Shivering talk:Bruscus Dannus
Seems he's suffered a heart attack or something.[edit]
I was walking through Highcross one day, and as I walked past Mr. Dannus he instantly dropped dead for no reason whatsoever. I mean... what the hell? --Mole126 16:20, 14 February 2008
AI of Bruscus[edit]
His AI is complicated... If no conditions are listed, none are present. If no time is listed, it's any time. Now, the problem is I don't know how to incorporate this into the page, but here it is.
SEBruscusDannusGoCrazy -- Wander -- Conditions: If he's in Highcross, and the player is also.
aaaEat0x2 -- Eat -- Time: 0 Duration: 2
aaaSleep2x4 -- Sleep -- Time: 2 Duration: 4
SEBruscusDannusWanderAtHome -- Wander -- Time: 20 Duration: 10
SEBruscusDannusDumpWeapons -- Escort -- Conditions: Encumberance: Over Thirty. (I guess he'll empty weapons into a chest if he has too many)
SEBruscusDannusDumpMisc -- Same as above, but with misc items
SEBruscusDannusDumpBooks, SEBruscusDannusDumpArmor, SEBruscusDannusDumpIngredients -- Same as above but with mentioned items
SEBruscusGreetRunsInCircles -- Find -- GetQuestRunning SE37 = 1 10% chance -- He Finds Runs-In-Circles.
SEBruscusGreetMirili -- Same as above but with Mirili Uuven
SEBruscusDannusFindBooks -- 11.10% Chance -- Finds the nearest books in the area -- Conditions: Not in his house -- Time: 6 Duration: 18
SEBruscusDannusFindWeapons -- Same as above but with weapons, 12.50% Chance
SEBruscusDannusFindArmor -- Same as above but with armor, 14.00% chance
SEBruscusDannusFindMisc -- Same as above but with misc items, 16.00% chance
SEBruscusDannusFindIngredients -- Same as above but with ingrediants, 20.00 percent chance
SEBruscusDannusFindClothing -- Same as above but with clothes, 25.00% chance
SEBruscusDannusSweep1 -- UseItem-- Broom -- 20% Chance (Specific XMarker in town)
SEBruscusDannusSweep2 -- Same as above, 25.00% chance, (Specific XMarker in town)
SEBruscusDannusSweep3 -- Same as above, 33.00% chance, (Specific XMarker in town)
SEBruscusDannusSweep4 -- Same as above, 50.00% chance, (specific XMarker in town)
aaaDefaultHomeOwner -- Wander -- In his house --Arch-Mage MattTalk 20:37, 14 July 2010 (UTC)
The Big Investigation - please HELP![edit]
Okay, this conversation was actually started here, but this is more than two editors can handle. Bruscus is, without a doubt, the most complex character I have seen, and I can get. All packages can be seen above, and a schedule was added to the article by Legoless, with a request for through in-game checking. Here comes the first batch of questions, originally posted in the other conversations, plus a few additional ones:
- Is it correctly observed that the SE37 conversations will stop when you start the quest (not the other way ‘round as suggested above)?
- Can I, for testing purposes, drop all the above mentioned items in front of him – the written schedule is a but fuzzy here, saying: Each day he will select a random type of item (weapons, books, ingredients, etc.), and - providing that he's not in his house - he will pick up any which he might find, as long as it's not considered stealing. Does this mean that Bruscus will choose one type of item that he will look for the entire day – or will he look for all items the entire day?
- Why is his midnight meal always canceled?
- There must be some kind of package that causes Bruscus to panic for no reason. If you are in his house with him, he will randomly go into a panic, without anything to panic about. How does the package work?
- Occasionally, he will skip his sleep and keep sweeping through the night. Why?
That was the first five questions/observations in what will probably be the largest investigation since this nightmare. I really hope I can get hold of one or more users with PC, access to CS and other cheats, as well as users with consoles, like me. I'm not even sure it is possible to check this one in-game, although I'm willing to try. --Krusty 23:10, 22 July 2011 (UTC)
- Let me give these a quick glance:
- 1)I see nothing that should keep him from saying that.
- 2)It chooses one randomly. There is an eleven percent chance he will choose the book, twelve point fifty weapons, fourteen percent the armor, sixteen percent chance the miscellaneous, ingredients twenty percent, and twenty five percent chance the clothing. Since these are all scheduled at the same time he will first do a random percent check for the books through the order I listed them. It is possible he could fail all these checks I believe.
- 3)Didn't check that one yet.
- 4)It's in his scripting, if anything gets moved in his house he will go crazy. He will also only ever go crazy while the player is present in the same cell.
- 5)I'll get back to you on that one.
- These are all bare bone, quick checks so take these with a grain of salt. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 23:23, 22 July 2011 (UTC)
- Thanks for the reply, AKB - for ultimate results, I seriously suggest that you travel to Highcross and take a look yourself, just to prove some of the packages right. I have another list of odd observations written down; will list them tomorrow. --Krusty 00:04, 23 July 2011 (UTC)
- Okay, let’s start with the “easy” packages, just to find out exactly what is broken – and what to expect from this chaotic NPC.
- aaaEat0x2. Because he doesn’t carry any food in his inventory, this package will ONLY activate if Bruscus has picked up ingredients/food during the day, meaning that he will never voluntarily enter his house at midnight and eat - Instead, he will either a) continue sweeping b) panic in his house.
- test needed: what happens if he is inside his house at midnight?
- aaaEat0x2. Because he doesn’t carry any food in his inventory, this package will ONLY activate if Bruscus has picked up ingredients/food during the day, meaning that he will never voluntarily enter his house at midnight and eat - Instead, he will either a) continue sweeping b) panic in his house.
- aaaSleep2x4. Seems like the GoCrazy package will override this at all times, if you are in the house with him. It is incredibly hard to activate, due to the fact that he may still be sweeping outside, and because of the GoCrazy package. After a bit of testing, I estimate there’s a 50/50 chance to activate the package by “disturbing him” while sweeping (until the sweep package gets replaced) – and no chance at all if he is in his house., because the GoCrazy package cannot be replaced by any of my old tricks. See next bullet for more complications.
- SEBruscusDannusWanderAtHome should start at 8pm, and that is all good – except that THIS package also has a chance of overriding the two packages above. Additionally, you don’t need to mess up anything in Bruscus’ house to cause the panic package to activate, once again meaning that eat and sleep will be abandoned. ALSO, all his Find-packages will still run while he is inside the house, meaning he will start picking up his own books, items etc.
- Then there’s the aaaDefaultHomeOwner-package. Always a pleasure! This bastard is the one that randomly causes him to throw you out of his house, whivh means: you can never ever enter his house without a chance of him throwing you out/asking you to leave. To make matters even worse, the package will also activate outside and will cause him to chase you around Highcross until you fast-travel to another cell. Talk about a mess!
- That’s it for today. I have tons of observations on the Find-packages as well, but I think we have more than enough to sort out by now. Lastly, I asked Mxk101 about the conversations (the "greet-packages") – and received an answer different from the information above, at least as far as I can tell. Please check it out so we can get the percentages right. --Krusty 14:20, 23 July 2011 (UTC)
(←) Okay, here is the second load of information and in-game testing. Hopefully, this will be my last in a while – so I cross my fingers that someone will pop in the game and check some of this stuff out and compare.
For starters, I tested my own suggestion above, about getting Bruscus to eat without dropping any food in front of him. The idea was to get him inside his house before midnight, so the eat-package would kick in, make him pick up some of his own food, and eat normally. Unfortunately, this proved to be more or less impossible because of the Panic-package. It will trigger every time you are in the house with him and he will skip his midnight dinner. Even if the panic-package isn’t running and he wanders around normally, he will refuse to pick up any of his own food, maybe because of all his odd Find packages. It is, however, possible to reverse a poisoned apple onto him, presumed that the panic-package isn’t running. This will cause him to sit down and eat – and die. The same applies if you give him a poisoned apple while he is sweeping outside. He will then enter his house and eat. Oddly, when using this technique, he will NOT eat the apple, but eat something from the house instead – guess that has something to do with the Find-packages as well. All in all, I’m out of suggestions – but the dinner package is broken in very weird ways. I can only conclude that the presence of food in his inventory makes the eat-package activate
Now, onto all the “Find-packages”. While I’m unsure about the meaning of the Encumbrance-thing, here’s the deal:
- He will pick up any weapon you drop – and equip it. This is incredibly hard to trigger due to the 12.5 % chance, but it is possible. He will then either just keep up his business outside or enter his house. I have him with Dawnfang (which should encumber him right away), but I’m convinced that he will never dump anything in any of his containers inside the house. I don't think he will pick up more than one weapon at a time - which means he will carry that one "new" weapon forever.
- As mentioned somewhere above, Bruscus will even start to pick up items from his own house (the pile of books upstairs for example) and carry them around.
- He will also pick up armor and equip it. Right now, I have him wearing the Raiment of Arden Sul and the Fin Gleam. Looks ridiculous, but that’s the way it is.
- As mentioned, whenever he picks up food from the pavement, his eat-package will trigger – but still nothing dropped in any of the containers.
That's it for now. My exact questions for the real CS pro are as follows:
- Does the "Dump"-packages even work?
- How does the "Encumbrance"-thing work exactly?
- What is the 100% exact percentages for each package - and how to write all this into a schedule?
- What's wrong with his eat package? Why will he only eat when he carries food around?
- Can anybody verify that he will only pick up ONE weapon, ONE type of armor? And why will he equip it? What about his own iron shortsword? Why will he carry that around after picking up a new weapon?
Jeez. --Krusty 17:17, 31 July 2011 (UTC)
- 1)
He only dumps things worth 10.000 or more(target data says: "at least 10000 value").Maybe that's why they don't seem to work?The target data on the find-packages states: "at least 1000 value"; so that can't be the gold value of the item, since I can't think of any food item worth 1.000 (nvm 10.000). In other words, I don't know what that value means exactly. - => After checking out the fifth question though, it may mean that he dumps items if he has reached a total value of 10.000 worth of gold of each group, which would mean never, as that makes the find-package stop at 1.000 worth of gold.
- 2) The condition of the dumping states: "GetActorValue Encumbrance > 30.00". I suppose that means he goes dumping things when he gots 30... (pounds?) on him.
- 3) The percentage of what he picks up is stated correctly above, except for the book value, which is 11.10 percent. There are also percentages for his sweep packages. Every one of those packages causes him to sweep in a 200 radius from an X-marker. First is 20%, second 25%, third 33%, and fourth 50%. Weird thing with the sweep packages is the target data, it says "Object: 'BroomLower01' (5 count)", maybe that means he has to sweep 5 times but I wouldn't see why that is under the target data.
- 4) His eat package doesn't state any time, so it makes sense that when you reverse-pickpocket that Poisoned Apple, he immediately starts that package. Duration is 2 hours. Only other things listed is location data which is in his editor location radius 2048. So I don't know why he takes food out of his cupboard the one time and why he eats the apple the other time.
- 5) Nothing states that he will only pick up one weapon or armor piece. But maybe that's what the value may mean, that he will pick up weapons until that group has at least 1.000 value worth of gold. It's a long shot and the "at least" part doesn't make sense that way, but who knows. I read a mention on him picking up books in his house, which is weird as one of the conditions on finding items is that he is not in his house.
- I think this is as much I can do with the CS to help here, I don't get the CS that much. ~ Dwarfmp 23:56, 14 September 2011 (UTC)
- Thanks for the observations, D. As of now, I really need a person with the CS – AND the nerve and ability to pop in the game, double-check and compare the CS data with my observations, and make a list of what’s broken and what’s not.. There’s a whole lot of stuff going on here, and 80% of it is more or less bugged. While I doubt we’ll ever get this one right, in the above observations I have attempted to point out what is wrong from all the different CS data – but it would be so much easier (and even essential) if someone could take on a combined CS/in-game challenge. --Krusty 09:35, 16 September 2011 (UTC)