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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Changing Seasons

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A priest seeks closure at a rural wayshrine
Quest Giver: Alsia Juvanus
Location(s): Brina Cross, Crossing Inn
Next Quest: Culture Shock
Reward: None
Disposition: +15 (Alsia Juvanus)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Order of Itinerant Priests)
ID: PC_m1_IP_Als1
Trouble at the Wayshrine of Arkay

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Alsia Juvanus in Brina Cross' Crossing Inn about works and offering to Arkay.
  2. Obtain 1x Salt and 1x Sweet Wine.
  3. Obtain 1x Nightshade (e.g. from Melia Simerius in the Chapel of Crimson Strings).
  4. Bring the above items to Alsia.
  5. Travel to the Wayshrine of Arkay, west of the Sutch-Anvil Tollhouse.
  6. (Optional) Talk to or defeat Jorin.
  7. Approach the Wayshrine, and talk to Alsia about offering to Arkay.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Alsia Juvanus is an Itinerant Priest staying at the Crossing Inn in Brina Cross. For all that she has had a hard few months (according to her own account) she is still pleased to see a fellow member of the order - or as pleased to induct you into it. Alsia wishes to put the past season of her life behind her by making an offering to Arkay at a wayshrine along the road. She invites you to join her. She also asks that you acquire suitable items to make up the offering - a single piece of Salt, a blossom of Nightshade, and a bottle of Sweet Wine.

The Sweet Wine and Salt are most easily acquired by purchasing them from the Crossing Inn's bartender, Christophe Marane. Nightshade is sold by the priest of the town's chapel, Melia Simerius.

Offerings in hand, return to Alsia and ask her about the offering to Arkay topic to hand over the items. She'll ask if you're ready to travel together. Agree, and then lead Alsia out of town via the northern exit, following the brick road west past Talgiana Orchard and following the signs to Sutch. You'll eventually approach a gatehouse - the Sutch-Anvil Tollhouse. Immediately west of this gatehouse is the shrine you're looking for - and trouble besides. Alsia will have spoken of reports of shady folk near the wayshrine, and will have expressed her preference that things resolve themselves non-violently.

The Fight value of the three men by the shrine is set to 85. This means that at 70+ disposition, they will not attack you at all. Otherwise, if you want to resolve things peacefully, you're going to need a Calm effect, and then speak to their leader, Jorin, to permanently appease him.

Regardless of how you handle Jorin and his band, approach the wayshrine to receive a journal update. You can now speak to Alsia about offering to Arkay to conclude the quest. She'll express that she still feels lost - referencing the death of her old mentor. She also references an individual who she thought had all the answers, but proved not to.

You can find Alsia again at the Crossing Inn to continue her questline.


Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Changing Seasons (PC_m1_IP_Als1)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Alsia Juvanus, an Itinerant Priest staying at the Crossing Inn in Brina Cross, asked me to accompany her to make an offering to Arkay at a nearby wayshrine. I agreed, and she asked me to collect salt, nightshade, and sweet wine as offerings.
20 I collected the offerings to Arkay for Alsia Juvanus. She is ready to travel together to the wayshrine of Arkay northwest of Brina Cross, near a border between the kingdoms of Anvil and Sutch.
30 I have escorted Alsia to the wayshrine of Arkay.
100 Finishes quest☑ Alsia thanked me for helping her get to the wayshrine, and told me that she will make her own way back to Brina Cross.
110 Finishes quest☑ Alsia has died.