Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Ansolda Tantha-Face

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Ansolda Tantha-Face (PC_m1_AnsoldaTanthaFace)
Location Pale Bay Cave
Race Nord Gender Female
Level 19 Class Barbarian
Training Blunt Weapon (72)
Athletics (62)
Light Armor (60)
Other Information
Health 172 Magicka 88
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Ansolda Tantha-Face

Ansolda Tantha-Face is a Nord Barbarian present among the fishing community that shelters in Pale Bay Cave, although she states that she is not one of their number. If asked about tantha, she will refuse to comment - noting that she "didn't pick the name".

Ansolda can provide training to a relatively high level in the Blunt Weapon skill, in addition to Athletics and Light Armor.