. Other examples..." It seems as if someone removed the actual examples, which is probably what most people come here for. At the very least this should link to a page on safe storage in general. At best it could contain a few examples, which I'm sure some people here would know of.

Retail Expansion Disc vs Downloaded Content[edit]

Is there any difference between the retail expansion disc vs downloading? Specifically, I'm wondering about the PS3 version and whether or not travelling between original/expansion areas requires flipping discs? Thanks Transient 21:57, 11 August 2008 (EDT)

To answer my own question: The first time you load the SI expansion disc on PS3, it will ask for your original Oblivion disc. After verifying you own the disc, a marker is set on the PS3. From then on, you're only required to use the SI expansion disc when starting the game. So yes there is some disc flipping, but only the very first time you load the expansion. [1] Transient 00:08, 12 August 2008 (EDT)

Fast Travel Problem[edit]

I have got shivering isles on ps3, I am still relatively new, and I can't fast travel, It says that I have not found the location yet - except I have! It works within Bliss and around that area but not to milchar and places a bit further away, am I missing something? Deedee85 07:28, 26 August 2008 (EDT)

Icons on the map have two forms: dark on light and light on dark. I'm guessing that the icons in Bliss are dark on light and Milchar is the reverse. This means you have heard about Milchar but not actually found it yet. You have to have found somewhere before you can fast travel there. –RpehTCE 10:03, 26 August 2008 (EDT)

cannot play shivering isles[edit]

i downloaded the expansion pack and it shows the achievements for shivering isles and it shows in my memory that i installed it ive waited about a week in the game and nothing showed up Ive updated my x box and deleted and reinstalled the content but nothing shows help please — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:02 on 18 October 2010

Try starting a new game and going directly to the island just outside of Bravil as soon as you get out of the Imperial Prison. If that doesn't work, then something went wrong with the installation. Robin Hoodtalk 07:37, 19 October 2010 (UTC)
lol I had never installed it because it is on Disk2 which I had forgotten that I did not use at install time. — Unsigned comment by Mgntml (talkcontribs) at 04:30 on 28 October 2010
That would probably explain it, then! ;) Robin Hoodtalk 04:37, 28 October 2010 (UTC)


Will horse follow me to shivering isle(Vvardfell 09:07, 7 December 2010 (UTC))

No. rpeh •TCE 10:40, 7 December 2010 (UTC)

Wrong Info on Steam version[edit]

The DLC info on the Steam version is incorrect. As you can see here, the GOTY edition comes with KotN and Shivering Isles. The Deluxe edition just adds the smaller DLCs prior to KotN (horse armor and stuff) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:56 on 8 February 2012

Thank you for the note. As it turns out, simply removing the statement was the easiest way to go, since it's covered by the first bullet, and we're not concerned here about the other DLC. Robin Hoodtalk 09:29, 13 February 2012 (UTC)