Scalon Faction[edit]
This faction contains all the Scalons in the game. Its purpose seems to be to ensure they all react correctly during the Taxonomy of Obsession quest.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEScalonFaction |
Form Id |
00045304 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
SE 09 Battling Creature Faction[edit]
All of Relmyna Verenim's creatures and victims belong in this faction. It prevents them from attacking the player, meaning they concentrate on their other AI packages instead.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE09BattlingCreatureFaction01 |
Form Id |
000437e3 |
Flags |
None |
All the varieties of the original Gatekeeper belong in this faction, which serves to ensure they hate the player.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE02HateThePlayer |
Form Id |
00052922 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Jayred Ice-Veins is added to this faction twice; first when the two of you go hunting for bones, and later when you attack the Gatekeeper. Its purpose is to ensure that he helps during the various fights. He is removed once the fights are over.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE02LikeThePlayerFaction |
Form Id |
0005282d |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
The Orc Adventurer Captain and his team of Adventurers get put in this faction along with the Gatekeeper before their battle. Its only purpose seems to be to give then the "SpecialCombat" flag, meaning that the battle will be controlled by scripts rather than normal combat mechanics.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE02SpecialCombatFaction |
Form Id |
000523ea |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, SpecialCombat |
SE08 Dark Seducer Faction[edit]
Contains the Dark Seducers that fight with you in The Fringe during the Retaking The Fringe quest. It gives them all a common set of dialogue options and makes them hostile to the forces of Order during the battle.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE08DarkSeducerFaction |
Form Id |
00017961 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
SE08 Golden Saint Faction[edit]
Contains the Golden Saints that fight with you in The Fringe during the Retaking The Fringe quest. It gives them all a common set of dialogue options and makes them hostile to the forces of Order during the battle.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE08GoldenSaintFaction |
Form Id |
00017960 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Contains the Knights of Order that fight against you in The Fringe during the Retaking The Fringe quest. It ensures a deep, mutual hatred of the saints and seducers.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE08OrderFaction |
Form Id |
0005282c |
Flags |
Evil |
There are five "Refugees" located in Xeddefen that are members of this faction. It seems to exist to stop the forces of order attacking them during the Retaking The Fringe quest. Since all five are initially disabled and they never become accessible to anything else, the faction is essentially useless.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE08XeddefenVictimFaction |
Form Id |
0001d9cf |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Relationships |
Related Faction |
Disposition Boost |
Order |
+100 |
Even more useless than the SE08XeddefenVictimFaction as it doesn't contain any members.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE08XeddefenVictimFactionDUPLICATE000 |
Form Id |
0001eb7a |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Relationships |
Related Faction |
Disposition Boost |
Order |
+100 |
This faction is unused. It has no members, owns no items and is not referenced by any scripts. From its name, it was presumably intended to play a role in the Rebuilding the Gatekeeper quest.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE09SpecialCombatFaction |
Form Id |
0004fc5f |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, SpecialCombat |
SE11 Apostle Faction[edit]
Contains all the residents of The Howling Halls. Ciirta and two Apostles are removed from it to allow combat to begin during the Symbols of Office quest. The main purpose of the faction is to give all its members a common set of dialogue options and to stop the player getting a bounty for killing any of them.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE11ApostleFaction |
Form Id |
00016b68 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
SE11 Apostle Faction - Player[edit]
The player is added to this faction whenever Apostle Robes are worn. It prevents the player from being attacked by other Apostles when the robes are worn.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE11ApostleFactionPlayer |
Form Id |
00016b67 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
SE11 Apostle Traitor Faction[edit]
Contains the three "traitors" who attack Ciirta during the Symbols of Office quest. Oddly, the "hatred" of Ciirta and her cohorts is not done with faction relations, but with individual relation changes on each NPC. The only purpose of this faction is to provide the traitors with their own set of dialogue options, largely about how Ciirta's sight has let them down.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE11ApostleTraitorFaction |
Form Id |
00016b84 |
Flags |
None |
SE11 Ciirta[edit]
The purpose of this faction is unclear. Its only effect is to create a neutral relationship with the SE11 Apostle Faction, which does not change anything. There are no other effects and the faction is not referenced by scripts.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE11CiirtaFaction |
Form Id |
00016b69 |
Flags |
None |
SE12 Gnarl faction[edit]
This faction contains the various Gnarls encountered during The Roots of Madness. When something tries to open one of the ordered doors during the quest, a script checks to see if the opener is in this faction; if it is, the door opens. Similar checks are made on the gnarl "pods" and various other items.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE12GnarlFaction |
Form Id |
000136ef |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Contains the Golden Saint that can be asked to escort that player after the main quest is complete. Ensures that the guard likes all residents of the Isles, but hates its creatures.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE14GuardFaction |
Form Id |
00046831 |
Flags |
None |
The faction causes all Gnarls to hate the Gatekeeper. The purpose of this is unclear.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE14HateGatekeeperFaction |
Form Id |
0008fab6 |
Flags |
None |
Contains the defenders of Vitharn. It gives its members a few lines of dialogue, and a script causes the two sides in the battle to have slightly different colors.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE32Defenders |
Form Id |
0001b677 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
At first, this faction obviously gives Amiable Fanriene access to his house. After he and Uungor swap, Uungor is added to this faction to give him access too, although Fanriene is never removed.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEAmiableFanrienesHouseFaction |
Form Id |
00079108 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Contains all the Flesh Atronachs, although the reason is unclear.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEAtronachFleshFaction |
Form Id |
00045300 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
The only purpose this faction serves is to allow Belmyne Dreleth to be killed without his killer incurring a bounty. Apart from that, it owns no objects, sets up no relationships and is referenced by no scripts.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEBelmyneFaction |
Form Id |
0008dcb6 |
Flags |
Evil |
Seducer and Saint guard, used for getting right voice[edit]
This faction gives its members several lines of dialogue related to crimes. It is not clear why a separate faction was necessary for this.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEGuards |
Form Id |
00080795 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Ranks |
Number |
Rank |
0 |
Guard |
This faction appears to serve no purpose, as it owns no objects, sets up no relationships and is referenced by no scripts.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEHirrusClutumnusHouseFaction |
Form Id |
00061bd4 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
This faction, like SEOrderPriestFactionC and the Faction for A priests is used to cause a different sound to be played when an obelisk is activated in the New Sheoth Palace, depending on the priest who activates it.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEOrderPriestFactionB |
Form Id |
0001ac84 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
This faction, like SEOrderPriestFactionB and the Faction for A priests is used to cause a different sound to be played when an obelisk is activated in the New Sheoth Palace, depending on the priest who activates it.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEOrderPriestFactionC |
Form Id |
0001ac85 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
The purpose of this faction is unknown. Although it contains several Order Priests, it has no relationships, owns no objects and is referenced by no scripts.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEOrderPriestFactionD |
Form Id |
0001ac86 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
The purpose of this faction is unknown. Although it contains several Order Priests, it has no relationships, owns no objects and is referenced by no scripts.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEOrderPriestFactionE |
Form Id |
0001ac87 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Contains the residents of Passwall and gives them a few lines of dialogue to say.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEPasswallFaction |
Form Id |
0004301b |
Flags |
None |
This faction is unused. Its only member is a "Ghost Hound" that doesn't appear in the game and whose id is "TestSkeletalHound", suggesting that the faction was left over from the development phase of the game.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEPetFaction |
Form Id |
00046ebc |
Flags |
None |
This faction contains most of the NPCs who live in the wilderness of the Isles, that is, not in New Sheoth. It gives them a wide range of dialogue about the creatures of the Isles and also grants them a certain empathy with horses, deer and sheep - although there aren't any in the Isles.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEWildernessFaction |
Form Id |
00042db5 |
Flags |
None |
The purpose of this faction is unknown. It contains no members, has no relationships, owns no objects and is referenced by no scripts.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEWorldFaction |
Form Id |
0001ad44 |
Flags |
None |
Shambles Faction[edit]
This faction contains all the Shambles in the Isles, and ensures that they will never attack Zealots.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEShamblesFaction |
Form Id |
00045305 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Special Seducers for SE07A[edit]
Syl is removed from this faction at stage 200 of the Ritual of Mania, and the player is added at stage 200 of the Ritual of Dementia. Apart from the relationships, it seems to have no purpose.
Information |
Editor Id |
SE07ASylFaction |
Form Id |
0001723d |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Ranks |
Number |
Male Rank |
Female Rank |
0 |
Blah |
Blahette |
Split Citizen[edit]
Contains both the manic and demented citizens of Split. Its main purpose seems to be to stop the citizens killing each other before you can do it for them, and to get the guards that can be dispatched after The Prince of Madness to like them more.
Information |
Editor Id |
SESplitFaction |
Form Id |
00015581 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Split Dementia[edit]
This faction simply causes its members to like each other more and dislike their alter egos.
Information |
Editor Id |
SESplitDementia |
Form Id |
00089642 |
Flags |
None |
Split Mania[edit]
This faction simply causes its members to like each other more and dislike their alter egos.
Information |
Editor Id |
SESplitMania |
Form Id |
00089641 |
Flags |
None |