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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Murder on the Crossroads

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Investigate Arahn Kimoi's murder.
Quest Giver: Nerilius Ludos
Location(s): Brina Cross, South Guard Towers
Reward: 1,000 gold, or 1,000 gold and the Kimoi Manor Basement Key
Disposition: +20 (Nerilius Ludos)
ID: PC_m1_BC_MurdCross; PC_m1_BC_MurdCrossBrescius; PC_m1_BC_MurdCrossGosha; PC_m1_BC_MurdCrossMedina; PC_m1_BC_MurdCrossRamus; PC_m1_BC_MurdCrossWound
Arahn Kimoi's been murdered.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak with Nerilius Ludos in Brina Cross about Arahn Kimoi.
  2. Show the Letter from Nerilius to the guard at Kimoi Manor.
  3. Check the body of Arahn Kimoi.
  4. In any order, interview...
  5. Report your progress to Nerilius, and ask him about Arahn's wound.
  6. Ask Brecius Telettian about Arahn's wound and an Argonian adventurer.
  7. Enquire about the Argonian adventurer at the Crossing Inn.
  8. Encourage Ramus to tell you about the Argonian adventurer by either:
  9. (Optional) Report Ramus' part in all this to Nerilius.
  10. Travel to the Gosha Inn.
  11. (Optional) Ask Foroch about the Argonian adventurer to get her door unlocked.
  12. Retrieve the Assassin's Flameblade and (optionally) the Bloody Note from the Dead Argonian.
  13. Return to Nerilius with the murder weapon.
  14. (Optional) Speak to Thelius Halgern at Halgern Manor.
  15. (Optional) If you didn't report him, speak to Ramus for the Kimoi Manor Basement Key.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

In the basement of one of the South Guard Towers in Brina Cross, you will find the town's Captain of the Guard, Nerilius Ludos. He speaks of the recent murder of Arahn Kimoi. Ask him about this topic, and offer to help. Undermanned, he'll accept the offer - passing you a Letter from Nerilius to show to the guard at the crime scene in Kimoi Manor.

He'll additionally named three suspects thought to dislike the murdered man. Medina Talgiana of the nearby Talgiana Orchard, a Crossing Inn worker named Ramus lately fired from Kimoi's household, and Brescius Telettian, the local smith.

The Scene of the Crime[edit]

Kimoi Manor is next to the Crossing Inn at the northern end of town. Enter it and speak to the guard upstairs. Assuming that you have it on you, you'll be able to present the Letter from Nerilius to gain full access to the house. Arahn Kimoi's body lies up the stairs. Activate it to receive a journal update noting burn marks on the stab wound. There's nothing else relevant to the case here.

The Suspects[edit]

You need to speak to all three suspects before your investigation can progress. Brescius keeps a store opposite the Crossing Inn. Speak to him about Arahn Kimoi. He claims to have been working on the night of the murder, noting that his apprentice, Ris gra-Kerrar, can back him up on that. You'll find Ramus in the Crossing Inn next to Kimoi Manor. Ask him about Arahn Kimoi, and he'll claim to have been cleaning at the inn on the night of the murder. The innkeeper, Christophe Marane, will back that story up. Medina Talgiana is a little further away, being on the top floor of her manor in Talgiana Orchard. That's a fairly long walk along the Gold Road running west from town. She clearly disliked Arahn, but claims to have been at Halgern Manor in Brina Cross on the night of the murder. Salonia Halgern at said manor can verify that Medina never left it that night.

A Different Tack[edit]

Suspects intervened and crime scene examined, return to Nerilius to report that all suspects have alibis. He's interested in your report on Arahn's wound, and will suggest asking Brescius about it, to see if he knows of any enchanted blade that might have inflicted it. Do so. Brescius will speak of an Argonian adventurer whom he helped who had such a blade, and refers you to the Crossing Inn, which he saw her enter.

Go to the Crossing Inn and speak to those there about the Argonian adventurer. Christophe Marane will recognize the description and note that she took a particular interest in Ramus, while Ramus will claim never to have seen anyone like that. This is a lie. You'll need to get Ramus to confess the truth. You can do by raising his disposition to 80 or higher. Alternatively, a successful Intimidate attempt that raises his Flee value above 50 will cause him to speak more honestly.

It transpires that Ramus did speak with the Argonian, and sold her the keys to Arahn Kimoi's house, which he'd kept since his time as a servant there. He mentions that she said she'd be going to meet a friend at the Gosha Inn. This is your next target, and is a tavern on the route between the Kingdoms of Anvil and Kvatch (follow the Gold Road leading out of town south then east to reach it). Before you go, you can report Ramus for his activities to Nerilius, but this course of action has no reward, so is purely a roleplay thing.

Once at the inn, speak to the innkeeper, Foroch, about the Argonian adventurer. He'll say that she's staying upstairs and will unlock the door to her room. Inside, you will find her corpse. Someone has beat you here. Activate the corpse to update your journal, and take the Bloody Note and Assassin's Flameblade from her body.

The Debrief[edit]

Return to Nerilius now. He'll give you 1,000 gold for your work, and suggest speaking to Thelius Halgern. This isn't necessary to finish the quest, but will provide some context on what's happened. It seems that Arahn had some unsavory contacts in Sutch who Thelius theorizes decided to silence the man.

As a final action, if you didn't report Ramus for selling the keys to Arahn's manor, return to him for the gift of the Kimoi Manor Basement Key, in which are held a number of valuable wine bottles.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Murder on the Crossroads (PC_m1_BC_MurdCross)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Nerilius Ludos has tasked me with investigating Arahn Kimoi's murder. I have been given permission to question suspects and to search the victim's room, in his manor. The main suspects are Medina Talgiana, Ramus -- Arahn's former servant -- and Brescius Telettian. Ramus now works at the Crossing Inn and Brescius is the town's smith. Medina lives in her manor, overlooking the Talgiana Orchard, on the road to Anvil.
20 I have spoken with all three suspects. Nerilius Ludos will want to know what I've learned so far.
50 Nerilius Ludos wants me to travel to the Gosha Inn and bring back any clue the assassin might have left behind.
60 I found the Argonian adventurer's room at the Gosha Inn. She was dead when I arrived. There was a bloody note and what looks like the murder weapon on her body.
100 Finishes quest☑ I gave the assassin's weapon to Nerilius Ludos. He paid me for my services. He advised me to go and have a talk with Thelius Halgern.
110 Thelius Halgern gave me further information regarding Arahn Kimoi's death. According to him, his death is related to his involvement in illegal dealings with unknown people in Sutch. The Marshal thinks Kimoi's associates suspected that the authorities were after him, and decided to cut their ties with him.
120 Nerilius Ludos is dead.
Murder on the Crossroads (PC_m1_BC_MurdCrossBrescius)
10 Brescius Telettian told me that Arahn Kimoi was attempting to put him out of business. Telettian's suppliers from Sutch suddenly stopped delivering to him, and he believes Kimoi to be behind this. Brescius claims that he was working late on the night of the murder. His apprentice Ris gra-Kerrar can confirm his story.
Murder on the Crossroads (PC_m1_BC_MurdCrossGosha)
100 I found an assassin in one of the Gosha Inn's rooms. There was a note mentioning a target in Brina Cross on her body.
Murder on the Crossroads (PC_m1_BC_MurdCrossMedina)
10 Medina Talgiana told me that she stayed as a guest of the Halgerns on the night of Arahn Kimoi's murder. Thelius and Salonia should be able to confirm her story.
Murder on the Crossroads (PC_m1_BC_MurdCrossRamus)
10 Ramus told me Arahn Kimoi accused him of having stolen a business ledger and fired him. He said Christophe, the innkeeper, can confirm he was at the inn the night of the murder.
20 Ramus was happy that I didn't report the part he played in the murder of Arahn Kimoi. He offered me the key to his former employer's basement. There are expensive wines there, he said.
Murder on the Crossroads (PC_m1_BC_MurdCrossWound)
10 Arahn Kimoi's corpse appears to have one fatal stab wound in his chest. There seems to be burn marks around the victim's wound.
20 I mentioned Arahn's wound to Nerilius Ludos. He advised me to talk to Brescius Telettian about it.
30 According to Brescius Telettian, Arahn's wound could have been caused by a sword enchanted with a fire spell. He told me that an Argonian adventurer came by a few days before the murder, to have her enchanted shortsword repaired. According to him, she stayed at the Crossing Inn, to wait for her sword to be ready.
40 Ramus spoke to the Argonian adventurer. She asked him questions about Kimoi Manor and bought his old manor key from him. Ramus thinks that she was on her way to Kvatch, but she mentioned that she was meeting a friend at the Gosha Inn first.
50 I told Nerilius Ludos that Ramus sold the key to Arahn Kimoi's manor to the Argonian adventurer.