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Online talk:Dwarven Ruin Explorer's Journal

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Wrong Links[edit]

All the people in this book are dead, so they are not the same people this page links to, but I don't know how to change it. I am but an humble argonian (talk) 16:25, 25 August 2021 (UTC)

I've fixed the links. Thanks for pointing it out!
The links were on the lore version, which is transcluded to this version. the {{Lore Link|}} template works by linking to any page of the same name as the key word within the template. Links in the namespace the template appears in take priority. For instance: if I were to put {{Lore Link|Molag Bal}} in a book within Lore space, it would link to Lore:Molag Bal. If I transcluded that book to Online space, it would instead link to Online:Molag Bal. The template works this way no matter what namespace you use it in (you could technically make all of your links using the Lore Link template, but the template isn't supposed to be used that way; it's intended for stuff like transclusions).
As this book is transcluded to Online space, it uses ESO links instead of Lore space links when possible. Taking the links off of the NPCs' names in the lore version will keep the ESO version from linking to NPCs with those names. -MolagBallet (talk) 17:25, 25 August 2021 (UTC)