Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Places
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< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil(Redirected from Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Cyrodiil)
• Regions • Settlements • Landforms • Other Locations • |
- Brennan Bluffs — An arid, rocky region of northwestern Colovia that stretches from the Strident Coast to the Brena River.
- Dasek Marsh — A long, narrow region of southern Colovia that runs the length of the Strid River.
- Stirk Isle — A large tropical island located within the Abecean Sea, off the western coast of Colovia.
- Strident Coast — A southwestern region of Cyrodiil's Colovia.
- Abecean Sea — A large sea that lies between the provinces of Hammerfell, Cyrodiil, Valenwood, and Summerset.
- Anvil — Cyrodiil's largest port on the Abecean Sea and one of its largest cities.
- Brina Cross — A prosperous settlement sitting astride a junction of the Gold Road.
- Charach — A town located on the southeastern edge of Stirk Isle.
- Archad — A fishing village on the north bank of the Strid River.
- Hal Sadek — An agricultural community on the banks of the Naharine River.
- Marav — A small farming village on the Strident Coast.
- Thresvy — A modest fishing village on the Abecean Sea.
Other Settlements[edit]
- Salthearth — The estate of the Ivrol dynasty.
- Talgiana Orchard — A prosperous orchard on the Strident Coast.
- Fort Heath — An Imperial Legion garrison sited between Anvil and Kvatch.
- Fort Telodrach — The headquarters of the West Navy as well as one of Anvil's six quarters.
- Wavemoth Legion Fort Lighthouse — A watchtower on the cliffs between Thresvy and Anvil.
Bodies of Water[edit]
- Agi Bay — A small bay that marks the western edge of the Dasek Marsh.
- Brena River — A river that runs along the border of southern Hammerfell and western Colovia.
- Caracota River — One of three rivers planned to flow between the lands of Cyrodiil and Skyrim.
- Larsius River — A river that flows from the Elsweyr border and around Bravil.
- Naharine River — A river that flows to the north of Anvil before emptying into the Abecean Sea.
- Niben River
- Strid River — A river that separates Cyrodiil from Valenwood.
- Torsus River — A river that flows from Riften in Skyrim into Cyrodiil.
- Valcand River — A river that flows from western Skyrim into Cyrodiil's Lake Rumare.
- Mykoi Isles — An island chain to the north of Stirk Isle and to the west of Mischarstette.
- Stirk Isle — A large tropical island located within the Abecean Sea, off the western coast of Colovia.
- Viduscan Isles — A chain of small islands and sandbars found in the Abecean Sea.
Underwater Features[edit]
Other Locations[edit]
- Burial Places — Final resting places commonly found in the Imperial province, ranging from Nordic inspired ancient Colovian barrows to modern Imperial crypts.
- Caves — The dark bowels of the earth, where treasures await and dangers lurk.
- Dreugh Hives — Fortresses of the Dreugh, filled with wreckage and mortal remains.
- Landmarks — Points of interest or notable locations found across Cyrodiil.
- Minor Settlements — Locations found across Cyrodiil's countryside where its common people reside and make their living.
- Ruins — The desolate remains of old empires, from those left by the ancient Ayleids to forts only recently abandoned by the Septim Empire.
- Ships — Craft that ply the waves, or failed to do so.