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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Mercantile Trainers

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For a list of all skill trainers, see the Trainers page.


  • The numbers on this page represent the highest value which your skill may be at in order to receive training. Trainers can thus raise your skill one point higher than what is listed, with the exception of the Master Trainers, since no skill may be trained above 100.

MW-icon-skill-Mercantile.jpg Mercantile Trainers[edit]

Level Trainer Location Other Skills Notes
100 Cularyia Anvil, Marina, West Wind Suites, Cularyia's Suite Speechcraft (90) Illusion (85)
60 Nito Nesba Anvil, Marina (Outside the backdoor of Anvil's Chamber of Commerce) Speechcraft (100) Sneak (58) Only after A Noble Debt
57 Caldia Acon Anvil, Goldstone, Dungeons Light Armor (70) Marksman (63) Kingdom of Anvil member Faction members only?
57 Lucan Ternius Anvil, Little Arenthia, Sailor's Fluke Speechcraft (62) Security (49) Cyrodiil Thieves Guild member Faction members only?
54 Elroy Strident Coast [-123, -46] (At a camp along the road north of Thresvy, near the ruins of Beldaburo) Long Blade (64) Light Armor (56)
52 Mysta Mirtuni Hal Sadek, Spearmouth Inn Unarmored (95) Speechcraft (52)
44 Foroch Gosha Inn Speechcraft (42) Security (42)
41 Peratea Anvil, Marina, Imperial Geographical Society Athletics (49) Speechcraft (41) Imperial Geographical Society member Faction members only?
40 Usia Valeglenh Anvil, Port Quarter (At a stall near the mouth of Little Arenthia's canal) Marksman (58) Sneak (52)
33 Andreas Velsor Anvil, Marina, Red Treasury: Upper Offices Speechcraft (48) Short Blade (38) Imperial Curia member Faction members only?