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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Work for an Orc

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Help an unemployed orc find work.
Quest Giver: Kharag gro-Uratag
Location(s): Anvil, Port Quarter
Reward: None or Wenbone Bow
OR Steel Sparkmace
OR 3x Cyrodiilic Brandy
OR Ring of Night-Eye
Disposition: +10, +15 or +30 (Kharag gro-Uratag)
ID: PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrc; PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcFG; PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcFish; PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcIAS; PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcKarrel; PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcNavy; PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcRG; PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcSmith; PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcSW
Kharag needs work, and soon!

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Kharag gro-Uratag in the Port Quarter of Anvil about an unemployed Orc.
  2. (Optional) Ask Sailors in Anvil with 30+ disposition for suggestions.
  3. (Optional) Ask residents of Anvil with 50+ disposition for suggestions.
  4. Either:
    • Talk to Orius Triso, then...
      1. Obtain a Fishing Pole.
      2. Bring the pole to Uratag and suggest freelance fishing.
      3. Find Uratag three days later on the north bank of the Naharine River (rewards nothing).
    • Talk to Valloch Elayria on the Karrel, and then...
      1. Invite Uratag to join the Karrel's crew.
      2. Either:
        • As a Wood Elf, assure Uratag that his fears of being eaten are unfounded (requires 90+ disposition).
        • Return to Valloch to explain Uratag's concerns, then persuade Uratag that his fears are unfounded (requires 90+ disposition).
      3. Find Uratag three days later aboard the Karrel (rewards Wenbone Bow).
    • Speak to Palagrius Vinicius at the Guild of Fighters, then...
      1. Speak to Uratag with either...
      2. Find Uratag three days later at the Guild of Fighters (rewards Steel Sparkmace).
    • Speak to Erradus in Fort Telodrach's West Navy High Command, then...
      1. Talk to either Vidor gro-Thrakhar in the barracks or Uruz gro-Exusian in the lighthouse.
      2. Return to Uratag and convince him to join the Imperial Navy (requires 70+ disposition).
      3. Three days later, find Uratag aboard the TEM Kintyra's Shield (rewards Cyrodiilic Brandy).
    • Talk to Iteneesh at the city's Ratcatchers Guild, then...
      1. Suggest ratcatching work to Uratag with 70+ disposition.
      2. Find Uratag three days later at the Ratcatchers Guild (rewards Ring of Night-Eye).

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

By the Glisterpike docked in Anvil's Port Quarter stands an Orc named Kharag gro-Uratag. Speak to him and he'll offer to carry your bags for coin - saying that life's tough around here for an unemployed Orc. Ask him about this topic and he'll explain that he lost his job on a sailing vessel after getting drunk enough to be imprisoned. You have a couple of responses to his tale, but anything other than suggesting he look for another job will just annoy him - he's too proud to accept alms. So suggest this, and then offer to ask around for new work for this unfortunate man. He claims that he's happy to try almost anything. This is a lie.

Work for an Orc[edit]

There are an incredible number of responses to the work for an Orc topic, and assorted residents of Anvil will point you towards potential jobs (usually with a 50+ disposition requirement to answer you), although some of these jobs are deadends.

Working for Orius Triso[edit]

Certain Anvil residents will note that the general trader, Orius Triso, is supposedly looking for help. His store is in the Marina quarter of the city. Ask him about the unemployed Orc topic, and he'll deny that he's recruiting - but will suggest that Uratag take up freelance fishing. You can buy a Fishing Pole from him and bring it to Uratag. He'll accept your suggestion as a good one and will mention a fishing spot that he intends to use. Three days later, you'll be able to find him at on the north bank of the Naharine River that runs to Anvil's north - having been killed by Moon Crabs.

Sailing on a trade company vessel[edit]

With 30+ disposition, those with the Sailor class will recommend speaking to ship captains - surely one of those have a job. Of these captains, you can only have luck with Valloch Elayria of the leathery vessel called the Karrel. He's below decks, and if asked about unemployed Orc will issue a job offer. Return to Uratag to tell him. The Orc is reluctant - according to him, Valenwood Wood Elves eat people. If you're a Wood Elf yourself, you'll immediately be able to inform him that he's wrong - the people-eating is only done during funerary rites. Otherwise, you'll need to speak to Valloch again to be assured that Uratag will not be eaten.

Whether you tell Uratag immediately or after consultation with Valloch, you need 90+ disposition for him to be persuaded. If he is, he can be found on the Karrel's top deck after three days have passed, and will reward you with a Wenbone Bow.

Joining the Fighters Guild[edit]

With 50+ disposition, Anvil residents will suggest checking with the guilds, with the Fighters Guild being mentioned. Enquire with Palagrius Vinicius in his guildhall office. He's happy to take on anyone not actively wanted for lawbreaking. Return to Uratag to relay this suggestion. You'll need 70+ disposition for him to accept the offer, or 50+ if you're in the Fighters Guild yourself.

Once persuaded, visit the Fighters Guild after three days have passed. You'll find Kharag there, armored in leather. He'll pass on a Steel Sparkmace in thanks for your help.

In the Navy[edit]

You may encounter a suggestion that Uratag seek work with the Imperial Navy. You can explore this possibility by finding Erradus, a Wood Elf Navy officer in Fort Telodrach's West Navy High Command area. Erradus is happy to hire Uratag, but Uratag can't be persuaded to join the Navy just yet. You need to speak to other Orc Navy members in the fort first - either Vidor gro-Thrakhar in the barracks or Uruz gro-Exusian in the lighthouse. These two both testify that the Navy is all right for Orcs, with rank mattering more than race. Once you've received this reassurance from either Orc, return to Uratag. With 70+ disposition, he will agree to join the Navy.

Once Uratag has been persuaded, check aboard the TEM Kintyra's Shield after three days have passed. It's one of the ships docked outside of the fort. You'll find Uratag below decks in Navy uniform, and he will he will reward you for your help with three bottles of Cyrodiilic Brandy.

Among the ranks of the Ratcatchers[edit]

The Ratcatchers Guild may come in the dialogue of Anvil citizens asked about unemployed Orc. You can find the guildhall at the western end of Little Arenthia. Speak to Iteneesh once inside. He'll invite Uratag to come by. Inform Uratag of the offer. Unless you have 70+ disposition with him, he'll think you're making fun of him. If persuaded however, you can find him at the guild after three days have passed - he'll reward you with a Ring of Night-Eye for your aid.

Dead ends[edit]

You may have already encountered Borgush gro-Ulius, an Orc smith with a store in Anvil who needs an apprentice - this forms part of another quest named An Apprentice for Borgush. However, for all that Borgush is happy to hire Kharag, Kharag cannot be convinced to seek work with Borgush - he has no smithing experience, nor desire to learn the trade. Borgush's apprentice can be found elsewhere.

Other dead ends include a job at the shipworks, for while Adraria Lethris is willing to take on an extra pair of hands, Kharag finds the idea of ships being locked inside buildings like a coffin to be too depressing. Similarly, a job offer from Sarria Caviran of the Imperial Astrological Society is met with disbelief - Kharag cannot believe that anybody would pay him to look at the stars, and to be fair, Sarria's job offer expressly does not guarantee pay.


  • Besides the difference in rewards, Kharag has different disposition increases depending on the job secured. He's happiest with the Wood Elves (+30 disposition), while a position with the Ratcatchers or Fighters Guild garners +15 disposition. Work in the Navy is his least favorite role, with only a +10 disposition increase.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Work for an Orc (PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrc)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I've agreed to help Kharag gro-Uratag, an unemployed Orc wandering around the Anvil docks. He's been abandoned by his ship on a stop here, and is now stuck in Anvil without resources. He wants to find a job, preferably on a boat, but hasn't had any luck so far.
30 I helped Kharag gro-Uratag find work.
50 It's been a few days since I helped Kharag gro-Uratag find work.
80 Finishes quest☑ Kharag gro-Uratag rewarded me for having helped him finding a job.
100 Finishes quest☑ Kharag gro-Uratag is dead.
Work for an Orc (PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcFG)
10 Palagrius Vinicius, Master of the Anvil Guild of Fighters, says they're always looking for new recruits.
50 I convinced Kharag gro-Uratag to join the Fighters Guild in Anvil.
Work for an Orc (PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcFish)
10 Trader Orius Triso says he's not recruiting, but he's heard that freelance fishing has been on the rise recently.
50 Kharag gro-Uratag thanked me for giving him a fishing pole. He thinks he's heard of a good spot on the northern bank of the Naharine river, east of Anvil.
100 Finishes quest☑ I found Kharag gro-Uratag's body on the bank of the Naharine River.
Work for an Orc (PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcIAS)
10 Sarria Caviran, lead astrologer of the Imperial Astrological Society, says their door is open to everyone.
Work for an Orc (PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcKarrel)
10 Valloch Elayria, the captain of the Karrel, would be interested in recruiting Kharag gro-Uratag to his crew.
20 Kharag gro-Uratag refused to work on the Karrel. He's afraid the Bosmer are going to eat him.
50 I convinced Kharag gro-Uratag to overcome his prejudice towards Bosmer and join the crew of the Karrel.
Work for an Orc (PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcNavy)
10 Commodore Erradus in Fort Telodrach told me that Kharag gro-Uratag is welcome to apply to join the West Navy.
50 I convinced Kharag gro-Uratag to join the Navy.
Work for an Orc (PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcRG)
10 Iteneesh, Master of the Anvil Guild of Ratcatchers, says Kharag gro-Uratag is welcome to try his hand at the job.
50 I convinced Kharag gro-Uratag to join the Guild of Ratcatchers. He suggested I should visit him in a couple of days.
Work for an Orc (PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcSmith)
10 Borgush gro-Ulius, blacksmith in the Anvil Marina, is looking for a new apprentice.
Work for an Orc (PC_m1_Anv_WorkOrcSW)
10 According to Adraria Lethris, Kharag gro-Uratag could work at the Anvil shipworks.