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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Herrius Thimistrel

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Herrius Thimistrel (PC_m1_HerriusThimistrel; PC_m1_HerriusBoss)
Home City Anvil
Location Thimistrel Manor: Top Floor
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 51 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 335 Magicka 144
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Kingdom of Anvil 6(Intendant)
Herrius Thimistrel

Herrius Thimistrel is an Imperial Noble. He is an influential individual in the Kingdom of Anvil, and can be found in his manor in Anvil city. Herrius has a vast fortune, in part drawn from the wealth of the Abecean Trading Company of which he is a principal shareholder. He is a man with an entirely negative view of the kingdom's current regime and its handling of both foreign and domestic affairs - a fact that kingdom seneschal Solvus Orrich is keenly aware of.

After the events of By Right of Blood, Herrius reveals his secret. He is not a Thimistrel at all, but used the influence of the Vampirum Order to assume that family line, and is in fact a truly ancient vampire himself:

"My true name is Urac Vernitus. I am the last of the Shore-Kings, and the crown is mine by right of blood. When the despicable Sload sent a plague to destroy all Tamriel, I was nearly swept along by that dead tide. But I had planned a way to preserve the royal line -- joining the Vampyrum Order. My contact turned me, though I was already close to death; I fell into a deep slumber, waking once more only when Anvil was razed in fire."

Herrius plans to overthrow Millona in a coup, and seeks your assistance in gaining Akaterina Hadrach the throne, with Herrius intending to pull the strings behind her. It seems that this plot has been some centuries in the making:

"In this time, I am a businessman. Two hundred years now, I have prepared; two hundred years, I waited and learned from the Vampyrum Order. The Abecean Trading Company was to be my path to kingship. The royal auction would be called, I would sail off on my skiff, and every other petty noble there would be outbid. No longer. The Order counseled caution, but Queen Millona seems determined to make a sham of this once-great kingdom. And I will not stand by another time to let that happen."

Alternatively, if you do not side with Herrius, Queen Millona will task you with bringing him to justice in the ruins of Mischarstette, and in the course of Prevent the Coup the 'Shore King' will be slain.

Starts Quests[edit]

Kingdom of Anvil[edit]

Related Quests[edit]

Kingdom of Anvil[edit]

  • Prevent the Coup: The conspirators muster their forces - ride out and meet them.